Download Matita!


The most recent version of Matita (0.99.3) is available as a LiveCD, or by downloading the source code.

Live DVD
Coming soon
You can download the sources of Matita (released on May 18, 2016; around 3 MB; md5sum: 672fb18f75c3e89c884f8a96298ed25f) and build it by yourself, following the installation instructions. The build process, due to the high number of external dependency is not trivial, we thus suggest that you try the live DVD instead.

Old releases (unsupported, but still used for teaching at the University of Bologna)

Version is 0.99.1, released on March 13, 2012.

Live DVD
The live DVD (around 900 MB, md5sum: 1f3af2eb8952fe19853bad88816cdff5) is the easiest way to try Matita. You can burn the ISO image to a DVD and boot you computer from it, or install a free emulator like virtualbox and boot a virtual machine from the ISO image. Virtualbox is available for Mac OS X, Windows and Linux. A short guide to VirtualBox is part of the Matita manual
You can download the sources of Matita (around 10 MB, md5sum: 2ac55c06dd789fd38c13a0e0cc10bb3c) and build it by yourself, following the installation instructions. The build process, due to the high number of external dependency is not trivial, we thus suggest that you try the live DVD instead.

Version is 0.5.9, released on December 23, 2014. It is an update of version 0.5.8 to compile with the latter OCaml version and libraries.

Live CD
The live CD (around 530 MB, md5sum: 9a6912765eacaaa7f96d7d6d6b34add5 ) for Matita version 0.5.8 is the easiest way to try Matita. You can burn the CD image and boot you computer from the CD, or install a free emulator like virtualbox and boot a virtual machine from the CD image. Virtualbox is available for Mac OS X, Windows and Linux. A short guide to VirtualBox is part of the Matita manual
.deb package
We provide the Debian packages for matita (md5sum 1f7ff2c99fcf73380e6137ba4e6b537e) and its doc (md5sum 14b255f5dfd984acda2ffd7ab154ac8f) for Wheezy amd64.
You can download the sources of Matita (around 6 MB, md5sum: 0f2f66a4a8acc5f48b2cd77cfd8d824e ) and build it by yourself, following the installation instructions. The build process, due to the high number of external dependency is not trivial, we thus suggest you to try the live CD or the .deb package first.


All our source code is released under the terms of the GNU General Public Licence and is publically accessible on our Subversion repository.

Subversion repository

You can browse our svn repository directly on the web.


The following repository contains the version of Matita installed in the Ercolani laboratory, currently running Ubuntu Jaunty.

      deb ./
      deb-src ./

The same version is also available for Ubuntu Hardy (LTS)

      deb ./
      deb-src ./