module StringSet = Set.Make (String) type file = { ddeps: string list; (* direct dependences *) rdeps: StringSet.t option (* recursive dependences *) } let graph = Hashtbl.create 503 let debug = ref 0 let rec purge dname vdeps = match vdeps with | [] -> vdeps | hd :: tl -> if hd = dname then tl else hd :: purge dname tl let add fname = if Hashtbl.mem graph fname then () else Hashtbl.add graph fname {ddeps = []; rdeps = None} let add_ddep fname dname = let file = Hashtbl.find graph fname in Hashtbl.replace graph fname {file with ddeps = dname :: file.ddeps} let init fname dname = if !debug land 1 > 0 then Printf.eprintf "init: %s: %s.\n" fname dname; add fname; add dname; add_ddep fname dname (* vdeps: visited dependences for loop detection *) let rec compute_from_file vdeps fname file = match file.rdeps with | Some rdeps -> rdeps | None -> if !debug land 2 > 0 then Printf.eprintf " compute file: %s\n" fname; let vdeps = fname :: vdeps in List.iter (redundant vdeps fname file.ddeps) file.ddeps; let rdeps = compute_from_ddeps vdeps file.ddeps in Hashtbl.replace graph fname {file with rdeps = Some rdeps}; rdeps and compute_from_dname vdeps rdeps dname = if List.mem dname vdeps then begin let loop = purge dname (List.rev vdeps) in Printf.printf "circular: %s\n" (String.concat " " loop); StringSet.add dname rdeps end else let file = Hashtbl.find graph dname in StringSet.add dname (StringSet.union (compute_from_file vdeps dname file) rdeps) and compute_from_ddeps vdeps ddeps = List.fold_left (compute_from_dname vdeps) StringSet.empty ddeps and redundant vdeps fname ddeps dname = let rdeps = compute_from_ddeps vdeps (purge dname ddeps) in if StringSet.mem dname rdeps then Printf.printf "%s: redundant %s\n" fname dname let check () = let iter fname file = ignore (compute_from_file [] fname file) in Hashtbl.iter iter graph let get_unions () = let map1 ddeps dname = StringSet.add dname ddeps in let map2 fname file (fnames, ddeps) = StringSet.add fname fnames, List.fold_left map1 ddeps file.ddeps in Hashtbl.fold map2 graph (StringSet.empty, StringSet.empty) let get_leafs () = let map fname file fnames = if file.ddeps = [] then StringSet.add fname fnames else fnames in Hashtbl.fold map graph StringSet.empty let top () = let iter fname = Printf.printf "top: %s\n" fname in let fnames, ddeps = get_unions () in StringSet.iter iter (StringSet.diff fnames ddeps) let leaf () = let iter fname = Printf.printf "leaf: %s\n" fname in let fnames = get_leafs () in StringSet.iter iter fnames let rec read ich = let _ = Scanf.sscanf (input_line ich) "%s@:include \"%s@\"." init in read ich let _ = let show_check = ref false in let show_top = ref false in let show_leaf = ref false in let process_file name = () in let show () = if !show_check then check (); if !show_top then top (); if !show_leaf then leaf () in let help = "" in let help_c = " Print the redundant and looping arcs of the dependences graph" in let help_d = " Set these debug options" in let help_l = " Print the leaf nodes of the dependences graph" in let help_t = " Print the top nodes of the dependences graph" in Arg.parse [ "-c", Arg.Set show_check, help_c; "-d", Arg.Int (fun x -> debug := x), help_d; "-l", Arg.Set show_leaf, help_l; "-t", Arg.Set show_top, help_t; ] process_file help; try read stdin with End_of_file -> show ()