(* OCaml HTTP - do it yourself (fully OCaml) HTTP daemon Copyright (C) <2002-2005> Stefano Zacchiroli This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA *) open Printf open Http_common open Http_types open Http_constants open Http_parser exception Http_daemon_failure of string (** send raw data on outchan, flushing it afterwards *) let send_raw ~data outchan = output_string outchan data; flush outchan let send_CRLF = send_raw ~data:crlf let send_header ~header ~value = Http_parser_sanity.heal_header (header, value); send_raw ~data:(header ^ ": " ^ value ^ crlf) let send_headers ~headers outchan = List.iter (fun (header, value) -> send_header ~header ~value outchan) headers (** internal: low level for send_status_line *) let send_status_line' ~version code = let status_line = String.concat " " [ string_of_version version; string_of_int code; Http_misc.reason_phrase_of_code code ] in send_raw ~data:(status_line ^ crlf) let int_of_code = function | `Code code -> code | `Status status -> code_of_status status let send_status_line ?(version = http_version) ~(code: status_code) outchan = send_status_line' ~version (int_of_code code) outchan (* FIXME duplication of code between this and response#addBasicHeaders *) let send_basic_headers ?(version = http_version) ~(code: status_code) outchan = send_status_line' ~version (int_of_code code) outchan; send_headers ~headers:["Date", Http_misc.date_822 (); "Server", server_string] outchan (** internal: given a status code and an additional body return a string representing an HTML document that explains the meaning of given status code. Additional data can be added to the body via 'body' argument *) let foo_body code body = let reason_phrase = Http_misc.reason_phrase_of_code code in sprintf " %d %s

%d - %s

%s " code reason_phrase code reason_phrase body (** internal: send a fooish body explaining in HTML form the 'reason phrase' of an HTTP response; body, if given, will be appended to the body *) let send_foo_body code body = send_raw ~data:(foo_body code body) (* Warning: keep default values in sync with Http_response.response class *) let respond ?(body = "") ?(headers = []) ?version ?(code = `Code 200) outchan = send_basic_headers ?version ~code outchan; send_headers ~headers outchan; send_header "Content-Length" (string_of_int (String.length body)) outchan; send_CRLF outchan; send_raw ~data:body outchan (** internal: low level for respond_redirect, respond_error, ... This function send a status line corresponding to a given code, some basic headers, the additional headers (if given) and an HTML page containing the reason phrase; if body is given it will be included in the body of the HTML page *) let send_empty_response func_name ?(is_valid_status = fun _ -> true) ?(headers=[]) ?(body="") () = fun ?version code outchan -> if not (is_valid_status (int_of_code code)) then failwith (sprintf "'%d' isn't a valid status code for %s" (int_of_code code) func_name) else begin (* status code suitable for answering *) let headers = [ "Content-Type", "text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" ] @ headers in let body = (foo_body (int_of_code code) body) ^ body in respond ?version ~code ~headers ~body outchan end let respond_redirect ~location ?body ?version ?(code = `Code 301) outchan = send_empty_response "Daemon.respond_redirect" ~is_valid_status:is_redirection ~headers:["Location", location] ?body () ?version code outchan let respond_error ?body ?version ?(code = `Code 400) outchan = send_empty_response "Daemon.respond_error" ~is_valid_status:is_error ?body () ?version code outchan let respond_not_found ~url ?version outchan = send_empty_response "Daemon.respond_not_found" () ?version (`Code 404) outchan let respond_forbidden ~url ?version outchan = send_empty_response "Daemon.respond_permission_denied" () ?version (`Code 403) outchan let respond_unauthorized ?version ?(realm = server_string) outchan = let body = sprintf "401 - Unauthorized - Authentication failed for realm \"%s\"" realm in respond ~headers:["WWW-Authenticate", sprintf "Basic realm=\"%s\"" realm] ~code:(`Code 401) ~body outchan let send_file ~src outchan = let buflen = 1024 in let buf = String.make buflen ' ' in let (file, cleanup) = match src with | FileSrc fname -> (* if we open the file, we close it before returning *) let f = open_in fname in f, (fun () -> close_in f) | InChanSrc inchan -> inchan, ignore in try while true do let bytes = input file buf 0 buflen in if bytes = 0 then raise End_of_file else output outchan buf 0 bytes done; assert false with End_of_file -> begin flush outchan; cleanup () end (* TODO interface is too ugly to advertise this function in .mli *) (** create a minimal HTML directory listing of a given directory and send it over an out_channel, directory is passed as a dir_handle; name is the directory name, used for pretty printing purposes; path is the opened dir path, used to test its contents with stat *) let send_dir_listing ~dir ~name ~path outchan = fprintf outchan "\n%s\n\n" name; let (dirs, files) = List.partition (fun e -> Http_misc.is_directory (path ^ e)) (Http_misc.ls dir) in List.iter (fun d -> fprintf outchan "%s/
\n" d d) (List.sort compare dirs); List.iter (fun f -> fprintf outchan "%s
\n" f f) (List.sort compare files); fprintf outchan "\n"; flush outchan let respond_file ~fname ?(version = http_version) outchan = (** ASSUMPTION: 'fname' doesn't begin with a "/"; it's relative to the current document root (usually the daemon's cwd) *) let droot = Sys.getcwd () in (* document root *) let path = droot ^ "/" ^ fname in (* full path to the desired file *) if not (Sys.file_exists path) then (* file not found *) respond_not_found ~url:fname outchan else begin try if Http_misc.is_directory path then begin (* file found, is a dir *) let dir = Unix.opendir path in send_basic_headers ~version ~code:(`Code 200) outchan; send_header "Content-Type" "text/html" outchan; send_CRLF outchan; send_dir_listing ~dir ~name:fname ~path outchan; Unix.closedir dir end else begin (* file found, is something else *) let file = open_in fname in send_basic_headers ~version ~code:(`Code 200) outchan; send_header ~header:"Content-Length" ~value:(string_of_int (Http_misc.filesize fname)) outchan; send_CRLF outchan; send_file ~src:(InChanSrc file) outchan; close_in file end with | Unix.Unix_error (Unix.EACCES, _, _) | Sys_error _ -> respond_forbidden ~url:fname ~version outchan end let respond_with (res: Http_types.response) outchan = res#serialize outchan; flush outchan (** internal: this exception is raised after a malformed request has been read by a serving process to signal main server (or itself if mode = `Single) to skip to next request *) exception Again;; let pp_parse_exc e = sprintf "HTTP request parse error: %s" (Printexc.to_string e) (* given a Http_parser.parse_request like function, wrap it in a function that do the same and additionally catch parsing exception sending HTTP error messages back to client as needed. Returned function raises Again when it encounter a parse error (name 'Again' is intended for future versions that will support http keep alive signaling that a new request has to be parsed from client) *) let rec wrap_parse_request_w_safety parse_function inchan outchan = (try parse_function inchan with | (Malformed_request req) as e -> debug_print (pp_parse_exc e); respond_error ~code:(`Code 400) ~body:("request 1st line format should be: " ^ "'<method> <url> <version>'" ^ "
\nwhile received request 1st line was:
\n" ^ req) outchan; raise Again | (Invalid_HTTP_method meth) as e -> debug_print (pp_parse_exc e); respond_error ~code:(`Code 501) ~body:("Method '" ^ meth ^ "' isn't supported (yet)") outchan; raise Again | (Malformed_request_URI uri) as e -> debug_print (pp_parse_exc e); respond_error ~code:(`Code 400) ~body:("Malformed URL: '" ^ uri ^ "'") outchan; raise Again | (Invalid_HTTP_version version) as e -> debug_print (pp_parse_exc e); respond_error ~code:(`Code 505) ~body:("HTTP version '" ^ version ^ "' isn't supported (yet)") outchan; raise Again | (Malformed_query query) as e -> debug_print (pp_parse_exc e); respond_error ~code:(`Code 400) ~body:(sprintf "Malformed query string '%s'" query) outchan; raise Again | (Malformed_query_part (binding, query)) as e -> debug_print (pp_parse_exc e); respond_error ~code:(`Code 400) ~body:(sprintf "Malformed query part '%s' in query '%s'" binding query) outchan; raise Again) (* wrapper around Http_parser.parse_request which catch parsing exceptions and return error messages to client as needed @param inchan in_channel from which read incoming requests @param outchan out_channl on which respond with error messages if needed *) let safe_parse_request = wrap_parse_request_w_safety parse_request (* as above but for OO version (Http_parser.parse_request') *) let safe_parse_request' = wrap_parse_request_w_safety (new Http_request.request) let chdir_to_document_root = function (* chdir to document root *) | Some dir -> Sys.chdir dir | None -> () let server_of_mode = function | `Single -> Http_tcp_server.simple | `Fork -> Http_tcp_server.fork | `Thread -> Http_tcp_server.thread (* TODO what happens when a Quit exception is raised by a callback? Do other callbacks keep on living until the end or are them all killed immediatly? The right semantics should obviously be the first one *) (** - handle HTTP authentication * - handle automatic closures of client connections *) let invoke_callback req spec outchan = let callback req outchan = if spec.auto_close then Http_misc.finally (fun () -> try close_out outchan with Sys_error _ -> ()) (fun () -> spec.callback req outchan) () else spec.callback req outchan in try (match (spec.auth, req#authorization) with | None, _ -> callback req outchan (* no auth required *) | Some (realm, `Basic (spec_username, spec_password)), Some (`Basic (username, password)) when (username = spec_username) && (password = spec_password) -> (* auth ok *) callback req outchan | Some (realm, _), _ -> raise (Unauthorized realm)) (* auth failure *) with | Unauthorized realm -> respond_unauthorized ~realm outchan | Again -> () let main spec = chdir_to_document_root spec.root_dir; let sockaddr = Http_misc.build_sockaddr (spec.address, spec.port) in let daemon_callback inchan outchan = let next_req () = try Some (safe_parse_request' inchan outchan) with _ -> None in let rec loop n = match next_req () with | Some req -> debug_print (sprintf "request #%d" n); invoke_callback req spec outchan; flush outchan; loop (n + 1) | None -> debug_print "server exiting"; () in debug_print "server starting"; try loop 1 with exn -> debug_print (sprintf "uncaught exception: %s" (Printexc.to_string exn)); (match spec.exn_handler with | Some f -> debug_print "executing handler"; f exn outchan | None -> debug_print "no handler given: re-raising"; raise exn) in try (server_of_mode spec.mode) ~sockaddr ~timeout:spec.timeout daemon_callback with Quit -> () module Trivial = struct let heading_slash_RE = Pcre.regexp "^/" let trivial_callback req outchan = let path = req#path in if not (Pcre.pmatch ~rex:heading_slash_RE path) then respond_error ~code:(`Code 400) outchan else respond_file ~fname:(Http_misc.strip_heading_slash path) outchan let callback = trivial_callback let main spec = main { spec with callback = trivial_callback } end (** @param inchan input channel connected to client @param outchan output channel connected to client @param sockaddr client socket address *) class connection inchan outchan sockaddr = (* ASSUMPTION: inchan and outchan are channels built on top of the same Unix.file_descr thus closing one of them will close also the other *) let close' o = try o#close with Http_daemon_failure _ -> () in object (self) initializer Gc.finalise close' self val mutable closed = false method private assertNotClosed = if closed then raise (Http_daemon_failure "Http_daemon.connection: connection is closed") method getRequest = self#assertNotClosed; try Some (safe_parse_request' inchan outchan) with _ -> None method respond_with res = self#assertNotClosed; respond_with res outchan method close = self#assertNotClosed; close_in inchan; (* this close also outchan *) closed <- true end class daemon ?(addr = "") ?(port = 80) () = object (self) val suck = Http_tcp_server.init_socket (Http_misc.build_sockaddr (addr, port)) method accept = let (cli_suck, cli_sockaddr) = Unix.accept suck in (* may block *) let (inchan, outchan) = (Unix.in_channel_of_descr cli_suck, Unix.out_channel_of_descr cli_suck) in new connection inchan outchan cli_sockaddr method getRequest = let conn = self#accept in match conn#getRequest with | None -> conn#close; self#getRequest | Some req -> (req, conn) end open Http_constants let default_spec = { address = default_addr; auth = default_auth; auto_close = default_auto_close; callback = default_callback; mode = default_mode; port = default_port; root_dir = default_root_dir; exn_handler = default_exn_handler; timeout = default_timeout; } let daemon_spec ?(address = default_addr) ?(auth = default_auth) ?(auto_close = default_auto_close) ?(callback = default_callback) ?(mode = default_mode) ?(port = default_port) ?(root_dir = default_root_dir) ?(exn_handler = default_exn_handler) ?(timeout = default_timeout) () = { default_spec with address = address; auth = auth; auto_close = auto_close; callback = callback; mode = mode; port = port; root_dir = root_dir; exn_handler = exn_handler; timeout = timeout; }