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The Formal System λδ (\lambda\delta)

home news documentation implementation (specifications - library - Helena)
Foreword Milestones Version 2 Version 2 (Background - Core - Applications)
Notice Visibility Version 1 Version 1
Foreword [spacer]
The formal system λδ (\lambda\delta) is a typed λ-calculus aiming to support the foundations of Mathematics that require an underlying specification language (for example the Minimal Type Theory and its predecessors).
λδ is developed in the context of the Hypertextual Electronic Library of Mathematics as a machine-checked digital specification that is not the formal counterpart of some previously published informal material.
This is the System logo: crux_177.png (revised 2012-09).
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Last update: Tue, 05 Aug 2014 23:07:40 +0200