(* Copyright (C) 2005, HELM Team. * * This file is part of HELM, an Hypertextual, Electronic * Library of Mathematics, developed at the Computer Science * Department, University of Bologna, Italy. * * HELM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * HELM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with HELM; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, * MA 02111-1307, USA. * * For details, see the HELM World-Wide-Web page, * http://helm.cs.unibo.it/ *) (* $Id$ *) module MK = MatitamakeLib ;; let main () = MatitaInit.fill_registry (); MatitaInit.load_configuration_file (); MK.initialize (); let usage = ref (fun () -> ()) in let dev_of_name name = match MK.development_for_name name with | None -> prerr_endline ("Unable to find a development called " ^ name); exit 1 | Some d -> d in let dev_for_dir dir = match MK.development_for_dir dir with | None -> prerr_endline ("Unable to find a development holding directory: "^ dir); exit 1 | Some d -> d in let init_dev_doc = " \tParameters: name (the name of the development, required) \tDescription: tells matitamake that a new development radicated \t\tin the current working directory should be handled." in let init_dev args = if List.length args <> 1 then !usage (); match MK.initialize_development (List.hd args) (Unix.getcwd ()) with | None -> exit 2 | Some _ -> exit 0 in let list_dev_doc = " \tParameters: \tDescription: lists the known developments and their roots." in let list_dev args = if List.length args <> 0 then !usage (); match MK.list_known_developments () with | [] -> print_string "No developments found.\n"; exit 0 | l -> List.iter (fun (name, root) -> print_string (Printf.sprintf "%-10s\trooted in %s\n" name root)) l; exit 0 in let destroy_dev_doc = " \tParameters: name (the name of the development to destroy, required) \tDescription: deletes a development (only from matitamake metadat, no \t\t.ma files will be deleted)." in let destroy_dev args = if List.length args <> 1 then !usage (); let name = (List.hd args) in let dev = dev_of_name name in MK.destroy_development dev; exit 0 in let clean_dev_doc = " \tParameters: name (the name of the development to destroy, optional) \t\tIf omitted the development that holds the current working \t\tdirectory is used (if any). \tDescription: clean the develpoment." in let clean_dev args = let dev = match args with | [] -> dev_for_dir (Unix.getcwd ()) | [name] -> dev_of_name name | _ -> !usage (); exit 1 in match MK.clean_development dev with | true -> exit 0 | false -> exit 1 in let build_dev_doc = " \tParameters: name (the name of the development to build, required) \tDescription: completely builds the develpoment." in let build_dev args = if List.length args <> 1 then !usage (); let name = (List.hd args) in let dev = dev_of_name name in match MK.build_development dev with | true -> exit 0 | false -> exit 1 in let nodb_doc = " \tParameters: \tDescription: avoid using external database connection." in let nodb _ = Helm_registry.set_bool "db.nodb" true in let target args = if List.length args < 1 then !usage (); let dev = dev_for_dir (Unix.getcwd ()) in List.iter (fun t -> ignore(MK.build_development ~target:t dev)) args in let params = [ "-init", init_dev, init_dev_doc; "-clean", clean_dev, clean_dev_doc; "-list", list_dev, list_dev_doc; "-destroy", destroy_dev, destroy_dev_doc; "-build", build_dev, build_dev_doc; "-nodb", nodb, nodb_doc; "-h", (fun _ -> !usage()), "print this help screen"; "-help", (fun _ -> !usage()), "print this help screen"; ] in usage := (fun () -> let p = prerr_endline in p "\nusage:"; p "\tmatitamake(.opt) [command [options]]\n"; p "\tmatitamake(.opt) [target]\n"; p "commands:"; List.iter (fun (n,_,d) -> p (Printf.sprintf " %-10s%s" n d)) params; p "\nIf target is omitted a 'all' will be used as the default."; p "With -build you can build a development wherever it is."; p "If you specify a target it implicitly refers to the development that"; p "holds the current working directory (if any).\n"; exit 1); let rec parse args = match args with | [] -> target ["all"] | s::tl -> try let _,f,_ = List.find (fun (n,_,_) -> n = s) params in f tl; parse tl with Not_found -> if s.[0] = '-' then !usage () else target args in parse (List.tl (Array.to_list Sys.argv))