Download Matita!


The current version is 0.5.1, released on May 29, 2008. Here the ChangeLog.

Live CD
Coming soon
.deb package
Matita is part of the Debian archive, you can install it with the following command:
aptitude install matita matita-standard-library
You can download the sources of Matita (around 2 MB, md5sum: 4a9f141d70238733594c414babdf7f63) and build it by yourself, following the installation instructions. The build process, due to the high number of external dependency is not trivial, we thus suggest you to try the live CD or the .deb package first.


All our source code is released under the terms of the GNU General Public Licence and is publically accessible on our Subversion repository.

Subversion repository

You can browse our svn repository directly on the web.

Nightly builds

A build of the Debian package is performed every night, and a live CD containing that version also is built. You can download this experimental live CD, or add the Debian repository to your apt configuration file:

      deb ./
      deb-src ./