(* Copyright (C) 2005, HELM Team. * * This file is part of HELM, an Hypertextual, Electronic * Library of Mathematics, developed at the Computer Science * Department, University of Bologna, Italy. * * HELM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * HELM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with HELM; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, * MA 02111-1307, USA. * * For details, see the HELM World-Wide-Web page, * http://helm.cs.unibo.it/ *) (* $Id$ *) open Printf let logger = fun mark -> match mark with | `Error -> HLog.error | `Warning -> HLog.warn | `Debug -> HLog.debug | `Message -> HLog.message ;; type development = { root: string ; name: string } let developments = ref [] let pool () = Helm_registry.get "matita.basedir" ^ "/matitamake/" ;; let rootfile = "/root" ;; let ls_dir dir = try let d = Unix.opendir dir in let content = ref [] in try while true do let name = Unix.readdir d in if name <> "." && name <> ".." then content := name :: !content done; Some [] with End_of_file -> Unix.closedir d; Some !content with Unix.Unix_error _ -> None let initialize () = (* create a base env if none *) HExtlib.mkdir (pool ()); (* load developments *) match ls_dir (pool ()) with | None -> logger `Error ("Unable to list directory " ^ pool ()) | Some l -> List.iter (fun name -> let root = try Some (HExtlib.input_file (pool () ^ name ^ rootfile)) with Unix.Unix_error _ -> logger `Warning ("Malformed development " ^ name); None in match root with | None -> () | Some root -> developments := {root = root ; name = name} :: !developments) l (* finds the makefile path for development devel *) let makefile_for_development devel = let develdir = pool () ^ devel.name in develdir ^ "/makefile" ;; (* given a dir finds a development that is radicated in it or below *) let development_for_dir dir = let is_prefix_of d1 d2 = let len1 = String.length d1 in let len2 = String.length d2 in if len2 < len1 then false else let pref = String.sub d2 0 len1 in pref = d1 in (* it must be unique *) try Some (List.find (fun d -> is_prefix_of d.root dir) !developments) with Not_found -> None ;; let development_for_name name = try Some (List.find (fun d -> d.name = name) !developments) with Not_found -> None (* dumps the deveopment to disk *) let dump_development devel = let devel_dir = pool () ^ devel.name in HExtlib.mkdir devel_dir; HExtlib.output_file ~filename:(devel_dir ^ rootfile) ~text:devel.root ;; let list_known_developments () = List.map (fun r -> r.name,r.root) !developments let am_i_opt = lazy ( if Pcre.pmatch ~pat:"\\.opt$" Sys.argv.(0) then ".opt" else "") let rebuild_makefile development = let makefilepath = makefile_for_development development in let template = HExtlib.input_file BuildTimeConf.matitamake_makefile_template in let ext = Lazy.force am_i_opt in let cc = BuildTimeConf.runtime_base_dir ^ "/matitac" ^ ext in let rm = BuildTimeConf.runtime_base_dir ^ "/matitaclean" ^ ext in let mm = BuildTimeConf.runtime_base_dir ^ "/matitadep" ^ ext in let df = pool () ^ development.name ^ "/depend" in let template = Pcre.replace ~pat:"@ROOT@" ~templ:development.root template in let template = Pcre.replace ~pat:"@CC@" ~templ:cc template in let template = Pcre.replace ~pat:"@DEP@" ~templ:mm template in let template = Pcre.replace ~pat:"@DEPFILE@" ~templ:df template in let template = Pcre.replace ~pat:"@CLEAN@" ~templ:rm template in HExtlib.output_file ~filename:makefilepath ~text:template let rebuild_makefile_devel development = let path = development.root ^ "/makefile" in if not (Sys.file_exists path) then begin let template = HExtlib.input_file BuildTimeConf.matitamake_makefile_template_devel in let template = Pcre.replace ~pat:"@MATITA_RT_BASE_DIR@" ~templ:BuildTimeConf.runtime_base_dir template in HExtlib.output_file ~filename:path ~text:template end (* creates a new development if possible *) let initialize_development name dir = let name = Pcre.replace ~pat:" " ~templ:"_" name in let dev = {name = name ; root = dir} in dump_development dev; rebuild_makefile dev; rebuild_makefile_devel dev; developments := dev :: !developments; Some dev let make chdir args = let old = Unix.getcwd () in try Unix.chdir chdir; let cmd = String.concat " " ("make" :: List.map Filename.quote args) in let rc = Unix.system cmd in Unix.chdir old; match rc with | Unix.WEXITED 0 -> true | Unix.WEXITED i -> logger `Error ("make returned " ^ string_of_int i);false | _ -> logger `Error "make STOPPED or SIGNALED!";false with Unix.Unix_error (_,cmd,err) -> logger `Warning ("Unix Error: " ^ cmd ^ ": " ^ err); false let call_make ?matita_flags development target make = let matita_flags = let already_defined = match matita_flags with | None -> (try Sys.getenv "MATITA_FLAGS" with Not_found -> "") | Some s -> s in already_defined ^ if Helm_registry.get_bool "matita.bench" then "-bench" else "" in rebuild_makefile development; let makefile = makefile_for_development development in let nodb = Helm_registry.get_opt_default Helm_registry.bool ~default:false "db.nodb" in let flags = [] in let flags = flags @ if nodb then ["NODB=true"] else [] in let flags = try flags @ [ sprintf "MATITA_FLAGS=\"%s\"" matita_flags ] with Not_found -> flags in let args = ["--no-print-directory"; "-s"; "-k"; "-f"; makefile; target] @ flags in (* prerr_endline (String.concat " " args); *) make development.root args let build_development ?matita_flags ?(target="all") development = call_make ?matita_flags development target make (* not really good vt100 *) let vt100 s = let rex = Pcre.regexp "\\[[0-9;]+m" in let rex_i = Pcre.regexp "^Info" in let rex_w = Pcre.regexp "^Warning" in let rex_e = Pcre.regexp "^Error" in let rex_d = Pcre.regexp "^Debug" in let rex_noendline = Pcre.regexp "\\n" in let s = Pcre.replace ~rex:rex_noendline s in let tokens = Pcre.split ~rex s in let logger = ref HLog.message in let rec aux = function | [] -> () | s::tl -> (if Pcre.pmatch ~rex:rex_i s then logger := HLog.message else if Pcre.pmatch ~rex:rex_w s then logger := HLog.warn else if Pcre.pmatch ~rex:rex_e s then logger := HLog.error else if Pcre.pmatch ~rex:rex_d s then logger := HLog.debug else !logger s); aux tl in aux tokens let mk_maker refresh_cb = (fun chdir args -> let out_r,out_w = Unix.pipe () in let err_r,err_w = Unix.pipe () in let pid = ref ~-1 in ignore(Sys.signal Sys.sigchld (Sys.Signal_ignore)); try (* prerr_endline (String.concat " " args); *) let argv = Array.of_list ("make"::args) in pid := Unix.create_process "make" argv Unix.stdin out_w err_w; Unix.close out_w; Unix.close err_w; let buf = String.create 1024 in let rec aux = function | f::tl -> let len = Unix.read f buf 0 1024 in if len = 0 then raise (Unix.Unix_error (Unix.EPIPE,"read","len = 0 (matita internal)")); vt100 (String.sub buf 0 len); aux tl | _ -> () in while true do let r,_,_ = Unix.select [out_r; err_r] [] [] (-. 1.) in aux r; refresh_cb () done; true with | Unix.Unix_error (_,"read",_) | Unix.Unix_error (_,"select",_) -> true) let build_development_in_bg ?matita_flags ?(target="all") refresh_cb development = call_make ?matita_flags development target (mk_maker refresh_cb) ;; let clean_development ?matita_flags development = call_make ?matita_flags development "clean" make let clean_development_in_bg ?matita_flags refresh_cb development = call_make development ?matita_flags "clean" (mk_maker refresh_cb) let destroy_development_aux development clean_development = let delete_development development = let unlink = HExtlib.safe_remove in let rmdir dir = try Unix.rmdir dir with Unix.Unix_error _ -> logger `Warning ("Unable to remove dir " ^ dir); match ls_dir dir with | None -> logger `Error ("Unable to list directory " ^ dir) | Some [] -> () | Some l -> logger `Error ("The directory is not empty") in unlink (makefile_for_development development); unlink (pool () ^ development.name ^ rootfile); unlink (pool () ^ development.name ^ "/depend"); unlink (pool () ^ development.name ^ "/depend.errors"); rmdir (pool () ^ development.name); developments := List.filter (fun d -> d.name <> development.name) !developments in if not(clean_development development) then begin logger `Warning "Unable to clean the development problerly."; logger `Warning "This may cause garbage." end; delete_development development let destroy_development ?matita_flags development = destroy_development_aux development (clean_development ?matita_flags) let destroy_development_in_bg ?matita_flags refresh development = destroy_development_aux development (clean_development_in_bg refresh ?matita_flags ) let root_for_development development = development.root let name_for_development development = development.name let publish_development_bstract build clean devel = let matita_flags = "\"-system\"" in HLog.message "cleaning the development before publishing"; if clean ~matita_flags:"" devel then begin HLog.message "rebuilding the development in 'system' space"; if build ~matita_flags devel then begin HLog.message "publishing succeded"; true end else begin HLog.error "building process failed, reverting"; if not (clean ~matita_flags devel) then HLog.error "cleaning failed, end of the world (2)"; false end end else (HLog.error "unable to clean the development, publishing failed"; false) let publish_development devel = publish_development_bstract (fun ~matita_flags devel -> build_development ~matita_flags devel) (fun ~matita_flags devel -> clean_development ~matita_flags devel) devel let publish_development_in_bg cb devel = publish_development_bstract (fun ~matita_flags devel -> build_development_in_bg cb ~matita_flags devel) (fun ~matita_flags devel -> clean_development_in_bg cb ~matita_flags devel) devel