open Printf;; open Http_types;; module Stack = Continuationals.Stack (*** from ***) (* let only_dust_RE = Pcre.regexp "^(\\s|\n|%%[^\n]*\n)*$" *) let eval_statement include_paths (* (buffer : GText.buffer) *) status (* script *) statement = let ast,unparsed_text = match statement with | `Raw text -> (* if Pcre.pmatch ~rex:only_dust_RE text then raise Margin; *) let strm = GrafiteParser.parsable_statement status (Ulexing.from_utf8_string text) in let ast = MatitaEngine.get_ast status include_paths strm in ast, text | `Ast (st, text) -> st, text in let floc = match ast with | GrafiteAst.Executable (loc, _) | GrafiteAst.Comment (loc, _) -> loc in let _,lend = HExtlib.loc_of_floc floc in let parsed_text, parsed_text_len = MatitaGtkMisc.utf8_parsed_text unparsed_text (HExtlib.floc_of_loc (0,lend)) in let byte_parsed_text_len = String.length parsed_text in let unparsed_txt' = String.sub unparsed_text byte_parsed_text_len (String.length unparsed_text - byte_parsed_text_len) in let status = MatitaEngine.eval_ast ~include_paths ~do_heavy_checks:false status ("",0,ast) in (status, parsed_text, unparsed_txt'),"",(*parsed_text_len*) Glib.Utf8.length parsed_text let status = ref (new MatitaEngine.status "cic:/matita");; let history = ref [!status];; let include_paths = ["/home/barolo/matitaB/matita/lib"];; (* * * ... * ... * * * ... * *) let output_status s = let _,_,metasenv,subst,_ = s#obj in let render_switch = function | Stack.Open i -> "?" ^ (string_of_int i) | Stack.Closed i -> "?" ^ (string_of_int i) ^ "" in let int_of_switch = function | Stack.Open i | Stack.Closed i -> i in let sequent = function | Stack.Open i -> let meta = List.assoc i metasenv in snd (ApplyTransformation.ntxt_of_cic_sequent ~metasenv ~subst ~map_unicode_to_tex:false 80 s (i,meta)) | Stack.Closed _ -> "This goal has already been closed." in let render_sequent is_loc acc depth tag (pos,sw) = let metano = int_of_switch sw in let markup = if is_loc then (match depth, pos with | 0, 0 -> "" ^ (render_switch sw) ^ "" | 0, _ -> Printf.sprintf "|%d: %s" pos (render_switch sw) | 1, pos when Stack.head_tag s#stack = `BranchTag -> Printf.sprintf "|%d : %s" pos (render_switch sw) | _ -> render_switch sw) else render_switch sw in let markup = Netencoding.Html.encode ~in_enc:`Enc_utf8 ~prefer_name:false () markup in let markup = "" ^ markup ^ "" in let sequent = Netencoding.Html.encode ~in_enc:`Enc_utf8 ~prefer_name:false () (sequent sw) in let txt0 = "" ^ sequent ^ "" in "" ^ markup ^ txt0 ^ "" ^ acc in let res = "" ^ (Stack.fold ~env:(render_sequent true) ~cont:(render_sequent false) ~todo:(render_sequent false) "" s#stack) ^ "" in prerr_endline ("sending metasenv:\n" ^ res); res ;; (* let html_of_status s = let _,_,metasenv,subst,_ = s#obj in let txt = List.fold_left (fun acc (nmeta,_ as meta) -> let txt0 = snd (ApplyTransformation.ntxt_of_cic_sequent ~metasenv ~subst ~map_unicode_to_tex:false 80 s meta) in prerr_endline ("### txt0 = " ^ txt0); ("Goal ?" ^ (string_of_int nmeta) ^ "\n" ^ txt0)::acc) [] metasenv in String.concat "\n\n" txt ;; *) (* returns the length of the executed text and an html representation of the * current metasenv*) let advance text (* (?bos=false) *) = let (st,new_statements,new_unparsed),(* newtext TODO *) _,parsed_len = (* try *) eval_statement include_paths (*buffer*) !status (`Raw text) (* with End_of_file -> raise Margin *) in status := st; history := st :: !history; let txt = output_status !status in parsed_len, new_unparsed, txt ;; let heading_nl_RE = Pcre.regexp "^\\s*\n\\s*";; let first_line s = let s = Pcre.replace ~rex:heading_nl_RE s in try let nl_pos = String.index s '\n' in String.sub s 0 nl_pos with Not_found -> s ;; let gotoBottom = let rec aux parsed_len metasenv text = try prerr_endline ("evaluating: " ^ first_line text); let plen,new_unparsed,cur_metasenv = advance text in aux (parsed_len+plen) cur_metasenv new_unparsed with | End_of_file -> parsed_len, metasenv | _ -> prerr_endline ("goto bottom debug: metasenv = \n" ^ metasenv); parsed_len, metasenv in aux 0 "" ;; let retract () = let new_history,new_status = match !history with _::(status::_ as history) -> history, status | [_] -> (prerr_endline "singleton";failwith "retract") | _ -> (prerr_endline "nil"; assert false) in NCicLibrary.time_travel !status; history := new_history; status := new_status; output_status !status ;; let read_file fname = let chan = open_in fname in let lines = ref [] in (try while true do lines := input_line chan :: !lines done; with End_of_file -> close_in chan); String.concat "\n" (List.rev !lines) ;; let load_index outchan = let s = read_file "index.html" in Http_daemon.respond ~headers:["Content-Type", "text/html"] ~code:(`Code 200) ~body:s outchan ;; let load_doc filename outchan = let s = read_file filename in let is_png = try String.sub filename (String.length filename - 4) 4 = ".png" with Invalid_argument _ -> false in let contenttype = if is_png then "image/png" else "text/html" in Http_daemon.respond ~headers:["Content-Type", contenttype] ~code:(`Code 200) ~body:s outchan ;; let call_service outchan = try (ignore(MatitaEngine.assert_ng ~include_paths:["/home/barolo/matitaB/matita/lib"] (* ~outch:outchan *) "/home/barolo/matitaB/matita/lib/basics/"); prerr_endline "fatto"; let s = read_file "/home/barolo/matitaB/matita/lib/basics/" in Http_daemon.respond ~headers:["Content-Type", "text/html"] ~code:(`Code 200) ~body:s outchan ) with e -> Http_daemon.respond ~code:(`Code 500) outchan ;; let callback req outchan = let str = (sprintf "request path = %s\n" req#path) ^ (sprintf "request GET params = %s\n" (String.concat ";" ( (fun (h,v) -> String.concat "=" [h;v]) req#params_GET))) ^ (sprintf "request POST params = %s\n" (String.concat ";" ( (fun (h,v) -> String.concat "=" [h;v]) req#params_POST))) ^ (sprintf "request ALL params = %s\n" (String.concat ";" ( (fun (h,v) -> String.concat "=" [h;v]) req#params))) ^ (sprintf "cookies = %s\n" (match req#cookies with | None -> "NO COOKIES " ^ (if req#hasHeader ~name:"cookie" then "('Cookie:' header was '" ^ req#header ~name:"cookie" ^ "')" else "(No 'Cookie:' header received)") | Some cookies -> (String.concat ";" ( (fun (n,v) -> String.concat "=" [n;v]) cookies)))) ^ (sprintf "request BODY = '%s'\n\n" req#body) in (* Http_daemon.respond ~code:(`Code 200) ~body: str outchan *) prerr_endline str; match req#path with | "/" -> load_index outchan | "/matita" -> call_service outchan | "/open" -> prerr_endline "getting 'file' argument"; let filename = List.assoc "file" req#params_GET in prerr_endline ("reading file " ^ filename); let body = Netencoding.Html.encode ~in_enc:`Enc_utf8 ~prefer_name:false () (read_file filename) in prerr_endline ("sending:\nBEGIN\n" ^ body ^ "\nEND"); let body = "" ^ body ^ "" in let _,baseuri,_,_ = Librarian.baseuri_of_script ~include_paths:[] filename in status := (!status)#set_baseuri baseuri; Http_daemon.respond ~code:(`Code 200) ~body outchan | "/advance" -> let script = req#body in prerr_endline ("body length = " ^ (string_of_int (String.length script))); let (parsed_len,_,txt), res, code = try advance script, "OK", `Code 200 with | HExtlib.Localized(_,e) | e -> (prerr_endline ("exception: " ^ Printexc.to_string e); (try NTacStatus.pp_tac_status !status with e -> prerr_endline ("inner exception: " ^ Printexc.to_string e)); prerr_endline "end status"; let txt = output_status !status in (0,"",txt), Printexc.to_string e, `Code 500) in (* prerr_endline ("server response:\n" ^ txt); *) let body = "" ^ txt ^ "" in (prerr_endline ("sending advance response:\n" ^ body); Http_daemon.respond ~code ~body outchan) | "/bottom" -> let script = req#body in prerr_endline ("body length = " ^ (string_of_int (String.length script))); let (parsed_len,txt), res, code = try gotoBottom script, "OK", `Code 200 with | HExtlib.Localized(_,e) | e -> (prerr_endline ("exception: " ^ Printexc.to_string e); (try NTacStatus.pp_tac_status !status with e -> prerr_endline ("inner exception: " ^ Printexc.to_string e)); prerr_endline "end status"; let txt = output_status !status in (0,txt), Printexc.to_string e, `Code 500) in (* prerr_endline ("server response:\n" ^ txt); *) let body = "" ^ txt in Http_daemon.respond ~code ~body outchan | "/retract" -> (try let body = retract () in prerr_endline "retract OK"; Http_daemon.respond ~code:(`Code 200) ~body outchan with e -> (prerr_endline (Printexc.to_string e); Http_daemon.respond ~code:(`Code 500) outchan)) | url -> try let url = String.sub url 1 (String.length url - 1) in load_doc url outchan with _ -> Http_daemon.respond_not_found ~url outchan ;; let spec = { Http_daemon.default_spec with callback = callback; port = 9999; mode = `Single (*`Thread *) ; } ;; let _ = MatitaInit.initialize_all (); Http_daemon.main spec ;;