name "documentation_2"
table {
[ { name "ldJ2a" "J2a." "" } {
"F. Guidi:" +
"The Formal System λδ Revised, Stage A: Extending the Applicability Condition") +
"(2014-11)." +
"Preprint." + (* Submitted to ACM ToCL. *)
"CoRR identifier" +
@("" "1411.0154") +
"[v2] (revised" +
"2015-03)." +
@@("documentation.html#bibtex" "BibTeX entry") ^ "."
* }
[ { name "ldR2c" "R2c." "" } {
"F. Guidi:" +
"Extending the Applicability Condition in the Formal System λδ") +
"(2015-03)." +
"University of Bologna, technical report AMS Acta 4411." +
@@("documentation.html#bibtex" "BibTeX entry") ^ "."
* }
[ { name "ldR2b" "R2b." "" } {
"F. Guidi:" +
"An Efficient Validation Procedure for the Formal System λδ") +
"(2010-07)." +
"In CiE 2010 Local Proceedings." +
"University of Azores, CMATI Booklet, pp. 204-213." +
@@("documentation.html#bibtex" "BibTeX entry") ^ "."
* }
[ { name "ldR2a" "R2a." "" } {
"F. Guidi:" +
"Landau's \"Grundlagen der Analysis\" from Automath to lambda-delta") +
"(2009-09)." +
"University of Bologna, technical report UBLCS-2009-16." +
@@("documentation.html#bibtex" "BibTeX entry") ^ "."
* }
[ { name "ldP2d" "P2d." "" } {
"F. Guidi:" +
"Considerations on Automath in Light of the Grundlagen") +
"(revised 2016-06)." +
"Presentation at University of Bologna (slides)."
* }
[ { name "ldP2c" "P2c." "" } {
"F. Guidi:" +
"The Formal System λδ and the \"Three Problems\"") +
"(2014-06)." +
"Presentation at University of Bologna, for the 10th anniversary of λδ (slides)."
* }
[ { name "ldP2b" "P2b." "" } {
"F. Guidi:" +
"An Efficient Validation Procedure for the Formal System λδ") +
"(2010-07)." +
"Presentation at CiE 2010 (slides)."
* }
[ { name "ldP2a" "P2a." "" } {
"F. Guidi:" +
"A Validator for the Formal System λδ") +
"(revised 2010-02)." +
"Presentation at University of Bologna (slides)."
* }
[ { name "ldV2a" "V2a." "" } {
"F. Guidi:" +
@@("version_2.html" "lambdadelta_2A1") +
"(revised 2014-10)." +
"Formal specification for the proof assistant Matita 0.99.2 (scripts)." +
@@("documentation.html#bibtex" "BibTeX entry") ^ "."
* }
class "top" [ * ]