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The Formal Systems of the λδ (\lambda\delta) Family

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documentation implementation
foreword milestones version 2 (background - core - applications)
version 2 library (static LDDL directory)
citations visibility version 1 (background - core) (static HELM directory) version 1 helena
Foreword [spacer]
The formal systems of the λδ (\lambda\delta) family are typed λ-calculi aiming to support the foundational frameworks for Mathematics that require an underlying specification language (for example the Minimalist Foundation and its predecessors).
The λδ family is developed within the Hypertextual Electronic Library of Mathematics as a set of machine-checked digital specifications.
This is the family logo: crux_177.png (revised 2012-09).
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Citations [spacer]
This is a list of publications citing λδ documentation.
Disclaimer [spacer]
The systens of the λδ family are not related intentionally to any other system having (variations of) the symbols λ and δ in its name or syntax. Examples include (but are not limited to):

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Last update: Wed, 30 Dec 2015 15:33:02 +0100