open Util open Util.Vars open Pure open Num let bomb = ref(`Var(-1,-666));; (* The number of arguments which can applied to numbers safely, depending on the encoding of numbers. For Scott's encoding, two. *) let num_more_args = 2;; type discriminating_set = (int * nf) list;; type problem = { freshno: int ; div: i_var option (* None = bomb *) ; conv: i_n_var list (* the inerts that must converge *) ; ps: i_n_var list (* the n-th inert must become n *) ; sigma: (int * nf) list (* the computed substitution *) ; deltas: discriminating_set ref list (* collection of all branches *) ; initialSpecialK: int ; trail: discriminating_set list list };; exception Backtrack of string let first bound p var f = let p = {p with trail = ( (!) p.deltas)::p.trail} in let rec aux i = if i > bound then raise (Backtrack ("no more alternatives for " ^ string_of_var var)) else try f p i with Backtrack s -> prerr_endline ("!!BACKTRACK!! " ^ s); List.iter (fun (r,l) -> r := l) (List.combine p.deltas (List.hd p.trail)) ; prerr_endline("Now trying var="^string_of_var var^" i="^string_of_int i); aux (i+1) in aux 1 let all_terms p = (match p.div with None -> [] | Some t -> [(t :> i_n_var)]) @ p.conv @ ;; let sum_arities p = let rec aux = function | `N _ | `Bottom | `Pacman -> 0 | `Var(_,ar) -> if ar = min_int then 0 else max 0 ar (*assert (ar >= 0); ar*) | `Lam(_,t) -> aux t | `I(v,args) -> aux (`Var v) + aux_many (Listx.to_list args :> nf list) | `Match(u,(_,ar),_,_,args) -> aux (u :> nf) + (if ar = min_int then 0 else ar - 1) + aux_many (args :> nf list) and aux_many tms = List.fold_right ((+) ++ aux) tms 0 in aux_many (all_terms p :> nf list) ;; let problem_measure p = sum_arities p;; let string_of_measure = string_of_int;; let string_of_problem label ({freshno; div; conv; ps; deltas} as p) = Console.print_hline (); prerr_string ("\n(* DISPLAY PROBLEM (" ^ label ^ ") - "); let nl = "\n" in let deltas = String.concat (nl^" ") ( (fun r -> String.concat " <> " ( (fun (i,_) -> string_of_int i) !r)) deltas) in let l = Array.to_list (Array.init (freshno + 1) string_of_var) in "measure="^string_of_measure(problem_measure p) (* ^ " freshno = " ^ string_of_int freshno*) ^ nl ^ " Discriminating sets (deltas):" ^ nl ^ " " ^ deltas ^ (if deltas = " " then "" else nl) ^ "*)" ^ nl ^" (* DIVERGENT *)" ^ nl ^" "^ (match div with None -> "None" | Some div -> "(Some\""^ print ~l (div :> nf) ^"\" ") ^ nl ^" (* CONVERGENT *) [" ^ nl ^ String.concat "\n " ( (fun t -> "(* _: *) " ^ (if t = `N (-1) then "" else "\""^ print ~l (t :> nf) ^"\";")) conv) ^ (if conv = [] then "" else nl) ^ "] (* NUMERIC *) [" ^ nl ^ " " ^ String.concat "\n " (List.mapi (fun i t -> " (* "^ string_of_int i ^" *) \"" ^ print ~l (t :> nf) ^ "\";") ps) ^ nl ^ "] [\"*\"];;" ^ nl ;; let failwithProblem p reason = print_endline (string_of_problem "FAIL" p); failwith reason ;; let make_fresh_var p arity = let freshno = p.freshno + 1 in {p with freshno}, `Var(freshno,arity) ;; let make_fresh_vars p arities = List.fold_right (fun arity (p, vars) -> let p, var = make_fresh_var p arity in p, var::vars) arities (p, []) ;; let simple_expand_match ps = let rec aux_nob level = function | #i_num_var as t -> aux_i_num_var level t | `Lam(b,t) -> `Lam(b,aux (level+1) t) | `Pacman as t -> t and aux level = function | `Bottom as t -> t | #nf_nob as t -> aux_nob level t and aux_i_num_var level = function | `Match(u,v,bs_lift,bs,args) as torig -> let u = aux_i_num_var level u in bs := (fun (n, x) -> n, aux 0 x) !bs; (try (match u with | #i_n_var as u -> let i = index_of (lift (-level) u) (ps :> nf list) (* can raise Not_found *) in let t = mk_match (`N i) v bs_lift bs (args :> nf list) in if t <> torig then aux level (t :> nf) else raise Not_found | _ -> raise Not_found) with Not_found -> mk_appl (`Match(cast_to_i_num_var u,v,bs_lift,bs,[])) ( (aux_nob level) args)) | `I(v,args) -> mk_appl (`Var v) ( (aux_nob level) (Listx.to_list args)) | `N _ | `Var _ as t -> t in aux_i_num_var 0 ;; let fixpoint f = let rec aux x = let x' = f x in if x <> x' then aux x' else x in aux ;; let rec super_simplify_ps ps = fixpoint ( (cast_to_i_num_var ++ (simple_expand_match ps))) ;; let super_simplify ({div; ps; conv} as p) = let ps = super_simplify_ps ( :> i_num_var list) in let conv = super_simplify_ps ps (p.conv :> i_num_var list) in let div = option_map (fun div -> let divs = super_simplify_ps ([div] :> i_num_var list) in List.hd divs) div in {p with div=option_map cast_to_i_var div; cast_to_i_n_var ps; cast_to_i_n_var conv} let cast_to_ps = function #i_num_var as y -> (y : i_num_var) | `Bottom | `Pacman -> raise (Backtrack "foo") | t -> prerr_endline (print (t :> nf)); assert false (* algorithm failed *) let subst_in_problem x inst ({freshno; div; conv; ps; sigma} as p) = let len_ps = List.length ps in (*(let l = Array.to_list (Array.init (freshno + 1) string_of_var) in prerr_endline ("# INST0: " ^ string_of_var x ^ " := " ^ print ~l inst));*) let rec aux ((freshno,acc_ps,acc_new_ps) as acc) = function | [] -> acc | t::todo_ps -> (*prerr_endline ("EXPAND t:" ^ print (t :> nf));*) let t = subst false false x inst (t :> nf) in (*prerr_endline ("SUBSTITUTED t:" ^ print (t :> nf));*) let freshno,new_t,acc_new_ps = expand_match (freshno,acc_ps@`Var(max_int/3,-666)::todo_ps,acc_new_ps) t in aux (freshno,acc_ps@[new_t],acc_new_ps) todo_ps (* cut&paste from aux above *) and aux' ps ((freshno,acc_conv,acc_new_ps) as acc) = function | [] -> acc | t::todo_conv -> (*prerr_endline ("EXPAND t:" ^ print (t :> nf));*) let t = subst false false x inst (t :> nf) in (*prerr_endline ("SUBSTITUTED t:" ^ print (t :> nf));*) let freshno,new_t,acc_new_ps = expand_match (freshno,ps,acc_new_ps) t in aux' ps (freshno,acc_conv@[new_t],acc_new_ps) todo_conv (* cut&paste from aux' above *) and aux'' ps (freshno,acc_new_ps) = function | None -> freshno, None, acc_new_ps | Some t -> let t = subst false false x inst (t :> nf) in let freshno,new_t,acc_new_ps = expand_match (freshno,ps,acc_new_ps) t in freshno,Some new_t,acc_new_ps and expand_match ((freshno,acc_ps,acc_new_ps) as acc) t = match t with | `Match(u',orig,bs_lift,bs,args) -> let freshno,u,acc_new_ps = expand_match acc (u' :> nf) in let acc_new_ps,i = match u with | `N i -> acc_new_ps,i | _ -> let ps = (fun t -> cast_to_ps (subst false false x inst (t:> nf))) (acc_ps@acc_new_ps) in let super_simplified_ps = super_simplify_ps ps ps in (*prerr_endline ("CERCO u:" ^ print (fst u :> nf)); List.iter (fun x -> prerr_endline ("IN: " ^ print (fst x :> nf))) ps; List.iter (fun x -> prerr_endline ("IN2: " ^ print (fst x :> nf))) super_simplified_ps;*) match index_of_opt ~eq:eta_eq super_simplified_ps u with Some i -> acc_new_ps, i | None -> acc_new_ps@[u], len_ps + List.length acc_new_ps in let freshno= if List.exists (fun (j,_) -> i=j) !bs then freshno else let freshno,v = freshno+1, `Var (freshno+1, -666) in (* make_fresh_var freshno in *) bs := !bs @ [i, v] ; freshno in (*prerr_endlie ("t DA RIDURRE:" ^ print (`Match(`N i,arity,bs_lift,bs,args) :> nf) ^ " more_args=" ^ string_of_int more_args);*) let t = mk_match (`N i) orig bs_lift bs (args :> nf list) in (*prerr_endline ("NUOVO t:" ^ print (fst t :> nf) ^ " more_args=" ^ string_of_int (snd t));*) expand_match (freshno,acc_ps,acc_new_ps) t | `Lam _ -> assert false (* algorithm invariant/loose typing *) | `Bottom | `Pacman -> raise (Backtrack "BOT or PAC in toplevel numeric positioon") | #i_n_var as x -> let x = simple_expand_match (acc_ps@acc_new_ps) x in freshno,cast_to_i_num_var x,acc_new_ps in let freshno,old_ps,new_ps = aux (freshno,[],[]) (ps :> i_num_var list) in let freshno,conv,new_ps = aux' old_ps (freshno,[],new_ps) (conv :> i_num_var list) in let freshno,div,new_ps = aux'' old_ps (freshno,new_ps) (div :> i_num_var option) in let div = option_map cast_to_i_var div in let ps = cast_to_i_n_var (old_ps @ new_ps) in let conv = cast_to_i_n_var conv in (let l = Array.to_list (Array.init (freshno + 1) string_of_var) in prerr_endline ("# INST: " ^ string_of_var x ^ " := " ^ print ~l inst)); let p = {p with freshno; div; conv; ps} in ( (* check if double substituting a variable *) if List.exists (fun (x',_) -> x = x') sigma then failwithProblem p ("Variable "^ string_of_var x ^"replaced twice") ); let p = {p with sigma = sigma@[x,inst]} in let p = super_simplify p in prerr_endline (string_of_problem "instantiate" p); p ;; exception Dangerous let arity_of arities k = let _,pos,y = List.find (fun (v,_,_) -> v=k) arities in let arity = match y with `Var _ -> 0 | `I(_,args) -> Listx.length args | _ -> assert false in arity + if pos = -1 then - 1 else 0 ;; let rec dangerous arities showstoppers = function `N _ | `Var _ | `Lam _ | `Pacman -> () | `Match(t,_,liftno,bs,args) -> (* CSC: XXX partial dependency on the encoding *) (match t with `N _ -> List.iter (dangerous arities showstoppers) args | `Match _ as t -> dangerous arities showstoppers t ; List.iter (dangerous arities showstoppers) args | `Var(x,_) -> dangerous_inert arities showstoppers x args num_more_args | `I((x,_),args') -> dangerous_inert arities showstoppers x (Listx.to_list args' @ args) num_more_args ) | `I((k,_),args) -> dangerous_inert arities showstoppers k (Listx.to_list args) 0 and dangerous_inert arities showstoppers k args more_args = List.iter (dangerous arities showstoppers) args ; if List.mem k showstoppers then raise Dangerous else try let arity = arity_of arities k in if List.length args + more_args > arity then raise Dangerous else () with Not_found -> () (* cut & paste from above *) let rec dangerous_conv arities showstoppers = function `N _ | `Var _ | `Lam _ | `Pacman -> [] | `Match(t,_,liftno,bs,args) -> (* CSC: XXX partial dependency on the encoding *) (match t with `N _ -> concat_map (dangerous_conv arities showstoppers) args | `Match _ as t -> dangerous_conv arities showstoppers t @ concat_map (dangerous_conv arities showstoppers) args | `Var(x,_) -> dangerous_inert_conv arities showstoppers x [] args 2 | `I((x,_),args') -> dangerous_inert_conv arities showstoppers x (Listx.to_list args') args 2 ) | `I((k,_),args) -> dangerous_inert_conv arities showstoppers k (Listx.to_list args) [] 0 and dangerous_inert_conv arities showstoppers k args match_args more_args = let all_args = args @ match_args in let dangerous_args = concat_map (dangerous_conv arities showstoppers) all_args in let all_args = (all_args :> nf list) in if dangerous_args = [] then ( if List.mem k showstoppers then k :: concat_map free_vars all_args else try let arity = arity_of arities k in prerr_endline ("dangerous_inert_conv: ar=" ^ string_of_int arity ^ " k="^string_of_var k ^ " listlenargs=" ^ (string_of_int (List.length args)) ^ " more_args=" ^ string_of_int more_args); if more_args > 0 (* match argument*) && List.length args = arity then [] else if List.length all_args + more_args > arity then k :: concat_map free_vars all_args else [] with Not_found -> [] ) else k :: concat_map free_vars all_args (* inefficient algorithm *) let rec edible arities div ps conv showstoppers = let rec aux showstoppers = function [] -> showstoppers | x::xs when List.exists (fun y -> hd_of x = Some y) showstoppers -> (* se la testa di x e' uno show-stopper *) let new_showstoppers = sort_uniq (showstoppers @ free_vars (x :> nf)) in (* aggiungi tutte le variabili libere di x *) if List.length showstoppers <> List.length new_showstoppers then aux new_showstoppers ps else aux showstoppers xs | x::xs -> match hd_of x with None -> aux showstoppers xs | Some h -> try dangerous arities showstoppers (x : i_n_var :> nf_nob) ; aux showstoppers xs with Dangerous -> aux (sort_uniq (h::showstoppers)) ps in let showstoppers = sort_uniq (aux showstoppers ps) in let dangerous_conv = (dangerous_conv arities showstoppers) conv in prerr_endline ("dangerous_conv lenght:" ^ string_of_int (List.length dangerous_conv)); List.iter (fun l -> prerr_endline (String.concat " " ( string_of_var l))) dangerous_conv; let showstoppers' = showstoppers @ List.concat dangerous_conv in let showstoppers' = sort_uniq (match div with | None -> showstoppers' | Some div -> if List.exists ((=) (hd_of_i_var div)) showstoppers' then showstoppers' @ free_vars (div :> nf) else showstoppers') in if showstoppers <> showstoppers' then edible arities div ps conv showstoppers' else showstoppers', dangerous_conv ;; let precompute_edible_data {ps; div} xs = (match div with None -> [] | Some div -> [hd_of_i_var div, -1, (div :> i_n_var)]) @ (fun hd -> let i, tm = Util.findi (fun y -> hd_of y = Some hd) ps in hd, i, tm ) xs ;; let critical_showstoppers p = let p = super_simplify p in let hd_of_div = match p.div with None -> [] | Some t -> [hd_of_i_var t] in let showstoppers_step = concat_map (fun bs -> let heads = (fun (i,_) -> List.nth i) !bs in let heads = List.sort compare (hd_of_div @ filter_map hd_of heads) in snd (split_duplicates heads) ) p.deltas @ if List.exists (fun t -> [hd_of t] = (fun x -> Some x) hd_of_div) p.conv then hd_of_div else [] in let showstoppers_step = sort_uniq showstoppers_step in let showstoppers_eat = let heads_and_arities = List.sort (fun (k,_) (h,_) -> compare k h) (filter_map (function `Var(k,_) -> Some (k,0) | `I((k,_),args) -> Some (k,Listx.length args) | _ -> None ) in let rec multiple_arities = function [] | [_] -> [] | (x,i)::(y,j)::tl when x = y && i <> j -> x::multiple_arities tl | _::tl -> multiple_arities tl in multiple_arities heads_and_arities in let showstoppers_eat = sort_uniq showstoppers_eat in let showstoppers_eat = List.filter (fun x -> not (List.mem x showstoppers_step)) showstoppers_eat in List.iter (fun v -> prerr_endline ("DANGEROUS STEP: " ^ string_of_var v)) showstoppers_step; List.iter (fun v -> prerr_endline ("DANGEROUS EAT: " ^ string_of_var v)) showstoppers_eat; p, showstoppers_step, showstoppers_eat ;; let eat p = let ({ps} as p), showstoppers_step, showstoppers_eat = critical_showstoppers p in let showstoppers = showstoppers_step @ showstoppers_eat in let heads = List.sort compare (filter_map hd_of ps) in let arities = precompute_edible_data p (uniq heads) in let showstoppers, showstoppers_conv = edible arities p.div ps (p.conv :> nf_nob list) showstoppers in let l = List.filter (fun (x,_,_) -> not (List.mem x showstoppers)) arities in let p = List.fold_left (fun p (x,pos,(xx : i_n_var)) -> if pos = -1 then p else let n = match xx with `I(_,args) -> Listx.length args | _ -> 0 in let v = `N(pos) in let inst = make_lams v n in (let l = Array.to_list (Array.init (p.freshno + 1) string_of_var) in prerr_endline ("# INST_IN_EAT: " ^ string_of_var x ^ " := " ^ print ~l inst)); { p with sigma = p.sigma @ [x,inst] } ) p l in (* to avoid applied numbers in safe positions that trigger assert failures subst_in_problem x inst p*) let ps = (fun t -> try let _,j,_ = List.find (fun (h,_,_) -> hd_of t = Some h) l in `N j with Not_found -> t ) ps in let p = match p.div with | None -> p | Some div -> if List.mem (hd_of_i_var div) showstoppers then p else let n = match div with `I(_,args) -> Listx.length args | `Var _ -> 0 in let p, bomb' = make_fresh_var p (-666) in (if !bomb <> `Var (-1,-666) then failwithProblem p ("Bomb was duplicated! It was " ^ string_of_nf !bomb ^ ", tried to change it to " ^ string_of_nf bomb')); bomb := bomb'; prerr_endline ("Just created bomb var: " ^ string_of_nf !bomb); let x = hd_of_i_var div in let inst = make_lams !bomb n in prerr_endline ("# INST (div): " ^ string_of_var x ^ " := " ^ string_of_nf inst); let p = {p with div=None} in (* subst_in_problem (hd_of_i_var div) inst p in *) {p with sigma=p.sigma@[x,inst]} in let dangerous_conv = showstoppers_conv in let _ = prerr_endline ("dangerous_conv lenght:" ^ string_of_int (List.length dangerous_conv)); List.iter (fun l -> prerr_endline (String.concat " " ( string_of_var l))) dangerous_conv; in let conv = (function s,t -> try if s <> [] then t else ( (match t with | `Var _ -> raise Not_found | _ -> ()); let _ = List.find (fun h -> hd_of t = Some h) showstoppers in t) with Not_found -> match hd_of t with | None -> assert (t = `N ~-1); t | Some h -> prerr_endline ("FREEZING " ^ string_of_var h); `N ~-1 (* convergent dummy*) ) (List.combine showstoppers_conv p.conv) in List.iter (fun bs -> bs := (fun (n,t as res) -> match List.nth ps n with `N m -> m,t | _ -> res ) !bs ) p.deltas ; let old_conv = p.conv in let p = { p with ps; conv } in if l <> [] || old_conv <> conv then prerr_endline (string_of_problem "eat" p); if List.for_all (function `N _ -> true | _ -> false) ps && p.div = None then `Finished p else `Continue p let instantiate p x perm n = (if hd_of_i_var (cast_to_i_var !bomb) = x then failwithProblem p ("BOMB (" ^ string_of_nf !bomb ^ ") cannot be instantiated!")); let arity_of_x = max_arity_tms x (all_terms p) in (if arity_of_x = None then failwithProblem p "step on var non occurring in problem"); let arity_of_x = Util.option_get(arity_of_x) in (if arity_of_x = min_int then failwithProblem p "step on fake variable"); (if arity_of_x <= 0 then failwithProblem p "step on var of non-positive arity"); (if perm < 1 || perm > arity_of_x then failwithProblem p ("Tried to permutate variable "^ string_of_var x ^" beyond its max arity")); let n = (prerr_endline "WARNING: using constant initialSpecialK"); p.initialSpecialK in let arities = Array.to_list (Array.make (n+1) min_int) in let p,vars = make_fresh_vars p arities in (* manual lifting of vars by perm in next line *) let vars = (function `Var (n,ar) -> `Var (n+perm,ar)) vars in let args = Listx.from_list vars in let bs = ref [] in (* other_vars are the variables which are delayed and re-applied to the match *) let other_vars = Array.mapi (fun n () -> `Var(n+1,min_int)) (Array.make (perm-1) ()) in let other_vars = Array.to_list other_vars in (* 666, since it will be replaced anyway during subst: *) let inst = `Match(`I((0,min_int),args),(x,-666),perm,bs,other_vars) in (* Add a number of 'perm' leading lambdas *) let inst = Array.fold_left (fun t () -> `Lam(false, t)) inst (Array.make perm ()) in let p = {p with deltas=bs::p.deltas} in subst_in_problem x inst p ;; let compute_special_k tms = let rec aux k (t: nf) = Pervasives.max k (match t with | `Lam(b,t) -> aux (k + if b then 1 else 0) t | `I(n, tms) -> Listx.max ( (aux 0) (tms :> nf Listx.listx)) | `Match(t, _, liftno, bs, args) -> List.fold_left max 0 ( (aux 0) ((t :> nf)::(args :> nf list) snd !bs)) | `N _ | `Bottom | `Pacman | `Var _ -> 0 ) in Listx.max ( (aux 0) tms) ;; let choose_step (n,p) = let p, showstoppers_step, showstoppers_eat = critical_showstoppers p in let x = match showstoppers_step, showstoppers_eat with | [], y::_ -> prerr_endline ("INSTANTIATING CRITICAL TO EAT " ^ string_of_var y); y | [], [] -> let heads = (* Choose only variables still alive (with arity > 0) *) List.sort compare (filter_map ( fun t -> match t with `Var _ -> None | x -> if arity_of_hd x <= 0 then None else hd_of x ) ((match p.div with Some t -> [(t :> i_n_var)] | _ -> []) @ in (match heads with | [] -> (try fst (List.find (((<) 0) ++ snd) (concat_map free_vars' (p.conv :> nf list))) with Not_found -> assert false) | x::_ -> prerr_endline ("INSTANTIATING TO EAT " ^ string_of_var x); x) | x::_, _ -> prerr_endline ("INSTANTIATING " ^ string_of_var x); x in (* Strategy that decreases the special_k to 0 first (round robin) 1:11m42 2:14m5 3:11m16s 4:14m46s 5:12m7s 6:6m31s *) let x = try match hd_of (List.find (fun t -> compute_special_k (Listx.Nil (t :> nf)) > 0 && arity_of_hd t > 0 ) (all_terms p)) with | None -> assert false | Some x -> prerr_endline ("INSTANTIATING AND HOPING " ^ string_of_var x); x with Not_found -> x in (* Instantiate in decreasing order of compute_special_k 1:15m14s 2:13m14s 3:4m55s 4:4m43s 5:4m34s 6:6m28s 7:3m31s let x = try (match hd_of (snd (List.hd (List.sort (fun c1 c2 -> - compare (fst c1) (fst c2)) (filter_map (function `I _ as t -> Some (compute_special_k (Listx.Nil (t :> nf)),t) | _ -> None) (all_terms p))))) with None -> assert false | Some x -> prerr_endline ("INSTANTIATING AND HOPING " ^ string_of_var x); x) with Not_found -> x in*) let special_k = compute_special_k (Listx.from_list (all_terms p :> nf list) )in if special_k < n then prerr_endline ("@@@@ NEW INSTANTIATE PHASE (" ^ string_of_int special_k ^ ") @@@@"); let arity_of_x = Util.option_get (max_arity_tms x (all_terms p)) in x,arity_of_x,special_k let rec auto_eat (n,p) = prerr_endline "{{{{{{{{ Computing measure before auto_instantiate }}}}}}"; let m = problem_measure p in let x, arity_of, n = choose_step (n,p) in first arity_of p x (fun p j -> let p' = instantiate p x j n in match eat p' with | `Finished p -> p | `Continue p -> prerr_endline "{{{{{{{{ Computing measure inafter auto_instantiate }}}}}}"; let delta = problem_measure p - m in (* let delta = m - problem_measure p' in *) if delta >= 0 then (failwith ("Measure did not decrease (+=" ^ string_of_int delta ^ ")")) else prerr_endline ("$ Measure decreased of " ^ string_of_int delta); auto_eat (n,p)) ;; let auto p n = prerr_endline ("@@@@ FIRST INSTANTIATE PHASE (" ^ string_of_int n ^ ") @@@@"); match eat p with | `Finished p -> p | `Continue p -> auto_eat (n,p) ;; (* 0 = snd x y = y 0 a y = k k z = z 0 c y = k y u = u h1 h2 0 h2 a = h3 1 x a c 1 a 0 c 1 k c 1 c 0 1 k 1 k 1 k 2 x a y 2 a 0 y 2 k y 2 y 0 2 y 0 2 h2 0 2 h3 3 x b y 3 b 0 y 3 b 0 y 3 b 0 y 3 b 0 y 3 b 0 (\u. u h1 h2 0) 3 b 0 (\u. u h1 (\w.h3) 0) 4 x b c 4 b 0 c 4 b 0 c 4 b 0 c 4 b 0 c 4 b 0 c 4 b 0 c 5 x (b e) 5 b e 0 5 b e 0 5 b e 0 5 b e 0 5 b e 0 5 b e 0 6 y y 6 y y 6 y y 6 y y 6 y y 6 h1 h1 h2 0 h2 0 6 h1 h1 (\w. h3) 0 (\w. h3) 0 l2 _ = l3 b u = u l1 l2 0 e _ _ _ _ = f l3 n = n j 0 1 k 1 k 1 k 2 h3 2 h3 2 h3 3 l2 0 (\u. u h1 (\w. h3) 0) 3 l3 (\u. u h1 (\w. h3) 0) 3 j h1 (\w. h3) 0 0 4 l2 0 c 4 l3 c 4 c j 0 5 e l1 l2 0 0 5 f 5 f 6 h1 h1 (\w. h3) 0 (\w. h3) 0 6 h1 h1 (\w. h3) 0 (\w. h3) 0 6 h1 h1 (\w. h3) 0 (\w. h3) 0 *) (* x n = n 0 ? x a (b (a c)) a 0 = 1 ? (b (a c)) 8 x a (b d') a 0 = 1 ? (b d') 7 x b (a c) b 0 = 1 ? (a c) 4 x b (a c') b 0 = 1 ? (a c') 5 c = 2 c' = 3 a 2 = 4 (* a c *) a 3 = 5 (* a c' *) d' = 6 b 6 = 7 (* b d' *) b 4 = 8 (* b (a c) *) b 0 = 1 a 0 = 1 *) (************** Tests ************************) let optimize_numerals p = let replace_in_sigma perm = let rec aux = function | `N n -> `N (List.nth perm n) | `Pacman | `I _ -> assert false | `Var _ as t -> t | `Lam(v,t) -> `Lam(v, aux t) | `Match(_,_,_,bs,_) as t -> (bs := (fun (n,t) -> (List.nth perm n, t)) !bs); t | `Bottom as t -> t in (fun (n,t) -> (n,aux t)) in let deltas' = List.mapi (fun n d -> (n, fst !d)) p.deltas in let maxs = Array.to_list (Array.init (List.length deltas') (fun _ -> 0)) in let max = List.fold_left max 0 (concat_map snd deltas') in let perm,_ = List.fold_left (fun (perm, maxs) (curr_n:int) -> let containing = filter_map (fun (i, bs) -> if List.mem curr_n bs then Some i else None) deltas' in (* (prerr_endline (string_of_int curr_n ^ " occurs in: " ^ (String.concat " " ( string_of_int containing)))); *) let neww = List.fold_left Pervasives.max 0 (List.mapi (fun n max -> if List.mem n containing then max else 0) maxs) in let maxs = List.mapi (fun i m -> if List.mem i containing then neww+1 else m) maxs in (neww::perm, maxs) ) ([],maxs) (Array.to_list (Array.init (max+1) (fun x -> x))) in replace_in_sigma (List.rev perm) p.sigma ;; let env_of_sigma freshno sigma should_explode = let rec aux n = if n > freshno then [] else let e = aux (n+1) in (try e,Pure.lift (-n-1) (snd (List.find (fun (i,_) -> i = n) sigma)),[] with Not_found -> if should_explode && n = hd_of_i_var (cast_to_i_var !bomb) then ([], (let f t = Pure.A(t,t) in f (Pure.L (f (Pure.V 0)))), []) else ([],Pure.V n,[]))::e in aux 0 ;; prerr_endline "########## main ##########";; (* Commands: v ==> v := \a. a k1 .. kn \^m.0 + ==> v := \^k. numero for every v such that ... * ==> tries v as long as possible and then +v as long as possible *) let main problems = let rec aux ({ps} as p) n l = if List.for_all (function `N _ -> true | _ -> false) ps && p.div = None then begin p end else let _ = prerr_endline (string_of_problem "main" p) in let x,l = match l with | cmd::l -> cmd,l | [] -> read_line (),[] in let cmd = if x = "+" then `DoneWith else if x = "*" then `Auto else `Step x in match cmd with | `DoneWith -> assert false (*aux (eat p) n l*) (* CSC: TODO *) | `Step x -> assert false (* let x = var_of_string x in aux (instantiate p x 1 n) n l *) | `Auto -> aux (auto p n) n l in List.iter (fun (p,n,cmds) -> Console.print_hline(); bomb := `Var (-1,-666); let p_finale = aux p n cmds in let freshno,sigma = p_finale.freshno, p_finale.sigma in prerr_endline ("------- ------\n "); (* prerr_endline (string_of_problem "Original problem" p); *) prerr_endline "---------------------"; let l = Array.to_list (Array.init (freshno + 1) string_of_var) in prerr_endline (" BOMB == " ^ print ~l !bomb); prerr_endline "---------------------"; List.iter (fun (x,inst) -> prerr_endline (string_of_var x ^ " := " ^ print ~l inst)) sigma; (* prerr_endline "----------------------"; let ps = List.fold_left (fun ps (x,inst) -> (* CSC: XXXX Is the subst always sorted correctly? Otherwise, implement a recursive subst *) (* In this non-recursive version, the intermediate states may containt Matchs *) (fun t -> let t = subst false x inst (t :> nf) in cast_to_i_num_var t) ps) ( :> i_num_var list) sigma in prerr_endline (string_of_problem {p with ps= (function t -> cast_to_i_n_var t) ps; freshno}); List.iteri (fun i (n,more_args) -> assert (more_args = 0 && n = `N i)) ps ; *) prerr_endline "-------------------"; let sigma = optimize_numerals p_finale in (* optimize numerals *) let l = Array.to_list (Array.init (freshno + 1) string_of_var) in List.iter (fun (x,inst) -> prerr_endline (string_of_var x ^ " := " ^ print ~l inst)) sigma; prerr_endline "------------------"; let div = option_map (fun div -> ToScott.scott_of_nf (div :> nf)) p.div in let conv = (fun t -> ToScott.scott_of_nf (t :> nf)) p.conv in let ps = (fun t -> ToScott.scott_of_nf (t :> nf)) in let sigma = (fun (x,inst) -> x, ToScott.scott_of_nf inst) sigma in (*let ps_ok = List.fold_left (fun ps (x,inst) -> (Pure.subst false x inst) ps) ps sigma in*) let e = env_of_sigma freshno sigma true in let e' = env_of_sigma freshno sigma false in (* prerr_endline "------------------"; let rec print_e e = "[" ^ String.concat ";" ( (fun (e,t,[]) -> print_e e ^ ":" ^ Pure.print t) e) ^ "]" in prerr_endline (print_e e); List.iter (fun (t,t_ok) -> prerr_endline ("T0= " ^ Pure.print t ^ "\nTM= " ^ Pure.print (Pure.unwind (e,t,[])) ^ "\nOM= " ^ Pure.print t_ok); (*assert (Pure.unwind (e,t,[]) = t_ok)*) ) (List.combine ps ps_ok); *) prerr_endline "-----------------"; (function Some div -> print_endline (Pure.print div); let t = Pure.mwhd (e',div,[]) in prerr_endline ("*:: " ^ (Pure.print t)); prerr_endline (print !bomb); assert (t = ToScott.scott_of_nf (!bomb:>nf)) | None -> ()) div; List.iter (fun n -> prerr_endline ("_::: " ^ (Pure.print n)); let t = Pure.mwhd (e,n,[]) in prerr_endline ("_:: " ^ (Pure.print t)) ) conv ; List.iteri (fun i n -> prerr_endline ((string_of_int i) ^ "::: " ^ (Pure.print n)); let t = Pure.mwhd (e,n,[]) in prerr_endline ((string_of_int i) ^ ":: " ^ (Pure.print t)); assert (t = Scott.mk_n i) ) ps ; prerr_endline "-------- --------" ) problems (********************** problems *******************) let zero = `Var(0,0);; let append_zero = function | `I _ | `Var _ as i -> cast_to_i_n_var (mk_app i zero) | _ -> assert false ;; type t = problem * int * string list;; let magic_conv ~div ~conv ~nums cmds = let all_tms = (match div with None -> [] | Some div -> [div]) @ nums @ conv in let all_tms, var_names = parse' all_tms in let div, (tms, conv) = match div with | None -> None, list_cut (List.length nums, all_tms) | Some _ -> Some (List.hd all_tms), list_cut (List.length nums, all_tms) in if match div with None -> false | Some div -> List.exists (eta_subterm div) (tms@conv) then ( prerr_endline "--- TEST SKIPPED ---"; {freshno=0; div=None; conv=[]; ps=[]; sigma=[]; deltas=[]; initialSpecialK=0; trail=[]}, 0, [] ) else let tms = sort_uniq ~compare:eta_compare tms in let special_k = compute_special_k (Listx.from_list all_tms) in (* compute initial special K *) (* casts *) let div = option_map cast_to_i_var div in let conv = Util.filter_map (function #i_n_var as t -> Some (cast_to_i_n_var t) | _ -> None) conv in let tms = cast_to_i_n_var tms in let ps = append_zero tms in (* crea lista applicando zeri o dummies *) let freshno = List.length var_names in let deltas = let dummy = `Var (max_int / 2, -666) in [ ref (Array.to_list (Array.init (List.length ps) (fun i -> i, dummy))) ] in let trail = [] in {freshno; div; conv; ps; sigma=[] ; deltas; initialSpecialK=special_k; trail}, special_k, cmds ;; let magic strings cmds = magic_conv None [] strings cmds;;