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cic:/matita/lambdadelta/ground_2/ (background for λδ version 2)
Summary of the Specification
Here is a numerical acount of the specification's contents and its timeline. Nodes are counted according to the "intrinsinc complexity measure" [F. Guidi: "Procedural Representation of CIC Proof Terms" Journal of Automated Reasoning 44(1-2), Springer (February 2010), pp. 53-78].
category objects

sizes files 26 characters 65234 nodes 44240
propositions theorems 2 lemmas 115 total 117
concepts declared 40 defined 24 total 64
Logical Structure of the Specification
The source files are grouped in planes according to the following table. Notation files covering the whole specification are provided. The notation for the relations or functions introduced in each file is shown in parentheses (? are placeholders).
plane files

natural numbers with infinity ynat ( ∞ ) ynat_pred ( ⫰? ) ynat_succ ( ⫯? ) ynat_le ( ?≤? ) ynat_lt ( ?<? ) ynat_minus ( ? - ? ) ynat_plus ( ? + ? )
extensions to the library arith.ma ( ?^? )

generated logical decomposables xoa ( ∃∃ ) ( ∨∨ ) ( ∧∧ ) xoa_props ( ⊥ ) ( ⊤ )

Physical Structure of the Specification
The source files are grouped in directories, one for each plane.

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Last update: Sat, 14 Dec 2013 23:30:31 +0100