(* Copyright (C) 2004-2005, HELM Team. * * This file is part of HELM, an Hypertextual, Electronic * Library of Mathematics, developed at the Computer Science * Department, University of Bologna, Italy. * * HELM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * HELM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with HELM; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, * MA 02111-1307, USA. * * For details, see the HELM World-Wide-Web page, * http://helm.cs.unibo.it/ *) (* $Id$ *) open Printf open GrafiteTypes module TA = GrafiteAst let debug = false let debug_print = if debug then prerr_endline else ignore (** raised when one of the script margins (top or bottom) is reached *) exception Margin exception NoUnfinishedProof exception ActionCancelled of string let safe_substring s i j = try String.sub s i j with Invalid_argument _ -> assert false let heading_nl_RE = Pcre.regexp "^\\s*\n\\s*" let heading_nl_RE' = Pcre.regexp "^(\\s*\n\\s*)" let only_dust_RE = Pcre.regexp "^(\\s|\n|%%[^\n]*\n)*$" let multiline_RE = Pcre.regexp "^\n[^\n]+$" let newline_RE = Pcre.regexp "\n" let comment str = if Pcre.pmatch ~rex:multiline_RE str then "\n(** " ^ (Pcre.replace ~rex:newline_RE str) ^ " *)" else "\n(**\n" ^ str ^ "\n*)" let first_line s = let s = Pcre.replace ~rex:heading_nl_RE s in try let nl_pos = String.index s '\n' in String.sub s 0 nl_pos with Not_found -> s (** creates a statement AST for the Goal tactic, e.g. "goal 7" *) let goal_ast n = let module A = GrafiteAst in let loc = HExtlib.dummy_floc in A.Executable (loc, A.Tactical (loc, A.Tactic (loc, A.Goal (loc, n)), Some (A.Dot loc))) type guistuff = { mathviewer:MatitaTypes.mathViewer; urichooser: UriManager.uri list -> UriManager.uri list; ask_confirmation: title:string -> message:string -> [`YES | `NO | `CANCEL]; develcreator: containing:string option -> unit; mutable filenamedata: string option * MatitamakeLib.development option } let eval_with_engine guistuff lexicon_status grafite_status user_goal skipped_txt nonskipped_txt st = let module TAPp = GrafiteAstPp in let module DTE = DisambiguateTypes.Environment in let module DP = DisambiguatePp in let parsed_text_length = String.length skipped_txt + String.length nonskipped_txt in let text = skipped_txt ^ nonskipped_txt in let prefix_len = MatitaGtkMisc.utf8_string_length skipped_txt in let enriched_history_fragment = MatitaEngine.eval_ast ~do_heavy_checks:true lexicon_status grafite_status (text,prefix_len,st) in let enriched_history_fragment = List.rev enriched_history_fragment in (* really fragile *) let res,_ = List.fold_left (fun (acc, to_prepend) (status,alias) -> match alias with | None -> (status,to_prepend ^ nonskipped_txt)::acc,"" | Some (k,((v,_) as value)) -> let newtxt = DP.pp_environment (DTE.add k value DTE.empty) in (status,to_prepend ^ newtxt ^ "\n")::acc, "") ([],skipped_txt) enriched_history_fragment in res,"",parsed_text_length let wrap_with_developments guistuff f arg = let compile_needed_and_go_on lexiconfile d exc = let target = Pcre.replace ~pat:"lexicon$" ~templ:"moo" lexiconfile in let target = Pcre.replace ~pat:"metadata$" ~templ:"moo" target in let refresh_cb () = while Glib.Main.pending () do ignore(Glib.Main.iteration false); done in if not(MatitamakeLib.build_development_in_bg ~target refresh_cb d) then raise exc else f arg in let do_nothing () = raise (ActionCancelled "Inclusion not performed") in let check_if_file_is_exists f = assert(Pcre.pmatch ~pat:"ma$" f); let pwd = Sys.getcwd () in let f_pwd = pwd ^ "/" ^ f in if not (HExtlib.is_regular f_pwd) then raise (ActionCancelled ("File "^f_pwd^" does not exists!")) else raise (ActionCancelled ("Internal error: "^f_pwd^" exists but I'm unable to include it!")) in let handle_with_devel d lexiconfile mafile exc = let name = MatitamakeLib.name_for_development d in let title = "Unable to include " ^ lexiconfile in let message = mafile ^ " is handled by development " ^ name ^ ".\n\n" ^ "Should I compile it and Its dependencies?" in (match guistuff.ask_confirmation ~title ~message with | `YES -> compile_needed_and_go_on lexiconfile d exc | `NO -> raise exc | `CANCEL -> do_nothing ()) in let handle_without_devel mafilename exc = let title = "Unable to include " ^ mafilename in let message = mafilename ^ " is not handled by a development.\n" ^ "All dependencies are automatically solved for a development.\n\n" ^ "Do you want to set up a development?" in (match guistuff.ask_confirmation ~title ~message with | `YES -> guistuff.develcreator ~containing:(Some (Filename.dirname mafilename)); do_nothing () | `NO -> raise exc | `CANCEL -> do_nothing()) in try f arg with | DependenciesParser.UnableToInclude mafilename -> assert (Pcre.pmatch ~pat:"ma$" mafilename); check_if_file_is_exists mafilename | LexiconEngine.IncludedFileNotCompiled (xfilename,mafilename) | GrafiteEngine.IncludedFileNotCompiled (xfilename,mafilename) as exn -> assert (Pcre.pmatch ~pat:"ma$" mafilename); assert (Pcre.pmatch ~pat:"lexicon$" xfilename || Pcre.pmatch ~pat:"mo$" xfilename ); (* we know that someone was able to include the .ma, get the baseuri * but was unable to get the compilation output 'xfilename' *) match MatitamakeLib.development_for_dir (Filename.dirname mafilename) with | None -> handle_without_devel mafilename exn | Some d -> handle_with_devel d xfilename mafilename exn ;; let eval_with_engine guistuff lexicon_status grafite_status user_goal skipped_txt nonskipped_txt st = wrap_with_developments guistuff (eval_with_engine guistuff lexicon_status grafite_status user_goal skipped_txt nonskipped_txt) st ;; let pp_eager_statement_ast = GrafiteAstPp.pp_statement ~term_pp:CicNotationPp.pp_term ~lazy_term_pp:(fun _ -> assert false) ~obj_pp:(fun _ -> assert false) let rec eval_macro include_paths (buffer : GText.buffer) guistuff lexicon_status grafite_status user_goal unparsed_text parsed_text script mac = let module TAPp = GrafiteAstPp in let module MQ = MetadataQuery in let module MDB = LibraryDb in let module CTC = CicTypeChecker in let module CU = CicUniv in (* no idea why ocaml wants this *) let parsed_text_length = String.length parsed_text in let dbd = LibraryDb.instance () in let pp_macro = let f t = ProofEngineReduction.replace ~equality:(fun _ t -> match t with Cic.Meta _ -> true | _ -> false) ~what:[()] ~with_what:[Cic.Implicit None] ~where:t in let metasenv = GrafiteTypes.get_proof_metasenv grafite_status in TAPp.pp_macro ~term_pp:(fun x -> ApplyTransformation.txt_of_cic_term max_int metasenv [] (f x)) in match mac with (* WHELP's stuff *) | TA.WMatch (loc, term) -> let l = Whelp.match_term ~dbd term in let entry = `Whelp (pp_macro mac, l) in guistuff.mathviewer#show_uri_list ~reuse:true ~entry l; [], "", parsed_text_length | TA.WInstance (loc, term) -> let l = Whelp.instance ~dbd term in let entry = `Whelp (pp_macro mac, l) in guistuff.mathviewer#show_uri_list ~reuse:true ~entry l; [], "", parsed_text_length | TA.WLocate (loc, s) -> let l = Whelp.locate ~dbd s in let entry = `Whelp (pp_macro mac, l) in guistuff.mathviewer#show_uri_list ~reuse:true ~entry l; [], "", parsed_text_length | TA.WElim (loc, term) -> let uri = match term with | Cic.MutInd (uri,n,_) -> UriManager.uri_of_uriref uri n None | _ -> failwith "Not a MutInd" in let l = Whelp.elim ~dbd uri in let entry = `Whelp (pp_macro mac, l) in guistuff.mathviewer#show_uri_list ~reuse:true ~entry l; [], "", parsed_text_length | TA.WHint (loc, term) -> let s = ((None,[0,[],term], Cic.Meta (0,[]) ,term, []),0) in let l = List.map fst (MQ.experimental_hint ~dbd s) in let entry = `Whelp (pp_macro mac, l) in guistuff.mathviewer#show_uri_list ~reuse:true ~entry l; [], "", parsed_text_length (* REAL macro *) | TA.Hint loc -> let user_goal' = match user_goal with Some n -> n | None -> raise NoUnfinishedProof in let proof = GrafiteTypes.get_current_proof grafite_status in let proof_status = proof,user_goal' in let l = List.map fst (MQ.experimental_hint ~dbd proof_status) in let selected = guistuff.urichooser l in (match selected with | [] -> [], "", parsed_text_length | [uri] -> let suri = UriManager.string_of_uri uri in let ast loc = TA.Executable (loc, (TA.Tactical (loc, TA.Tactic (loc, TA.Apply (loc, CicNotationPt.Uri (suri, None))), Some (TA.Dot loc)))) in let text = comment parsed_text ^ "\n" ^ pp_eager_statement_ast (ast HExtlib.dummy_floc) in let text_len = MatitaGtkMisc.utf8_string_length text in let loc = HExtlib.floc_of_loc (0,text_len) in let statement = `Ast (GrafiteParser.LSome (ast loc),text) in let res,_,_parsed_text_len = eval_statement include_paths buffer guistuff lexicon_status grafite_status user_goal script statement in (* we need to replace all the parsed_text *) res,"",String.length parsed_text | _ -> HLog.error "The result of the urichooser should be only 1 uri, not:\n"; List.iter ( fun u -> HLog.error (UriManager.string_of_uri u ^ "\n") ) selected; assert false) | TA.Check (_,term) -> let metasenv = GrafiteTypes.get_proof_metasenv grafite_status in let context = match user_goal with None -> [] | Some n -> GrafiteTypes.get_proof_context grafite_status n in let ty,_ = CTC.type_of_aux' metasenv context term CicUniv.empty_ugraph in let t_and_ty = Cic.Cast (term,ty) in guistuff.mathviewer#show_entry (`Cic (t_and_ty,metasenv)); [], "", parsed_text_length | TA.Inline (_,style,suri,prefix) -> let dbd = LibraryDb.instance () in let uris = let sql_pat = (Pcre.replace ~rex:(Pcre.regexp "_") ~templ:"\\_" suri) ^ "%" in let query = sprintf ("SELECT source FROM %s WHERE source LIKE \"%s\" UNION "^^ "SELECT source FROM %s WHERE source LIKE \"%s\"") (MetadataTypes.name_tbl ()) sql_pat MetadataTypes.library_name_tbl sql_pat in let result = HMysql.exec dbd query in HMysql.map result (function cols -> match cols.(0) with Some s -> UriManager.uri_of_string s | _ -> assert false) in prerr_endline "Inizio sorting"; let sorted_uris = MetadataDeps.topological_sort ~dbd uris in prerr_endline "Fine sorting"; let sorted_uris_without_xpointer = HExtlib.filter_map (function uri -> let s = Pcre.replace ~rex:(Pcre.regexp "#xpointer\\(1/1\\)") ~templ:"" (UriManager.string_of_uri uri) in try ignore (Pcre.exec ~rex:(Pcre.regexp"#xpointer") s); None with Not_found -> Some (UriManager.uri_of_string s) ) sorted_uris in let declarative = String.concat "\n\n" (List.map (fun uri -> prerr_endline ("Stampo " ^ UriManager.string_of_uri uri); try ObjPp.obj_to_string 78 style prefix (* FG: mi pare meglio 78 *) (fst (CicEnvironment.get_obj CicUniv.empty_ugraph uri)) with | e (* BRRRRRRRRR *) -> Printf.sprintf "\n(* ERRORE IN STAMPA DI %s\nEXCEPTION: %s *)\n" (UriManager.string_of_uri uri) (Printexc.to_string e) ) sorted_uris_without_xpointer) in [],declarative,String.length parsed_text and eval_executable include_paths (buffer : GText.buffer) guistuff lexicon_status grafite_status user_goal unparsed_text skipped_txt nonskipped_txt script ex loc = let module TAPp = GrafiteAstPp in let module MD = GrafiteDisambiguator in let module ML = MatitaMisc in try begin match ex with | TA.Command (_,TA.Set (_,"baseuri",u)) -> if Http_getter_storage.is_read_only u then raise (ActionCancelled ("baseuri " ^ u ^ " is readonly")); if not (Http_getter_storage.is_empty u) then (match guistuff.ask_confirmation ~title:"Baseuri redefinition" ~message:( "Baseuri " ^ u ^ " already exists.\n" ^ "Do you want to redefine the corresponding "^ "part of the library?") with | `YES -> LibraryClean.clean_baseuris [u] | `NO -> () | `CANCEL -> raise MatitaTypes.Cancel) | _ -> () end; ignore (buffer#move_mark (`NAME "beginning_of_statement") ~where:((buffer#get_iter_at_mark (`NAME "locked"))#forward_chars (Glib.Utf8.length skipped_txt))) ; eval_with_engine guistuff lexicon_status grafite_status user_goal skipped_txt nonskipped_txt (TA.Executable (loc, ex)) with MatitaTypes.Cancel -> [], "", 0 | GrafiteEngine.Macro (_loc,lazy_macro) -> let context = match user_goal with None -> [] | Some n -> GrafiteTypes.get_proof_context grafite_status n in let grafite_status,macro = lazy_macro context in eval_macro include_paths buffer guistuff lexicon_status grafite_status user_goal unparsed_text (skipped_txt ^ nonskipped_txt) script macro and eval_statement include_paths (buffer : GText.buffer) guistuff lexicon_status grafite_status user_goal script statement = let (lexicon_status,st), unparsed_text = match statement with | `Raw text -> if Pcre.pmatch ~rex:only_dust_RE text then raise Margin; let ast = wrap_with_developments guistuff (GrafiteParser.parse_statement (Ulexing.from_utf8_string text) ~include_paths) lexicon_status in ast, text | `Ast (st, text) -> (lexicon_status, st), text in let text_of_loc floc = let nonskipped_txt,_ = MatitaGtkMisc.utf8_parsed_text unparsed_text floc in let start, stop = HExtlib.loc_of_floc floc in let floc = HExtlib.floc_of_loc (0, start) in let skipped_txt,_ = MatitaGtkMisc.utf8_parsed_text unparsed_text floc in let floc = HExtlib.floc_of_loc (0, stop) in let txt,len = MatitaGtkMisc.utf8_parsed_text unparsed_text floc in txt,nonskipped_txt,skipped_txt,len in match st with | GrafiteParser.LNone loc -> let parsed_text, _, _, parsed_text_length = text_of_loc loc in [(grafite_status,lexicon_status),parsed_text],"", parsed_text_length | GrafiteParser.LSome (GrafiteAst.Comment (loc, _)) -> let parsed_text, _, _, parsed_text_length = text_of_loc loc in let remain_len = String.length unparsed_text - parsed_text_length in let s = String.sub unparsed_text parsed_text_length remain_len in let s,text,len = try eval_statement include_paths buffer guistuff lexicon_status grafite_status user_goal script (`Raw s) with HExtlib.Localized (floc, exn) -> HExtlib.raise_localized_exception ~offset:(MatitaGtkMisc.utf8_string_length parsed_text) floc exn | GrafiteDisambiguator.DisambiguationError (offset,errorll) -> raise (GrafiteDisambiguator.DisambiguationError (offset+parsed_text_length, errorll)) in assert (text=""); (* no macros inside comments, please! *) (match s with | (statuses,text)::tl -> (statuses,parsed_text ^ text)::tl,"",parsed_text_length + len | [] -> [], "", 0) | GrafiteParser.LSome (GrafiteAst.Executable (loc, ex)) -> let _, nonskipped, skipped, parsed_text_length = text_of_loc loc in eval_executable include_paths buffer guistuff lexicon_status grafite_status user_goal unparsed_text skipped nonskipped script ex loc let fresh_script_id = let i = ref 0 in fun () -> incr i; !i class script ~(source_view: GSourceView.source_view) ~(mathviewer: MatitaTypes.mathViewer) ~set_star ~ask_confirmation ~urichooser ~develcreator () = let buffer = source_view#buffer in let source_buffer = source_view#source_buffer in let initial_statuses () = (* these include_paths are used only to load the initial notation *) let include_paths = Helm_registry.get_list Helm_registry.string "matita.includes" in let lexicon_status = CicNotation2.load_notation ~include_paths BuildTimeConf.core_notation_script in let grafite_status = GrafiteSync.init () in grafite_status,lexicon_status in object (self) val mutable include_paths = Helm_registry.get_list Helm_registry.string "matita.includes" val scriptId = fresh_script_id () val guistuff = { mathviewer = mathviewer; urichooser = urichooser; ask_confirmation = ask_confirmation; develcreator = develcreator; filenamedata = (None, None)} method private getFilename = match guistuff.filenamedata with Some f,_ -> f | _ -> assert false method filename = self#getFilename method private ppFilename = match guistuff.filenamedata with | Some f,_ -> f | None,_ -> sprintf ".unnamed%d.ma" scriptId initializer ignore (GMain.Timeout.add ~ms:300000 ~callback:(fun _ -> self#_saveToBackupFile ();true)); ignore (buffer#connect#modified_changed (fun _ -> set_star (Filename.basename self#ppFilename) buffer#modified)) val mutable statements = [] (** executed statements *) val mutable history = [ initial_statuses () ] (** list of states before having executed statements. Head element of this * list is the current state, last element is the state at the beginning of * the script. * Invariant: this list length is 1 + length of statements *) (** goal as seen by the user (i.e. metano corresponding to current tab) *) val mutable userGoal = None (** text mark and tag representing locked part of a script *) val locked_mark = buffer#create_mark ~name:"locked" ~left_gravity:true buffer#start_iter val beginning_of_statement_mark = buffer#create_mark ~name:"beginning_of_statement" ~left_gravity:true buffer#start_iter val locked_tag = buffer#create_tag [`BACKGROUND "lightblue"; `EDITABLE false] val error_tag = buffer#create_tag [`UNDERLINE `SINGLE; `FOREGROUND "red"] method locked_mark = locked_mark method locked_tag = locked_tag method error_tag = error_tag (* history can't be empty, the invariant above grant that it contains at * least the init grafite_status *) method grafite_status = match history with (s,_)::_ -> s | _ -> assert false method lexicon_status = match history with (_,ss)::_ -> ss | _ -> assert false method private _advance ?statement () = let s = match statement with Some s -> s | None -> self#getFuture in HLog.debug ("evaluating: " ^ first_line s ^ " ..."); let entries, newtext, parsed_len = try eval_statement include_paths buffer guistuff self#lexicon_status self#grafite_status userGoal self (`Raw s) with End_of_file -> raise Margin in let new_statuses, new_statements = let statuses, texts = List.split entries in statuses, texts in history <- new_statuses @ history; statements <- new_statements @ statements; let start = buffer#get_iter_at_mark (`MARK locked_mark) in let new_text = String.concat "" (List.rev new_statements) in if statement <> None then buffer#insert ~iter:start new_text else begin let parsed_text = String.sub s 0 parsed_len in if new_text <> parsed_text then begin let stop = start#copy#forward_chars (Glib.Utf8.length parsed_text) in buffer#delete ~start ~stop; buffer#insert ~iter:start new_text; end; end; self#moveMark (Glib.Utf8.length new_text); buffer#insert ~iter:(buffer#get_iter_at_mark (`MARK locked_mark)) newtext; (* here we need to set the Goal in case we are going to cursor (or to bottom) and we will face a macro *) match self#grafite_status.proof_status with Incomplete_proof p -> userGoal <- (try Some (Continuationals.Stack.find_goal p.stack) with Failure _ -> None) | _ -> userGoal <- None method private _retract offset lexicon_status grafite_status new_statements new_history = let cur_grafite_status,cur_lexicon_status = match history with s::_ -> s | [] -> assert false in LexiconSync.time_travel ~present:cur_lexicon_status ~past:lexicon_status; GrafiteSync.time_travel ~present:cur_grafite_status ~past:grafite_status; statements <- new_statements; history <- new_history; self#moveMark (- offset) method advance ?statement () = try self#_advance ?statement (); self#notify with | Margin -> self#notify | Not_found -> assert false | exc -> self#notify; raise exc method retract () = try let cmp,new_statements,new_history,(grafite_status,lexicon_status) = match statements,history with stat::statements, _::(status::_ as history) -> assert (Glib.Utf8.validate stat); Glib.Utf8.length stat, statements, history, status | [],[_] -> raise Margin | _,_ -> assert false in self#_retract cmp lexicon_status grafite_status new_statements new_history; self#notify with | Margin -> self#notify | exc -> self#notify; raise exc method private getFuture = buffer#get_text ~start:(buffer#get_iter_at_mark (`MARK locked_mark)) ~stop:buffer#end_iter () (** @param rel_offset relative offset from current position of locked_mark *) method private moveMark rel_offset = let mark = `MARK locked_mark in let old_insert = buffer#get_iter_at_mark `INSERT in buffer#remove_tag locked_tag ~start:buffer#start_iter ~stop:buffer#end_iter; let current_mark_pos = buffer#get_iter_at_mark mark in let new_mark_pos = match rel_offset with | 0 -> current_mark_pos | n when n > 0 -> current_mark_pos#forward_chars n | n (* when n < 0 *) -> current_mark_pos#backward_chars (abs n) in buffer#move_mark mark ~where:new_mark_pos; buffer#apply_tag locked_tag ~start:buffer#start_iter ~stop:new_mark_pos; buffer#move_mark `INSERT old_insert; let mark_position = buffer#get_iter_at_mark mark in if source_view#move_mark_onscreen mark then begin buffer#move_mark mark mark_position; source_view#scroll_to_mark ~use_align:true ~xalign:1.0 ~yalign:0.1 mark; end; while Glib.Main.pending () do ignore(Glib.Main.iteration false); done method clean_dirty_lock = let lock_mark_iter = buffer#get_iter_at_mark (`MARK locked_mark) in buffer#remove_tag locked_tag ~start:buffer#start_iter ~stop:buffer#end_iter; buffer#apply_tag locked_tag ~start:buffer#start_iter ~stop:lock_mark_iter val mutable observers = [] method addObserver (o: LexiconEngine.status -> GrafiteTypes.status -> unit) = observers <- o :: observers method private notify = let lexicon_status = self#lexicon_status in let grafite_status = self#grafite_status in List.iter (fun o -> o lexicon_status grafite_status) observers method loadFromString s = buffer#set_text s; self#reset_buffer; buffer#set_modified true method loadFromFile f = buffer#set_text (HExtlib.input_file f); self#reset_buffer; buffer#set_modified false method assignFileName file = let abspath = MatitaMisc.absolute_path file in let dirname = Filename.dirname abspath in let devel = MatitamakeLib.development_for_dir dirname in guistuff.filenamedata <- Some abspath, devel; let include_ = match MatitamakeLib.development_for_dir dirname with None -> [] | Some devel -> [MatitamakeLib.root_for_development devel] in let include_ = include_ @ (Helm_registry.get_list Helm_registry.string "matita.includes") in include_paths <- include_ method saveToFile () = let oc = open_out self#getFilename in output_string oc (buffer#get_text ~start:buffer#start_iter ~stop:buffer#end_iter ()); close_out oc; buffer#set_modified false method private _saveToBackupFile () = if buffer#modified then begin let f = self#ppFilename ^ "~" in let oc = open_out f in output_string oc (buffer#get_text ~start:buffer#start_iter ~stop:buffer#end_iter ()); close_out oc; HLog.debug ("backup " ^ f ^ " saved") end method private goto_top = let grafite_status,lexicon_status = let rec last x = function | [] -> x | hd::tl -> last hd tl in last (self#grafite_status,self#lexicon_status) history in (* FIXME: this is not correct since there is no undo for * library_objects.set_default... *) GrafiteSync.time_travel ~present:self#grafite_status ~past:grafite_status; LexiconSync.time_travel ~present:self#lexicon_status ~past:lexicon_status method private reset_buffer = statements <- []; history <- [ initial_statuses () ]; userGoal <- None; self#notify; buffer#remove_tag locked_tag ~start:buffer#start_iter ~stop:buffer#end_iter; buffer#move_mark (`MARK locked_mark) ~where:buffer#start_iter method reset () = self#reset_buffer; source_buffer#begin_not_undoable_action (); buffer#delete ~start:buffer#start_iter ~stop:buffer#end_iter; source_buffer#end_not_undoable_action (); buffer#set_modified false; method template () = let template = HExtlib.input_file BuildTimeConf.script_template in buffer#insert ~iter:(buffer#get_iter `START) template; let development = MatitamakeLib.development_for_dir (Unix.getcwd ()) in guistuff.filenamedata <- (None,development); let include_ = match development with None -> [] | Some devel -> [MatitamakeLib.root_for_development devel ] in let include_ = include_ @ (Helm_registry.get_list Helm_registry.string "matita.includes") in include_paths <- include_ ; buffer#set_modified false; set_star (Filename.basename self#ppFilename) false method goto (pos: [`Top | `Bottom | `Cursor]) () = let old_locked_mark = `MARK (buffer#create_mark ~name:"old_locked_mark" ~left_gravity:true (buffer#get_iter_at_mark (`MARK locked_mark))) in let getpos _ = buffer#get_iter_at_mark (`MARK locked_mark) in let getoldpos _ = buffer#get_iter_at_mark old_locked_mark in let dispose_old_locked_mark () = buffer#delete_mark old_locked_mark in match pos with | `Top -> dispose_old_locked_mark (); self#goto_top; self#reset_buffer; self#notify | `Bottom -> (try let rec dowhile () = self#_advance (); let newpos = getpos () in if (getoldpos ())#compare newpos < 0 then begin buffer#move_mark old_locked_mark newpos; dowhile () end in dowhile (); dispose_old_locked_mark (); self#notify with | Margin -> dispose_old_locked_mark (); self#notify | exc -> dispose_old_locked_mark (); self#notify; raise exc) | `Cursor -> let locked_iter () = buffer#get_iter_at_mark (`NAME "locked") in let cursor_iter () = buffer#get_iter_at_mark `INSERT in let remember = `MARK (buffer#create_mark ~name:"initial_insert" ~left_gravity:true (cursor_iter ())) in let dispose_remember () = buffer#delete_mark remember in let remember_iter () = buffer#get_iter_at_mark (`NAME "initial_insert") in let cmp () = (locked_iter ())#offset - (remember_iter ())#offset in let icmp = cmp () in let forward_until_cursor () = (* go forward until locked > cursor *) let rec aux () = self#_advance (); if cmp () < 0 && (getoldpos ())#compare (getpos ()) < 0 then begin buffer#move_mark old_locked_mark (getpos ()); aux () end in aux () in let rec back_until_cursor len = (* go backward until locked < cursor *) function statements, ((grafite_status,lexicon_status)::_ as history) when len <= 0 -> self#_retract (icmp - len) lexicon_status grafite_status statements history | statement::tl1, _::tl2 -> back_until_cursor (len - MatitaGtkMisc.utf8_string_length statement) (tl1,tl2) | _,_ -> assert false in (try begin if icmp < 0 then (* locked < cursor *) (forward_until_cursor (); self#notify) else if icmp > 0 then (* locked > cursor *) (back_until_cursor icmp (statements,history); self#notify) else (* cursor = locked *) () end ; dispose_remember (); dispose_old_locked_mark (); with | Margin -> dispose_remember (); dispose_old_locked_mark (); self#notify | exc -> dispose_remember (); dispose_old_locked_mark (); self#notify; raise exc) method onGoingProof () = match self#grafite_status.proof_status with | No_proof | Proof _ -> false | Incomplete_proof _ -> true | Intermediate _ -> assert false (* method proofStatus = MatitaTypes.get_proof_status self#status *) method proofMetasenv = GrafiteTypes.get_proof_metasenv self#grafite_status method proofContext = match userGoal with None -> [] | Some n -> GrafiteTypes.get_proof_context self#grafite_status n method proofConclusion = match userGoal with None -> assert false | Some n -> GrafiteTypes.get_proof_conclusion self#grafite_status n method stack = GrafiteTypes.get_stack self#grafite_status method setGoal n = userGoal <- n method goal = userGoal method eos = let rec is_there_only_comments lexicon_status s = if Pcre.pmatch ~rex:only_dust_RE s then raise Margin; let lexicon_status,st = GrafiteParser.parse_statement (Ulexing.from_utf8_string s) ~include_paths lexicon_status in match st with | GrafiteParser.LSome (GrafiteAst.Comment (loc,_)) -> let _,parsed_text_length = MatitaGtkMisc.utf8_parsed_text s loc in (* CSC: why +1 in the following lines ???? *) let parsed_text_length = parsed_text_length + 1 in prerr_endline ("## " ^ string_of_int parsed_text_length); let remain_len = String.length s - parsed_text_length in let next = String.sub s parsed_text_length remain_len in is_there_only_comments lexicon_status next | GrafiteParser.LNone _ | GrafiteParser.LSome (GrafiteAst.Executable _) -> false in try is_there_only_comments self#lexicon_status self#getFuture with | LexiconEngine.IncludedFileNotCompiled _ | HExtlib.Localized _ | CicNotationParser.Parse_error _ -> false | Margin | End_of_file -> true (* debug *) method dump () = HLog.debug "script status:"; HLog.debug ("history size: " ^ string_of_int (List.length history)); HLog.debug (sprintf "%d statements:" (List.length statements)); List.iter HLog.debug statements; HLog.debug ("Current file name: " ^ (match guistuff.filenamedata with |None,_ -> "[ no name ]" | Some f,_ -> f)); end let _script = ref None let script ~source_view ~mathviewer ~urichooser ~develcreator ~ask_confirmation ~set_star () = let s = new script ~source_view ~mathviewer ~ask_confirmation ~urichooser ~develcreator ~set_star () in _script := Some s; s let current () = match !_script with None -> assert false | Some s -> s