% \lambda\delta version 3 (proposed) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% @misc{lambdadeltaJ3a, author="F. {Guidi}", title="{Verified Representations of Landau's ``Grundlagen'' in $\lambda\delta$ and in the Calculus of Constructions}", year="2015", month="August", note="Submitted to JFR, University of Bologna (available at $<$\url{http://lambdadelta.info/}$>$)" } % \lambda\delta version 2 (active) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %@misc{lambdadeltaJ2a, % author="F. {Guidi}", % title="{The Formal System $\lambda\delta$ Revised: Extending the Applicability Condition}", % howpublished="CoRR identifier 1411.0154", % year="2014", % month="November", % note="Preprint (available at $<$\url{http://lambdadelta.info/}$>$)" %} @techreport{lambdadeltaR2c, author="F. {Guidi}", title="{Extending the Applicability Condition in the Formal System $\lambda\delta$}", type="Technical Report", number="AMS Acta 4411", institution="University of Bologna", address="Bologna, Italy", year="2015", month="December" } @misc{lambdadeltaV2a, author="F. {Guidi}", title="{lambdadelta\_2A1}", howpublished="Formal specification for the proof assistant Matita 0.99.2", year="2014", month="October", note="Available at $\lambda\delta$ Web site: $<$\url{http://lambdadelta.info/}$>$" } @incollection{lambdadeltaR2b, author="F. {Guidi}", title="{An Efficient Validation Procedure for the Formal System $\lambda\delta$}", editor="F. {Ferreira} and H. {Guerra} and E. {Mayordomo} and J. {Rasga}", booktitle="Local Proceedings of 6th Conference on Computability in Europe (CiE 2010)", pages="204-213", publisher="Centre for Applied Mathematics and Information Technology, Department of Mathematics, University of Azores", address="Ponta Delgada, Portugal", year="2010", month="July" } @techreport{lambdadeltaR2a, author="F. {Guidi}", title="{Landau's ``Grundlagen der Analysis'' from Automath to lambda-delta}", type="Technical Report", number="UBLCS 2009-16", institution="University of Bologna", address="Bologna, Italy", year="2009", month="September" } % \lambda\delta version 1 (superseded) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% @article{lambdadeltaJ1a, author="F. {Guidi}", title="{The Formal System $\lambda\delta$}", journal="Transactions on Computational Logic", volume="11", number="1", pages="5:1-5:37, online appendix 1-11", publisher="ACM", address="New York, NY, USA", year="2009", month="November" } @incollection{lambdadeltaR1c, author="F. {Guidi}", title="{Lambda Types on the Lambda Calculus with Abbreviations}", editor="S. {Barry Cooper} and T. F. {Kent} and B. {L\"owe} and A. {Sorbi}", @comment="{\"}", booktitle="Local Proceedings of 3rd Conference on Computability in Europe (CiE 2007) Technical Report 487", pages="387-387", publisher="Universit\`a di Siena", address="Siena, Italy", year="2007", month="June" } @techreport{lambdadeltaR1b, author="F. {Guidi}", title="{Lambda-Types on the Lambda-Calculus with Abbreviations}", type="Technical Report", number="UBLCS 2006-25", institution="University of Bologna", address="Bologna, Italy", year="2006", month="November" } @techreport{lambdadeltaR1a, author="F. {Guidi}", title="{Lambda-Types on the Lambda-Calculus with Abbreviations: a Certified Specification}", type="Technical Report", number="UBLCS 2006-01", institution="University of Bologna", address="Bologna, Italy", year="2006", month="January" } @misc{lambdadeltaV1a, author="F. {Guidi}", title="{lambdadelta\_1}", howpublished="Formal specification for the proof assistant Coq 7.3.1", year="2006", month="November", note="Available at $\lambda\delta$ Web site: $<$\url{http://lambdadelta.info/}$>$" }