open Lambda4;; open Util;; let acaso l = let n = (List.length l) in List.nth l n ;; let acaso2 l1 l2 = let n1 = List.length l1 in let n = (n1 + List.length l2) in if n >= n1 then List.nth l2 (n - n1) else List.nth l1 n ;; (* let rec take l n = if n = 0 then [] else match l with | [] -> [] | x::xs -> x :: (take xs (n-1)) ;; *) let gen n vars = let rec take' l n = if n = 0 then [], [] else match l with | [] -> [], [] | [_] -> assert false | x1::x2::xs -> let a, b = take' xs (n-1) in x1::a,x2::b in let rec aux n inerts lams = if n = 0 then List.hd inerts, take' (Util.sort_uniq ( inerts)) 5 else let inerts, lams = if 2 = 0 then inerts, ("(" ^ acaso vars ^ ". " ^ acaso2 inerts lams ^ ")") :: lams else ("(" ^ acaso inerts ^ " " ^ acaso2 inerts lams^ ")") :: inerts, lams in aux (n-1) inerts lams in aux (2*n) vars [] ;; let rec repeat f n = prerr_endline "\n########################### NEW TEST ###########################"; f () ; if n > 0 then repeat f (n-1) ;; let solve div convs nums = let p = String.concat "\n" ( "$! randomly generated test" :: ("D " ^ div) :: ((^) "C ") convs @ (fun s -> "N " ^ s ^ " Z") nums ) in prerr_endline p; (Lambda4.solve ++ Lambda4.problem_of ++ Parser.problem_of_string) p ;; let main = Random.self_init (); let num = 100 in let complex = 200 in let vars = ["x"; "y"; "z"; "v" ; "w"; "a"; "b"; "c"] in repeat (fun _ -> let div, (conv, nums) = gen complex vars in solve div conv nums ) num ; prerr_endline "\n---- ALL TESTS COMPLETED ----" ;;