- December 2012. The character "_" is removed from the denomination "lambda_delta".
- The denomination "\lambda\delta" is used in λδ-related texts.
- The denomination "lambdadelta" is used in λδ-related identifiers.
- Permanent λδ URL acquired: http://lambdadelta.info/
(pointing at this site).
- September 2011. The
denomination "lambda-delta" changes to "lambda_delta".
- The character "-" is reserved in λδ textual syntax
(recognized by Helena 0.8.1).
- Eventually, the occurrences of the character "-" will
be replaced by "_" in all λδ-related identifiers.
- In particular, this refactoring involves file names and
path names.
- April 2011. The
specification of λδ version 2 and related topics is restarted in Matita 0.5.
- Here is a page about the
topics related to the specification (Applications).
- Here is a page about the
specification (Core).
- December 2010. Transient λδ URL acquired: http://lambda-delta.info/
(expires on December 2012).
- November 2010. Helena 0.8.1 is released.
- September 2008.
This site is online.
- May 2008. The
specification of λδ version 1 is dismissed.
- March 2008. The
specification of λδ version 2 is started with Coq 7.3.1 (false start).
- February 2012. The Google search for formal system lambda delta gives
5 resources about λδ in the first 6 results.
- February 2012. The Yahoo search formal system lambda delta gives
this site as the first result.