module type Format = sig type source_object type target_object val target_of : source_object -> target_object val string_of_source_object : source_object -> string val string_of_target_object : target_object -> string val build : source_object -> unit val mtime_of_source_object : source_object -> float option val mtime_of_target_object : target_object -> float option end module Make = functor (F:Format) -> struct let prerr_endline _ = ();; let younger_s_t a b = match F.mtime_of_source_object a, F.mtime_of_target_object b with | Some a, Some b -> a < b | _ -> false (* XXX check if correct *) ;; let younger_t_t a b = match F.mtime_of_target_object a, F.mtime_of_target_object b with | Some a, Some b -> a < b | _ -> false (* XXX check if correct *) ;; let is_built t = younger_s_t t (F.target_of t);; let rec needs_build deps compiled (t,dependencies) = prerr_endline ("Checking if "^F.string_of_source_object t^" needs to be built"); if List.mem t compiled then (prerr_endline "already compiled"; false) else if not (is_built t) then (prerr_endline (F.string_of_source_object t^ " is not built, thus needs to be built"); true) else try let unsat = List.find (needs_build deps compiled) ( (fun x -> x, List.assoc x deps) dependencies) in prerr_endline (F.string_of_source_object t^" depends on "^F.string_of_source_object (fst unsat)^ " that needs to be built, thus needs to be built"); true with Not_found -> try let unsat = List.find (younger_t_t (F.target_of t)) ( F.target_of dependencies) in prerr_endline (F.string_of_source_object t^" depends on "^F.string_of_target_object unsat^" and "^F.string_of_source_object t^".o is younger than "^ F.string_of_target_object unsat^", thus needs to be built"); true with Not_found -> false ;; let is_buildable compiled deps (t,dependencies) = prerr_endline ("Checking if "^F.string_of_source_object t^" is buildable"); let b = needs_build deps compiled (t,dependencies) in if not b then (prerr_endline (F.string_of_source_object t^ " does not need to be built, thus it not buildable"); false) else try let unsat = List.find (needs_build deps compiled) ( (fun x -> x, List.assoc x deps) dependencies) in prerr_endline (F.string_of_source_object t^" depends on "^ F.string_of_source_object (fst unsat)^ " that needs build, thus is not buildable"); false with Not_found -> prerr_endline ("None of "^F.string_of_source_object t^ " dependencies needs to be built, thus it is buildable"); true ;; let rec make compiled deps = let todo = List.filter (is_buildable compiled deps) deps in if todo <> [] then (List.iter ( fst todo); make ( fst todo) deps) ;; let rec purge_unwanted_roots wanted deps = let roots, rest = List.partition (fun (t,d) -> not (List.exists (fun (_,d1) -> List.mem t d1) deps)) deps in let newroots = List.filter (fun (t,_) -> List.mem t wanted) roots in if newroots = roots then deps else purge_unwanted_roots wanted (newroots @ rest) ;; let make deps targets = if targets = [] then make [] deps else make [] (purge_unwanted_roots targets deps) ;; end