(**************************************************************************) (* ___ *) (* ||M|| *) (* ||A|| A project by Andrea Asperti *) (* ||T|| *) (* ||I|| Developers: *) (* ||T|| The HELM team. *) (* ||A|| http://helm.cs.unibo.it *) (* \ / *) (* \ / This file is distributed under the terms of the *) (* v GNU General Public License Version 2 *) (* *) (**************************************************************************) include "basic_2/relocation/lift.ma". (* BASIC TERM RELOCATION ****************************************************) (* Properties on negated basic relocation ***********************************) lemma nlift_lref_be_SO: ∀X,i. ⇧[i, 1] X ≡ #i → ⊥. /2 width=7 by lift_inv_lref2_be/ qed-. lemma nlift_bind_sn: ∀W,d,e. (∀V. ⇧[d, e] V ≡ W → ⊥) → ∀a,I,U. (∀X. ⇧[d, e] X ≡ ⓑ{a,I}W.U → ⊥). #W #d #e #HW #a #I #U #X #H elim (lift_inv_bind2 … H) -H /2 width=2 by/ qed-. lemma nlift_bind_dx: ∀U,d,e. (∀T. ⇧[d+1, e] T ≡ U → ⊥) → ∀a,I,W. (∀X. ⇧[d, e] X ≡ ⓑ{a,I}W.U → ⊥). #U #d #e #HU #a #I #W #X #H elim (lift_inv_bind2 … H) -H /2 width=2 by/ qed-. lemma nlift_flat_sn: ∀W,d,e. (∀V. ⇧[d, e] V ≡ W → ⊥) → ∀I,U. (∀X. ⇧[d, e] X ≡ ⓕ{I}W.U → ⊥). #W #d #e #HW #I #U #X #H elim (lift_inv_flat2 … H) -H /2 width=2 by/ qed-. lemma nlift_flat_dx: ∀U,d,e. (∀T. ⇧[d, e] T ≡ U → ⊥) → ∀I,W. (∀X. ⇧[d, e] X ≡ ⓕ{I}W.U → ⊥). #U #d #e #HU #I #W #X #H elim (lift_inv_flat2 … H) -H /2 width=2 by/ qed-. (* Inversion lemmas on negated basic relocation *****************************) lemma nlift_inv_bind: ∀a,I,W,U,d,e. (∀X. ⇧[d, e] X ≡ ⓑ{a,I}W.U → ⊥) → (∀V. ⇧[d, e] V ≡ W → ⊥) ∨ (∀T. ⇧[d+1, e] T ≡ U → ⊥). #a #I #W #U #d #e #H elim (is_lift_dec W d e) [ * /4 width=2 by lift_bind, or_intror/ | /4 width=2 by ex_intro, or_introl/ ] qed-. lemma nlift_inv_flat: ∀I,W,U,d,e. (∀X. ⇧[d, e] X ≡ ⓕ{I}W.U → ⊥) → (∀V. ⇧[d, e] V ≡ W → ⊥) ∨ (∀T. ⇧[d, e] T ≡ U → ⊥). #I #W #U #d #e #H elim (is_lift_dec W d e) [ * /4 width=2 by lift_flat, or_intror/ | /4 width=2 by ex_intro, or_introl/ ] qed-.