open OcamlExtractionTable open Coq let print_ocaml_of_obj0 status ((_uri,_,_,_,_) as obj) = try let status,res,resl = Extraction.extract status obj in let status,_ = map_status status (fun status ml -> let status,cmds = Ocaml.pp_spec status ml in print_ppcmds ~in_ml:false status (cmds ++ fnl () ++ fnl ()); status,()) resl in let status,_ = map_status status (fun status ml -> let status,cmds = Ocaml.pp_decl status ml in print_ppcmds ~in_ml:true status (cmds ++ fnl () ++ fnl ()); status,()) res in status with HExtlib.Localized (_,exn) -> prerr_endline (Printexc.to_string exn); assert false let do_if_ocaml_set f status = if try ignore (Helm_registry.get "extract_ocaml"); true with Helm_registry.Key_not_found _ -> false then f status else status let print_open status uris = do_if_ocaml_set (fun status -> let status,uris = map_status status (fun status uri -> let status,b = to_be_included status uri in status, if b then Some uri else None ) uris in let uris = HExtlib.filter_map (fun x -> x) uris in let fnames = (fun uri -> Filename.basename (NUri.string_of_uri uri)) uris in let status,cmds = map_status status Ocaml.pp_open fnames in List.iter (print_ppcmds status ~in_ml:true) cmds; List.iter (print_ppcmds status ~in_ml:false) cmds; status ) status let print_ocaml_of_obj status cmds = do_if_ocaml_set (fun status -> print_ocaml_of_obj0 status cmds) status let open_file status ~baseuri fname = do_if_ocaml_set (fun status -> OcamlExtractionTable.open_file status ~baseuri fname) status let close_file status = do_if_ocaml_set OcamlExtractionTable.close_file status