(* Non-empty lists *) type 'a listx = | Nil of 'a | Cons of ('a * 'a listx) let rec fold_left f acc l = match l with | Nil x -> f acc x | Cons (x, l') -> fold_left f (f acc x) l' let hd = function | Nil x | Cons (x,_) -> x let rec map f = function | Nil x -> Nil (f x) | Cons (x, l') -> Cons (f x, map f l') let rec append l = function | Nil x -> Cons (x, l) | Cons (x, l') -> Cons (x, append l l') let rec length = function | Nil _ -> 1 | Cons (_, xs) -> 1 + (length xs) let rec assoc x = function | Nil (y,t) | Cons ((y,t),_) when x=y -> t | Nil _ -> raise Not_found | Cons (_,l) -> assoc x l let rec to_list = function Nil x -> [x] | Cons (x,l) -> x::to_list l let rec from_list = function [] -> raise (Failure "from_list: empty list") | [x] -> Nil x | x::l -> Cons(x,from_list l) let rec split_nth n l = match n,l with 0,_ -> [] | 1,Nil x -> [x] | n,Cons (hd,tl) -> hd::split_nth (n-1) tl | _,_ -> raise (Failure "split_nth: not enough args") let rec max = function | Nil x -> x | Cons (x, l) -> Pervasives.max x (max l) (* let rec nth i l = match l, i with | Cons (x, _), 1 -> x | _, n when n <= 0 -> raise (Invalid_argument "Listx.nth") | Cons (_, xs), n -> nth (n-1) xs | Nil x, 1 -> x | Nil _, _ -> raise (Invalid_argument "Listx.nth") ;; *)