name "documentation_1" table { [ { name "ldJ1" "J1." "" } { "F. Guidi:" + @("" "The Formal System λδ") + "(2009-11)." + "In ACM ToCL 11(1), pp. 5:1-5:37 (" ^ @("" "accepted") + "2008-07)." + "CoRR identifier" + @("" "cs/0611040") + "[v10] (revised" + "2008-09)." + @@("documentation.html#bibtex" "BibTeX entry") ^ "." * } ] [ { name "ldR1c" "R1c." "" } { "F. Guidi:" + @@("download/cie_2007.pdf" "Lambda Types on the Lambda Calculus with Abbreviations") + "(2007-06)." + "In CiE 2007 Local Proceedings." + "University of Siena, technical report 487, p. 387" + "(abstract of a presentation)." + @@("documentation.html#bibtex" "BibTeX entry") ^ "." * } ] [ { name "ldR1b" "R1b." "" } { "F. Guidi:" + @("" "Lambda Types on the Lambda Calculus with Abbreviations") + "(2006-11)." + "University of Bologna, technical report UBLCS-2006-25." + @@("documentation.html#bibtex" "BibTeX entry") ^ "." * } ] [ { name "ldR1a" "R1a." "" } { "F. Guidi:" + @("" "Lambda Types on the Lambda Calculus with Abbreviations: a Certified Specification") + "(2006-01)." + "University of Bologna, technical report UBLCS-2006-01." + @@("documentation.html#bibtex" "BibTeX entry") ^ "." * } ] [ { name "ldP1e" "P1e." "" } { "F. Guidi:" + @@("download/ld_talk_5s.pdf" "The Formal System λδ") + "(2008-10)." + "Presentation at Advances in Constructive Topology and Logical Foundations (slides)." * } ] [ { name "ldP1d" "P1d." "" } { "F. Guidi:" + @@("download/ld_talk_4s.pdf" "Towards the Unification of Terms, Types and Contexts") + "(2008-03)." + "Presentation at Types 2008 (slides)." * } ] [ { name "ldP1c" "P1c." "" } { "F. Guidi:" + @@("download/ld_talk_3s.pdf" "Lambda Types on the Lambda Calculus with Abbreviations") + "(2007-06)." + "Presentation at CiE 2007 (slides)." * } ] [ { name "ldP1b" "P1b." "" } { "F. Guidi:" + @@("download/ld_talk_2s.pdf" "Lambda Tipi sul Lambda Calcolo con Abbreviazioni") + "(2007-01)." + "Presentation at University of Padova (slides" + "in Italian)." * } ] [ { name "ldP1a" "P1a." "" } { "F. Guidi:" + @@("download/ld_talk_1s.pdf" "Lambda Tipi sul Lambda Calcolo con Abbreviazioni: una Specifica Certificata") + "(2005-12)." + "Presentation at University of Bologna (slides" + "in Italian)." * } ] [ { name "ldV1" "V1." "" } { "F. Guidi:" + @@("version_1.html" "lambdadelta_1") + "(revised 2015-01)." + "Formal specification for the proof assistant Coq 7.3.1 (scripts)." + @@("documentation.html#bibtex" "BibTeX entry") ^ "." * } ] } class "top" [ * ]