open Util.Vars module Pure = struct type t = | V of int | A of t * t | L of t | B let rec print ?(l=[]) = function V n -> print_name l n | A(t1,t2) -> "(" ^ print ~l t1 ^ " " ^ print ~l t2 ^ ")" | L t -> let name = string_of_var (List.length l) in "λ" ^ name ^ "." ^ print ~l:(name::l) t | B -> "B" let lift m = let rec aux l = function | V n -> V (if n >= l then n+m else n) | A (t1,t2) -> A (aux l t1, aux l t2) | L t -> L (aux (l+1) t) | B -> B in aux 0 (* Reference implementation. Reduction machine used below *) let subst delift_by_one what with_what = let rec aux l = function | A(t1,t2) -> A(aux l t1, aux l t2) | V n -> if (if what < 0 then n = what else n = what + l) then lift l with_what else V (if delift_by_one && n >= l then n-1 else n) | L t -> L (aux (l+1) t) | B -> B in aux 0 (* let rec whd = function | A(t1, t2) -> let t2 = whd t2 in let t1 = whd t1 in (match t1 with | L f -> whd (subst true 0 t2 f) | V _ | A _ -> A(t1,t2)) | V _ | L _ as t -> t *) let unwind ?(tbl = Hashtbl.create 317) m = let rec unwind (e,t,s) = let cache_unwind m = try Hashtbl.find tbl m with Not_found -> let t = unwind m in Hashtbl.add tbl m t ; t in let s = cache_unwind s in let rec aux l = function | A(t1,t2) -> A(aux l t1, aux l t2) | V n as x when n < l -> x | V n -> (try lift l (cache_unwind (List.nth e (n - l))) with Failure _ -> V n) | L t -> L (aux (l+1) t) | B -> B in let t = aux 0 t in List.fold_left (fun f a -> A(f,a)) t s in unwind m (* let rec print_machine (e,t,s) = "[" ^ String.concat "," ( print_machine e) ^ "|" ^ print t ^ "|" ^ String.concat "," ( print_machine s) ^ "]" ;; *) let omega = let delta = L(A(V 0, V 0)) in A(delta,delta) let rec is_divergent = function t when t = omega -> true | A(t,_) -> is_divergent t | L(t) -> is_divergent t | _ -> false let mwhd m = let rec aux g = function (* mmm -> print_endline (print_machine mmm); match mmm with *) m when is_divergent (unwind m) -> [], B, [] | (e,A(t1,t2),s) -> let t2' = aux g (e,t2,[]) in let (_,t,_) = t2' in if t = B then t2' else aux g (e,t1,t2'::s) | (e,L t,x::s) -> aux g (x::e,t,s) | (e,V n,s) as m -> (try let e,t,s' = List.nth e n in aux g (e,t,s'@s) with Invalid_argument _ | Failure _ -> m ) | (e, B, _) -> (e, B, []) | (e, L t, []) -> let t = subst true 0 (V g) t in (* print_endline ("." ^ string_of_int g ^ " " ^ print_machine ((e,t,[]))); *) let m' = aux (g-1) (e, t, []) in let t' = unwind m' in (* print_endline ("=" ^ print t'); print_endline ("==" ^ print (lift 1 t')); *) let t' = subst false g (V 0) (lift 1 t') in (* print_endline ("===" ^ print t'); *) [], (if t' = B then t' else L t'), [] in unwind (aux ~-2 m) ;; let omega should_explode = if should_explode then let f t = A(t,t) in f (L (f (V 0))) else B ;; let diverged = (=) B;; (* Note: maps only variables <= freshno *) let env_of_sigma freshno sigma = let rec aux n = if n > freshno then [] else let e = aux (n+1) in (try e, lift (-n-1) (snd (List.find (fun (i,_) -> i = n) sigma)),[] with Not_found -> ([], V n, []) ) :: e in aux 0 end module Scott = struct open Pure let rec mk_n n = if n = 0 then L (L (A (V 1, L (V 0)))) else L (L (A (V 0, mk_n (n-1)))) let dummy = V (max_int / 2) let mk_match t bs = let bs = List.sort (fun (n1,_) (n2,_) -> compare n1 n2) bs in let rec aux m t = function [] -> dummy | (n,p)::tl as l -> if n = m then A (A (t, L (lift (m+1) p)), L (aux (m+1) (V 0) tl)) else A (A (t, dummy), L (aux (m+1) (V 0) l)) in aux 0 t bs end