(* Function composition *) let (++) f g x = f (g x);; let findi p = let rec aux n = function | [] -> raise Not_found | x::_ when p x -> n, x | _::xs -> aux (n+1) xs in aux 0 ;; let find_alli p = let rec aux n = function | [] -> [] | x::xs when p x -> (n,x)::aux (n+1) xs | _::xs -> aux (n+1) xs in aux 0 ;; let option_map f = function | None -> None | Some x -> Some (f x) ;; let option_get = function | Some x -> x | None -> failwith "option_get: None" ;; let rec find_opt f = function [] -> None | x::xs -> match f x with None -> find_opt f xs | Some _ as res -> res let rec index_of ?(eq=(=)) x = function [] -> raise Not_found | y::_ when eq x y -> 0 | _::l -> 1 + index_of ~eq x l let index_of_opt ?eq l t = try Some (index_of ?eq t l) with Not_found -> None ;; let rec filter_map f = function [] -> [] | hd::tl -> match f hd with None -> filter_map f tl | Some x -> x::filter_map f tl ;; (* the input must be sorted *) let rec first_duplicate = function [] | [_] -> None | x::y::_ when x=y -> Some x | _::tl -> first_duplicate tl (* the input must be sorted output: list of non duplicates; list of duplicates *) let rec split_duplicates = function [] -> [],[] | [x] -> [x],[] | x::(y::_ as tl) -> let nondup,dup = split_duplicates tl in if x = y then List.filter ((<>) x) nondup, x::dup else x::nondup,dup (* Non c'e' nella vecchia versione di OCaml :( *) let uniq ?(compare=compare) = let rec aux = function | [] -> [] | [_] as ts -> ts | t1 :: (t2 :: _ as ts) -> if compare t1 t2 = 0 then aux ts else t1 :: (aux ts) in aux let sort_uniq ?(compare=compare) l = uniq ~compare (List.sort compare l) let rec list_cut = function | 0, lst -> [], lst | n, x::xs -> let a, b = list_cut (n-1,xs) in x::a, b | _ -> assert false ;; let concat_map f l = List.concat (List.map f l);; let rec take n = function | [] -> assert (n = 0); [] | _ when n = 0 -> [] | x::xs -> x::(take (n-1) xs) ;; module Vars = struct let string_of_var v = if v > 25 then "`" ^ string_of_int v else String.make 1 (char_of_int (v + int_of_char 'a')) ;; let var_of_string s = if String.length s <> 1 then ( if s.[0] = '`' then int_of_string (String.sub s 1 (-1 + String.length s)) else assert false ) else int_of_char s.[0] - int_of_char 'a' let print_name l n = if n = -1 then "*" else if n >= List.length l then "x" ^ string_of_int (List.length l - n - 1) else List.nth l n end