(* Copyright (C) 2005, HELM Team. * * This file is part of HELM, an Hypertextual, Electronic * Library of Mathematics, developed at the Computer Science * Department, University of Bologna, Italy. * * HELM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * HELM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with HELM; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, * MA 02111-1307, USA. * * For details, see the HELM World-Wide-Web page, * http://helm.cs.unibo.it/ *) (* $Id$ *) open Printf type thingsToInitilaize = ConfigurationFile | Db | Environment | Getter | Makelib | CmdLine | Registry exception FailedToInitialize of thingsToInitilaize let wants s l = List.iter ( fun item -> if not (List.exists (fun x -> x = item) l) then raise (FailedToInitialize item)) s let already_configured s l = List.for_all (fun item -> List.exists (fun x -> x = item) l) s let conffile = ref BuildTimeConf.matita_conf let registry_defaults = [ "db.nodb", "false"; "matita.debug", "false"; "matita.external_editor", "gvim -f -c 'go %p' %f"; "matita.preserve", "false"; "matita.profile", "true"; "matita.system", "false"; "matita.verbosity", "1"; "matita.bench", "false"; (** verbosity level: 1 is the default, 0 is intuitively "quiet", > 1 is * intuitively verbose *) ] let set_registry_values = List.iter (fun key, value -> Helm_registry.set ~key ~value) let fill_registry init_status = if not (already_configured [ Registry ] init_status) then begin set_registry_values registry_defaults; Registry :: init_status end else init_status let load_configuration init_status = wants [ Registry ] init_status; if not (already_configured [ConfigurationFile] init_status) then begin Helm_registry.load_from !conffile; if not (Helm_registry.has "user.name") then begin let login = (Unix.getpwuid (Unix.getuid ())).Unix.pw_name in Helm_registry.set "user.name" login end; ConfigurationFile::init_status end else init_status let initialize_db init_status = wants [ ConfigurationFile; CmdLine ] init_status; if not (already_configured [ Db ] init_status) then begin if not (Helm_registry.get_bool "matita.system") then MetadataTypes.ownerize_tables (Helm_registry.get "matita.owner"); LibraryDb.create_owner_environment (); Db::init_status end else init_status let initialize_makelib init_status = wants [ConfigurationFile] init_status; if not (already_configured [Makelib] init_status) then begin MatitamakeLib.initialize (); Makelib::init_status end else init_status let initialize_environment init_status = wants [ConfigurationFile] init_status; if not (already_configured [Getter;Environment] init_status) then begin Http_getter.init (); if Helm_registry.get_bool "matita.system" then Http_getter_storage.activate_system_mode (); CicEnvironment.set_trust (* environment trust *) (let trust = Helm_registry.get_opt_default Helm_registry.get_bool ~default:true "matita.environment_trust" in fun _ -> trust); Getter::Environment::init_status end else init_status let status = ref [] let usages = Hashtbl.create 11 (** app name (e.g. "matitac") -> usage string *) let _ = List.iter (fun (name, s) -> Hashtbl.replace usages name s) [ "matitac", sprintf "MatitaC v%s Usage: matitac [ OPTION ... ] FILE Options:" BuildTimeConf.version; "gragrep", sprintf "Grafite Grep v%s Usage: gragrep [ -r ] PATH Options:" BuildTimeConf.version; "matitaprover", sprintf "Matita's prover v%s Usage: matitaprover [ -tptppath ] FILE.p Options:" BuildTimeConf.version; "matita", sprintf "Matita v%s Usage: matita [ OPTION ... ] [ FILE ... ] Options:" BuildTimeConf.version; "cicbrowser", sprintf "CIC Browser v%s Usage: cicbrowser [ URL | WHELP QUERY ] Options:" BuildTimeConf.version; "matitadep", sprintf "MatitaDep v%s Usage: matitadep [ OPTION ... ] FILE ... Options:" BuildTimeConf.version; "matitaclean", sprintf "MatitaClean v%s Usage: matitaclean all matitaclean [ (FILE | URI) ... ] Options:" BuildTimeConf.version; "matitamake", sprintf "MatitaMake v%s Usage: matitamake [ OPTION ... ] (init | clean | list | destroy | build) init Parameters: name (the name of the development, required) root (the directory in which the delopment is rooted, optional, default is current working directory) Description: tells matitamake that a new development radicated in the current working directory should be handled. clean Parameters: name (the name of the development to destroy, optional) If omitted the development that holds the current working directory is used (if any). Description: clean the develpoment. list Parameters: Description: lists the known developments and their roots. destroy Parameters: name (the name of the development to destroy, required) Description: deletes a development (only from matitamake metadat, no .ma files will be deleted). build Parameters: name (the name of the development to build, required) Description: completely builds the develpoment. publish Parameters: name (the name of the development to publish, required) Description: cleans the development in the user space, rebuilds it in the system space ('ro' repositories, that for this operation becames writable). Notes: If target is omitted an 'all' will be used as the default. With -build you can build a development wherever it is. If you specify a target it implicitly refers to the development that holds the current working directory (if any). Options:" BuildTimeConf.version; ] let default_usage = sprintf "Matita v%s\nUsage: matita [ ARG ]\nOptions:" BuildTimeConf.version let usage () = let basename = Filename.basename Sys.argv.(0) in let usage_key = try Filename.chop_extension basename with Invalid_argument _ -> basename in try Hashtbl.find usages usage_key with Not_found -> default_usage let extra_cmdline_specs = ref [] let add_cmdline_spec l = extra_cmdline_specs := l @ !extra_cmdline_specs let parse_cmdline init_status = if not (already_configured [CmdLine] init_status) then begin let includes = ref [ BuildTimeConf.stdlib_dir_devel; BuildTimeConf.stdlib_dir_installed ; ] in let absolutize s = if Pcre.pmatch ~pat:"^/" s then s else Sys.getcwd() ^"/"^s in let args = ref [] in let add_l l = fun s -> l := s :: !l in let reduce_verbosity () = Helm_registry.set_int "matita.verbosity" (Helm_registry.get_int "matita.verbosity" - 1) in let increase_verbosity () = Helm_registry.set_int "matita.verbosity" (Helm_registry.get_int "matita.verbosity" + 1) in let arg_spec = let std_arg_spec = [ "-I", Arg.String (add_l includes), (" Adds path to the list of searched paths for the " ^ "include command"); "-conffile", Arg.Set_string conffile, (Printf.sprintf (" Read configuration from filename" ^^ "\n Default: %s") BuildTimeConf.matita_conf); "-force", Arg.Unit (fun () -> Helm_registry.set_bool "matita.force" true), ("Force actions that would not be executed per default"); "-nodb", Arg.Unit (fun () -> Helm_registry.set_bool "db.nodb" true), ("Avoid using external database connection" ^ "\n WARNING: disable many features"); "-noprofile", Arg.Unit (fun () -> Helm_registry.set_bool "matita.profile" false), "Turns off profiling printings"; "-profile-only", Arg.String (fun rex -> Helm_registry.set "matita.profile_only" rex), "Activates only profiler with label matching the provided regex"; "-bench", Arg.Unit (fun () -> Helm_registry.set_bool "matita.bench" true), "Turns on parsable output on stdout, that is timings for matitac..."; "-preserve", Arg.Unit (fun () -> Helm_registry.set_bool "matita.preserve" true), "Turns off automatic baseuri cleaning"; "-q", Arg.Unit reduce_verbosity, "Reduce verbosity"; "-system", Arg.Unit (fun () -> Helm_registry.set_bool "matita.system" true), ("Act on the system library instead of the user one" ^ "\n WARNING: not for the casual user"); "-v", Arg.Unit increase_verbosity, "Increase verbosity"; ] in let debug_arg_spec = if BuildTimeConf.debug then [ "-debug", Arg.Unit (fun () -> Helm_registry.set_bool "matita.debug" true), ("Do not catch top-level exception " ^ "(useful for backtrace inspection)"); ] else [] in std_arg_spec @ debug_arg_spec @ !extra_cmdline_specs in let set_list ~key l = Helm_registry.set_list Helm_registry.of_string ~key ~value:(List.rev l) in Arg.parse arg_spec (add_l args) (usage ()); let includes = List.map absolutize !includes in set_list ~key:"matita.includes" includes; let args = List.filter (fun x -> x <> "") !args in set_list ~key:"matita.args" args; HExtlib.set_profiling_printings (fun s -> Helm_registry.get_bool "matita.profile" && Pcre.pmatch ~pat:(Helm_registry.get_opt_default Helm_registry.string ~default:".*" "matita.profile_only") s); CmdLine :: init_status end else init_status let die_usage () = print_endline (usage ()); exit 1 let initialize_all () = status := List.fold_left (fun s f -> f s) !status [ fill_registry; parse_cmdline; load_configuration; initialize_makelib; initialize_db; initialize_environment ] (* initialize_notation (initialize_environment (initialize_db (initialize_makelib (load_configuration (parse_cmdline !status))))) *) let load_configuration_file () = status := load_configuration !status let parse_cmdline () = status := parse_cmdline !status let fill_registry () = status := fill_registry !status ;; Inversion_principle.init ()