(* Copyright (C) 2005, HELM Team. * * This file is part of HELM, an Hypertextual, Electronic * Library of Mathematics, developed at the Computer Science * Department, University of Bologna, Italy. * * HELM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * HELM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with HELM; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, * MA 02111-1307, USA. * * For details, see the HELM World-Wide-Web page, * http://helm.cs.unibo.it/ *) (* $Id$ *) module G = GrafiteAst open GrafiteTypes open Printf class status uid baseuri = object inherit GrafiteTypes.status uid baseuri inherit ApplyTransformation.status uid end exception TryingToAdd of string Lazy.t exception EnrichedWithStatus of exn * status exception AlreadyLoaded of string Lazy.t exception FailureCompiling of string * exn exception CircularDependency of string let debug = false ;; let debug_print = if debug then prerr_endline else ignore ;; let slash_n_RE = Pcre.regexp "\\n" ;; let pp_ast_statement status stm = let stm = GrafiteAstPp.pp_statement status stm ~map_unicode_to_tex:(Helm_registry.get_bool "matita.paste_unicode_as_tex") in let stm = Pcre.replace ~rex:slash_n_RE stm in let stm = if String.length stm > 50 then String.sub stm 0 50 ^ " ..." else stm in HLog.debug ("Executing: ``" ^ stm ^ "''") ;; let clean_exit baseuri exn = LibraryClean.clean_baseuris ~verbose:false [baseuri]; raise (FailureCompiling (baseuri,exn)) ;; let pp_times fname rc big_bang big_bang_u big_bang_s = if not (Helm_registry.get_bool "matita.verbose") then let { Unix.tms_utime = u ; Unix.tms_stime = s} = Unix.times () in let r = Unix.gettimeofday () -. big_bang in let u = u -. big_bang_u in let s = s -. big_bang_s in let extra = try Sys.getenv "BENCH_EXTRA_TEXT" with Not_found -> "" in let rc,rcascii = if rc then "OK","Ok" else "FAIL","Fail" in let times = let fmt t = let seconds = int_of_float t in let cents = int_of_float ((t -. floor t) *. 100.0) in let minutes = seconds / 60 in let seconds = seconds mod 60 in Printf.sprintf "%dm%02d.%02ds" minutes seconds cents in Printf.sprintf "%s %s %s" (fmt r) (fmt u) (fmt s) in let s = Printf.sprintf "%-4s %s %s" rc times extra in print_endline s; flush stdout; HLog.message ("Compilation of "^Filename.basename fname^": "^rc) ;; let cut prefix s = let lenp = String.length prefix in let lens = String.length s in assert (lens > lenp); assert (String.sub s 0 lenp = prefix); String.sub s lenp (lens-lenp) ;; let activate_extraction baseuri fname = () (* MATITA 1.0 if Helm_registry.get_bool "matita.extract" then let mangled_baseuri = let baseuri = String.sub baseuri 5 (String.length baseuri - 5) in let baseuri = Pcre.replace ~pat:"/" ~templ:"_" baseuri in String.uncapitalize baseuri in let f = open_out (Filename.dirname fname ^ "/" ^ mangled_baseuri ^ ".ml") in LibrarySync.add_object_declaration_hook (fun ~add_obj ~add_coercion _ obj -> output_string f (CicExportation.ppobj baseuri obj); flush f; []); *) ;; let eval_ast ~include_paths ?do_heavy_checks status (text,prefix_len,ast as ast') = let baseuri = status#baseuri in GrafiteEngine.eval_ast ~include_paths ?do_heavy_checks status ast' ;; let baseuri_of_script ~include_paths fname = try Librarian.baseuri_of_script ~include_paths fname with Librarian.NoRootFor _ -> HLog.error ("The included file '"^fname^"' has no root file,"); HLog.error "please create it."; raise (Failure ("No root file for "^fname)) | Librarian.FileNotFound _ -> raise (Failure ("File not found: "^fname)) ;; let rec get_ast status ~compiling ~asserted ~include_paths strm = match GrafiteParser.parse_statement status strm with (GrafiteAst.Executable (_,GrafiteAst.NCommand (_,GrafiteAst.Include (_,_,mafilename)))) as cmd -> let already_included = NCicLibrary.get_transitively_included status in let asserted,_ = assert_ng ~already_included ~compiling ~asserted ~include_paths ?uid:status#user mafilename in asserted,cmd | cmd -> asserted,cmd and eval_from_stream ~compiling ~asserted ~include_paths ?do_heavy_checks status str cb = let matita_debug = Helm_registry.get_bool "matita.debug" in let rec loop asserted status = let asserted,stop,status = try let cont = try Some (get_ast status ~compiling ~asserted ~include_paths str) with End_of_file -> None in match cont with | None -> asserted, true, status | Some (asserted,ast) -> (* pp_ast_statement status ast; *) cb status ast; let status = eval_ast ~include_paths ?do_heavy_checks status ("",0,ast) in asserted, false, status with exn when not matita_debug -> prerr_endline ("EnrichedWithStatus: " ^ Printexc.to_string exn); raise (EnrichedWithStatus (exn, status)) in if stop then asserted,status else loop asserted status in loop asserted status and compile ~compiling ~asserted ~include_paths ~outch ?uid fname = if List.mem fname compiling then raise (CircularDependency fname); let compiling = fname::compiling in let matita_debug = Helm_registry.get_bool "matita.debug" in let matita_debug = true in let root,baseuri,fname,_tgt = Librarian.baseuri_of_script ~include_paths fname in if Http_getter_storage.is_read_only baseuri then assert false; activate_extraction baseuri fname ; (* MATITA 1.0: debbo fare time_travel sulla ng_library? *) (* FIXME: currently hardcoded to single user mode *) let status = new status uid baseuri in let big_bang = Unix.gettimeofday () in let { Unix.tms_utime = big_bang_u ; Unix.tms_stime = big_bang_s} = Unix.times () in let time = Unix.time () in try (* cleanup of previously compiled objects *) if (not (Http_getter_storage.is_empty ~local:true baseuri)) then begin HLog.message ("baseuri " ^ baseuri ^ " is not empty"); HLog.message ("cleaning baseuri " ^ baseuri); LibraryClean.clean_baseuris [baseuri]; end; HLog.message ("compiling " ^ Filename.basename fname ^ " in " ^ baseuri); if not (Helm_registry.get_bool "matita.verbose") then (let cc = let rex = Str.regexp ".*opt$" in if Str.string_match rex Sys.argv.(0) 0 then "matitac.opt" else "matitac" in let s = Printf.sprintf "%s %-35s " cc (cut (root^"/") fname) in print_string s; flush stdout); (* we dalay this error check until we print 'matitac file ' *) assert (Http_getter_storage.is_empty ~local:true baseuri); (* create dir for XML files *) if not (Helm_registry.get_opt_default Helm_registry.bool "matita.nodisk" ~default:false) then HExtlib.mkdir (Filename.dirname (Http_getter.filename ~local:true ~writable:true (baseuri ^ "foo.con"))); prerr_endline ("trying to compile " ^ fname); let buf = GrafiteParser.parsable_statement status (Ulexing.from_utf8_channel (open_in fname)) in let print_cb = if not (Helm_registry.get_bool "matita.verbose") then (fun _ _ -> ()) else pp_ast_statement in let asserted, status = eval_from_stream ~compiling ~asserted ~include_paths status buf print_cb in prerr_endline ("end compile of " ^ fname); let elapsed = Unix.time () -. time in (if Helm_registry.get_bool "matita.moo" then begin GrafiteTypes.Serializer.serialize ~baseuri:(NUri.uri_of_string baseuri) status end; let tm = Unix.gmtime elapsed in let sec = string_of_int tm.Unix.tm_sec ^ "''" in let min = if tm.Unix.tm_min > 0 then (string_of_int tm.Unix.tm_min^"' ") else "" in let hou = if tm.Unix.tm_hour > 0 then (string_of_int tm.Unix.tm_hour^"h ") else "" in HLog.message (sprintf "execution of %s completed in %s." fname (hou^min^sec)); pp_times fname true big_bang big_bang_u big_bang_s; prerr_endline ("now generating disambiguated script for " ^ fname); let origbuf = Ulexing.from_utf8_channel (open_in fname) in let interpr = GrafiteDisambiguate.get_interpr status#disambiguate_db in let outstr = ref "" in ignore (SmallLexer.mk_small_printer interpr outstr origbuf); Printf.fprintf outch "%s" !outstr; prerr_endline ("returning after compilation of " ^ fname); asserted (* MATITA 1.0: debbo fare time_travel sulla ng_library? LexiconSync.time_travel ~present:lexicon_status ~past:initial_lexicon_status; *)) with (* all exceptions should be wrapped to allow lexicon-undo (LS.time_travel) *) | exn when not matita_debug -> (* MATITA 1.0: debbo fare time_travel sulla ng_library? LexiconSync.time_travel ~present:lexicon ~past:initial_lexicon_status; * *) pp_times fname false big_bang big_bang_u big_bang_s; clean_exit baseuri exn and assert_ng ~already_included ~compiling ~asserted ~include_paths ?outch ?uid mapath = let _,baseuri,fullmapath,_ = Librarian.baseuri_of_script ~include_paths mapath in if List.mem fullmapath asserted then asserted,false else begin let baseuri = NUri.uri_of_string baseuri in let ngtime_of baseuri = let ngpath = NCicLibrary.ng_path_of_baseuri uid baseuri in let uid = match uid with Some u -> "Some " ^ u | _ -> "None" in prerr_endline ("uid = " ^ uid); prerr_endline ("ngpath = " ^ ngpath); try Some (Unix.stat ngpath).Unix.st_mtime with Unix.Unix_error (Unix.ENOENT, "stat", f) when f = ngpath -> None in let matime = try (Unix.stat fullmapath).Unix.st_mtime with Unix.Unix_error (Unix.ENOENT, "stat", f) when f = fullmapath -> assert false in let ngtime = ngtime_of baseuri in let asserted,to_be_compiled = match ngtime with Some ngtime -> let preamble = GrafiteTypes.Serializer.dependencies_of uid baseuri in let asserted,children_bad = List.fold_left (fun (asserted,b) mapath -> let asserted,b1 = assert_ng ~already_included ~compiling ~asserted ~include_paths ?uid mapath in asserted, b || b1 || let _,baseuri,_,_ = Librarian.baseuri_of_script ~include_paths mapath in let baseuri = NUri.uri_of_string baseuri in (match ngtime_of baseuri with Some child_ngtime -> child_ngtime > ngtime | None -> assert false) ) (asserted,false) preamble in asserted, children_bad || matime > ngtime | None -> asserted,true in prerr_endline ("asserted = " ^ (String.concat "," asserted)); if not to_be_compiled then fullmapath::asserted,false else if List.mem baseuri already_included then (* maybe recompiling it I would get the same... *) raise (AlreadyLoaded (lazy mapath)) else let outch, is_file_ch = match outch with | None -> open_out (fullmapath ^ ".mad"), true | Some c -> c, false in prerr_endline ("compiling " ^ fullmapath); let asserted = compile ~compiling ~asserted ~include_paths ~outch ?uid fullmapath in if is_file_ch then close_out outch; fullmapath::asserted,true end ;; let eos status s = let only_dust_RE = Pcre.regexp "^(\\s|\n|%%[^\n]*\n)*$" in let rec is_there_only_comments status s = if Pcre.pmatch ~rex:only_dust_RE s then raise End_of_file; let strm = GrafiteParser.parsable_statement status (Ulexing.from_utf8_string s) in match GrafiteParser.parse_statement status strm with | GrafiteAst.Comment (loc,_) -> let _,parsed_text_length = HExtlib.utf8_parsed_text s loc in (* CSC: why +1 in the following lines ???? *) let parsed_text_length = parsed_text_length + 1 in let remain_len = String.length s - parsed_text_length in let next = String.sub s parsed_text_length remain_len in is_there_only_comments status next | GrafiteAst.Executable _ -> false in try is_there_only_comments status s with | NCicLibrary.IncludedFileNotCompiled _ | HExtlib.Localized _ | CicNotationParser.Parse_error _ -> false | End_of_file -> true | Invalid_argument "Array.make" -> false ;; let assert_ng ~include_paths ?outch mapath = snd (assert_ng ~include_paths ~already_included:[] ~compiling:[] ~asserted:[] ?outch mapath) let get_ast status ~include_paths strm = snd (get_ast status ~compiling:[] ~asserted:[] ~include_paths strm)