open Parameters open Cil_types open Simplify_terms module Varinfo = Cil_datatype.Varinfo module Logic_var = Cil_datatype.Logic_var module Stmt = Cil_datatype.Stmt module Term = Cil_datatype.Term module Logic_label = Cil_datatype.Logic_label (** This module defines the main analysis of the plug-in. Its actions are: - build the CFG of the program; - compute the cost of each function depending on the costs of the others at the same time add the needed invariant and at the cost of each function *) (*** Helpers ***) let identity x = x let string_of_list sep f l = let rec aux = function | [] -> "" | [e] -> f e | e :: l -> (f e) ^ sep ^ (aux l) in aux l let integer_term term = Logic_const.term term Linteger let tinteger i = let cint64 = CInt64 (My_bigint.of_int i, IInt, None) in let iterm = TConst cint64 in integer_term iterm let cil_logic_int_var x = Logic_const.tvar (Cil_const.make_logic_var x Linteger) let current_kf obj = match obj#current_kf with | None -> raise (Failure "Compute.current_kf") | Some kf -> kf let add_loop_annot obj stmt annot = let annot = User annot in let kf = Cil.get_original_kernel_function (Cil.copy_visit ()) (current_kf obj) in Queue.add (fun () -> Annotations.add kf stmt [Ast.self] annot) obj#get_filling_actions let add_loop_annots obj stmt annots = List.iter (add_loop_annot obj stmt) annots let mk_invariant pred = Logic_const.new_code_annotation (AInvariant ([], true, pred)) let mk_variant term = Logic_const.new_code_annotation (AVariant (term, None)) let mk_fun_cost_pred rel cost_id cost = let cost_var = Cil_const.make_logic_var cost_id Linteger in let cost_var = Logic_const.tvar cost_var in let old_cost = Logic_const.told cost_var in let new_cost = TBinOp (PlusA, old_cost, cost) in let new_cost = integer_term new_cost in Logic_const.prel (rel, cost_var, new_cost) let rec exp_is_var name e = match (remove_casts e).enode with | Lval (Var v, _) -> v.vname = name | Info (e, _) -> exp_is_var name e | _ -> false let has_fun_type varinfo = match varinfo.vtype with | TFun _ -> true | _ -> false let formals_of_varinfo varinfo = match varinfo.vtype with | TFun (_, args, _, _) -> (fun (x, t, _) -> Cil.makeVarinfo false true x t) (Cil.argsToList args) | _ -> assert false (* do not use on these arguments *) let dummy_location = (Lexing.dummy_pos, Lexing.dummy_pos) let dummy_varinfo = Cil.makeVarinfo false false "" (TVoid []) let make_list n a = let rec aux acc i = if i >= n then acc else aux (a :: acc) (i+1) in aux [] 0 let rec stmt_subs stmt = let added = match stmt.skind with | If (_, block1, block2, _) | TryFinally (block1, block2, _) | TryExcept (block1, _, block2, _) -> (block_subs block1) @ (block_subs block2) | Switch (_, block, _, _) | Loop (_, block, _, _, _) | Block block -> block_subs block | UnspecifiedSequence l -> (fun (stmt, _, _, _, _) -> stmt) l | _ -> [] in stmt :: added and block_subs block = List.flatten ( stmt_subs block.bstmts) let rec first_stmt block = match block.bstmts with | [] -> None | stmt :: _ -> match stmt.skind with | Block block -> first_stmt block | _ -> Some stmt let stmt_is_break stmt = match stmt.skind with | Break _ -> true | _ -> false let starts_with_break block = match first_stmt block with | Some stmt -> (match stmt.skind with | Goto (stmt_ref, _) -> stmt_is_break !stmt_ref | _ -> stmt_is_break stmt) | _ -> false let rec last = function | [] -> None | [e] -> Some e | _ :: l -> last l let rec last_stmt block = match last block.bstmts with | None -> None | Some stmt -> match stmt.skind with | Block block -> last_stmt block | _ -> Some stmt class print_CFG = object inherit Visitor.frama_c_inplace as super method vfunc func = Format.printf "*** %s ***\n\n%!" func.svar.vname ; List.iter (fun stmt -> Format.printf "%d: %a\n--> %!" stmt.sid Cil.d_stmt stmt ; List.iter (fun stmt -> Format.printf "%d %!" stmt.sid) stmt.succs ; Format.printf "\n\n%!") func.sallstmts ; Format.printf "\n\n%!" ; Cil.SkipChildren end let print_CFG () = Visitor.visitFramacFile (new print_CFG) (Ast.get ()) (*** Make CFG ***) class make_CFG = object inherit Visitor.frama_c_inplace as super method vfile file = Cfg.clearFileCFG ~clear_id:false file ; Cfg.computeFileCFG file ; Cil.SkipChildren end let make_CFG () = Visitor.visitFramacFile (new make_CFG) (Ast.get ()) (** Extract variant *) let rec extract_added_value counter e = match e.enode with | BinOp (PlusA, e1, e2, _) when exp_is_var counter e1 -> Some (counter, e2) | BinOp (MinusA, e1, e2, typ) when exp_is_var counter e1 -> let enode = UnOp (Neg, e2, typ) in let e2 = { e2 with enode = enode } in Some (counter, e2) | CastE (_, e) -> extract_added_value counter e | _ -> if !debug then Format.printf "Could not find added increment value for counter %s in %a.\n%!" counter Cil.d_exp e ; None let extract_increment block = let open Misc.Option in last_stmt block >>= (fun stmt -> match stmt.skind with | Instr (Set ((Var v, _), e, _)) -> extract_added_value v.vname e | _ -> if !debug then Format.printf "Could not find increment instruction; found %a instead.\n%!" Cil.d_stmt stmt ; None) let gen_variant counter rel guard increment = let counter = term_of_exp counter in let guard = term_of_exp guard in let increment = term_of_exp increment in let guard = match rel with | Lt | Gt | Ne -> guard | Le | Ge | Eq -> make_binop PlusA (Cil.lconstant guard | _ -> assert false (* not implemented TODO be gentle *) in let variant = make_binop MinusA guard counter in let variant = if no_division_in_generated_variant then make_binop Mult variant (make_sign increment) else make_binop Div variant increment in simplify_term variant let opposite = function | Lt -> Gt | Gt -> Lt | Le -> Ge | Ge -> Le | Eq -> Eq | Ne -> Ne | _ -> assert false (* not implemented TODO be gentle *) let extract_guard block (counter, increment) = let open Misc.Option in first_stmt block >>= (fun stmt -> match stmt.skind with | If (e, _, block, _) when starts_with_break block -> (match e.enode with | BinOp (rel, e1, e2, _) when exp_is_var counter e1 (* && Domain.is_supported_rel rel *) -> (*Some (counter, rel, e2, increment)*) Some (gen_variant e1 rel e2 increment) | BinOp (rel, e1, e2, _) when exp_is_var counter e2 (* && Domain.is_supported_rel rel *) -> (* let rel = rel in *) (* let rel = Domain.opposite rel in *) (* Some (counter, rel, e1, increment) *) let rel = opposite rel in Some (gen_variant e2 rel e1 increment) | _ -> if !debug then Format.printf "Unsupported guard condition %a on counter %s.\n%!" Cil.d_exp e counter ; None) | If (_, _, block, _) -> if !debug then Format.printf "Loop not guarded by a break:\n%a\n%!" Cil.d_block block ; None | _ -> if !debug then Format.printf "Loop not guarded:\n%a\n%!" Cil.d_stmt stmt ; None) let extract_variant body = let open Misc.Option in extract_increment body >>= extract_guard body let rec find_variant = function | [] -> None | {annot_content = AVariant (t,_)}::_ -> Some t | _::l -> find_variant l (** Function computing cost of special instruction *) type env = { env_fun_cost : term Varinfo.Hashtbl.t; env_cost_incr_name : string; (* TODO put the varinfo *) env_cost_var : logic_var; mutable env_loop_name : unit -> string; } let init_loop_name env file = let i = ref 0 in let f () = incr i; Format.sprintf "__cost_%s_loop_%i" file !i in env.env_loop_name <- f let dumb_env_loop_name () : string = assert false let linteger t = Logic_const.term t Linteger (** Create a function which compute the cost of a loop. It uses the variant as the strictly decreasing positive argument. The cost depend of the other arguments \vec x. \bcost if the cost of the body of the loop (must be always positive!) \phi compute the modification of \vec x by one turn of the loop f(v,\vec x) = if v < 0 then 0 else (f(v-1,\phi(\vec x)) + \bcost(\vec x)) It also create some needed lemmas: - f is always positive or simplifying lemmas: - simpler (eg. algebraic) formulation of f: * \vec x = \empty, \phi = identity, \bcost = c >= 0 f(v) = c (v + 1) * \phi = identity f(v,\vec x) = \bcost(\vec x) * (v + 1) * \phi(\vec x) = x_1 + 1,x_2,...,x_n \bcost(\vec x) = max(c x_1,0) + \phi(x_2,...,x_n) \phi(x_2,...,x_n) >= 0, c >= 0 f(v,\vec x) = \phi(x_2,...,x_n) (v + 1) + c * [y(y+1) - (max(y-v-1,0)(y-v)]/2 *) let create_fun_loop env dep bcost = let v = Cil_const.make_logic_var "v" Linteger in let tv = Logic_const.tvar v in let xargs = fst dep in (** \vec x *) let mod_dep = snd dep in (** \phi *) let args = v::xargs in let targs = Logic_const.tvar args in (** The function *) let signature = Larrow ( (fun _ -> Linteger) args, Linteger) in let new_loop_name = env.env_loop_name () in let li = { l_var_info = Cil_const.make_logic_var new_loop_name signature; l_labels = []; l_tparams = []; l_type = Some Linteger; l_profile = args; l_body = LBnone (* temporary *) } in let lzero = Cil.lzero () in let tvminusone = linteger (TBinOp(MinusA, tv, Cil.lconstant ( in (* let body = linteger (Tapp(li,[],tvminusone::mod_dep)) in *) let body = linteger (tapp li (tvminusone::mod_dep)) in let body = linteger (TBinOp(PlusA, body, bcost)) in let body = Tif(linteger (TBinOp(Lt, tv, lzero)), lzero, body) in li.l_body <- LBterm (linteger body); (** Axiom positive *) let lemma = Logic_const.unamed (Pforall(args, Logic_const.unamed (Prel (Rge, linteger (Tapp(li, [], targs)), lzero)))) in let lemma = Dlemma (new_loop_name ^ "_is_positive", false, [], [], lemma, Cil_datatype.Location.unknown) in (** Register them as global (in reverse order) *) Globals.Annotations.add_generated lemma; Globals.Annotations.add_generated (Dfun_or_pred (li, Cil_datatype.Location.unknown)); li (** TODO: extend it to some more interesting cases *) let cost_loop_term_simple env kern_fun stmt lab_before_loop variant cost_body = (** The number of iteration is bounded by the variant + 1, because the variant must be positive at the *start* of an iteration *) let variant = make_binop PlusA variant (Cil.lconstant ( in (** Simple version, just do the multiplication *) let nbr_iteration = make_at lab_before_loop variant in (** the nbr_iteration must be positive *) let nbr_iteration = make_max nbr_iteration (Cil.lzero ()) in let sum = make_binop Mult nbr_iteration cost_body in (** make the cost invariant of the loop *) let remaining_nbr_iteration = make_max variant (Cil.lzero ()) in (** ensures cost <= \old(cost) + ([nbr_iteration]-[remaining_nbr_iteration]) * [cost_body] *) let cost_var = Logic_const.tvar env.env_cost_var in let old_cost = make_at lab_before_loop cost_var in let cost_iterations = make_binop Mult (make_binop MinusA nbr_iteration remaining_nbr_iteration) cost_body in let new_cost = make_binop PlusA old_cost cost_iterations in let new_cost = simplify_term new_cost in let invariant = Logic_const.prel (Rle, cost_var, new_cost) in let annot = Logic_const.new_code_annotation (AInvariant ([time_cost_behavior],true,invariant)) in Annotations.add kern_fun stmt [Ast.self] (User annot); sum let cost_loop_term_complexe env kern_fun stmt lab_before_loop variant deps cost_body = (** the nbr_iteration must be positive *) let variant = make_max variant (Cil.lzero ()) in let args = fst deps in (** \phi *) let targs = Logic_const.tvar args in let fl = create_fun_loop env deps cost_body in let app = linteger (tapp fl (variant::targs)) in let sum = make_at lab_before_loop app in (** make the cost invariant of the loop *) (** ensures cost <= \old(cost) + ([nbr_iteration]-[remaining_nbr_iteration]) * [cost_body] *) let cost_var = Logic_const.tvar env.env_cost_var in let old_cost = make_at lab_before_loop cost_var in let cost_iterations = make_binop MinusA sum app in let new_cost = make_binop PlusA old_cost cost_iterations in let new_cost = simplify_term new_cost in let invariant = Logic_const.prel (Rle, cost_var, new_cost) in let annot = Logic_const.new_code_annotation (AInvariant ([time_cost_behavior],true,invariant)) in Annotations.add kern_fun stmt [Ast.self] (User annot); sum let cost_loop_term env kern_fun stmt lab_before_loop variant deps cost_body = (* let const_during_loop = List.for_all (fun (_,_) -> (** TODO *) false) deps in if const_during_loop then cost_loop_term_simple env kern_fun stmt lab_before_loop variant cost_body else cost_loop_term_complexe env kern_fun stmt lab_before_loop variant deps cost_body *) let cost_body = simplify_term cost_body in match cost_body.term_node with | TConst _ -> cost_loop_term_simple env kern_fun stmt lab_before_loop variant cost_body | _ -> cost_loop_term_complexe env kern_fun stmt lab_before_loop variant deps cost_body (** computing cost of fundec which contain a call to funvar *) let cost_of_fun_call env funvar args = (** can't fail since we use the callgraph *) let cost = Varinfo.Hashtbl.find env.env_fun_cost funvar in (* match cost.term_node with *) (* | TConst (CInt64 (_,_,_)) -> cost *) (* | _ -> *) (** arguments of the function *) let formals = Cil.getFormalsDecl funvar in (* (** The real arguments are binded using a let and the formal argument are replaced by fresh variable *) let letvars = (fun vi -> Cil.make_temp_logic_var (Ctype vi.vtype)) formals in let subst = List.fold_left2 (fun map vi v -> Varinfo.Map.add vi v map) Varinfo.Map.empty formals letvars in let cost = Visitor.visitFramacTerm (new subst_lval subst (Project.current ())) cost in let cost = List.fold_left2 (fun tlet v arg -> let logic_info = { l_var_info = v; l_type = None; l_tparams = []; l_labels = []; l_profile = []; l_body = LBnone; } in let arg = term_of_exp arg in let tlet = Logic_const.term (Tlet (logic_info, arg)) tlet.term_type in tlet) cost letvars args in*) let subst = List.fold_left2 (fun map vi arg -> try Varinfo.Map.add vi (term_of_exp arg) map with Untranslatable_expr _ -> map (** TODO verify that this formal doesn't appear in the cost of the function *) ) Varinfo.Map.empty formals args in let cost = remove_logic_label Logic_const.pre_label cost in let cost = Visitor.visitFramacTerm (new subst_lval subst (Project.current ())) cost in cost (** Compute the "wp" of a stmt, in fact just make some substitution *) let stmt_wp stmt term = (** try to propagate \at(i,Label) *) match stmt.skind with | Instr (Set ((Var vi,_),e,_)) -> begin try let t = term_of_exp e in let subst = Varinfo.Map.singleton vi t in let term = Visitor.visitFramacTerm (new subst_with_label stmt subst (Project.current ())) term in term with exn -> if !debug then Format.eprintf "can't convert exp %a to term: %a.@." Cil.defaultCilPrinter#pExp e print_exception exn; term end | _ -> term let rec stmts_wp bad_stmts stop_stmts stmt term = if !debug then Format.printf "stmts_wp sid: %i,@ bad_stmts: %a,@ stop_stmts: %a,@\n" stmt.sid Stmt.Set.pretty bad_stmts Stmt.Set.pretty stop_stmts; (** statement in last statement *) if Stmt.Set.mem stmt stop_stmts then Some term else if Stmt.Set.mem stmt bad_stmts then None else (** successors *) let succs_bad_stmts = match stmt.skind with | Loop (_,_,_,_,_) -> Stmt.Set.add stmt bad_stmts | _ -> bad_stmts in (** Cost of the successors of the instruction *) let cost_succs = stmts_wp_succs succs_bad_stmts stop_stmts stmt.succs term in match cost_succs with | [] -> None (** can't go in a good state so count nothing *) | (a::l) -> (** TODO take care of conditions *) assert (l = []); let a' = stmt_wp stmt a in if !debug then Format.printf "[WP]stmt:@,%a@.a:@,%a@.a':@,%a@." Cil.defaultCilPrinter#pStmt stmt Cil.defaultCilPrinter#pTerm a Cil.defaultCilPrinter#pTerm a'; Some a' and stmts_wp_succs bad_stmts stop_stmts stmts term = let fold acc stmt = match stmts_wp bad_stmts stop_stmts stmt term with | None -> acc | Some t -> t::acc in List.fold_left fold [] stmts (** We go through the cfg we assume that: - all functions called have a cost already computed - no implicit loop (goto), all are explicit Loop - all loops have an invariant (given by the user or previously computed for for-loops) We iterate on the cfg except when arriving on a loop where we compute the body alone and after that go to the next statements (the break statement) break_statement in which statement to stop the sum (for loop) *) let rec find_variant = function | [] -> None | {annot_content = AVariant (t,_)}::_ -> Some t | _::l -> find_variant l (** TODO: cache the statement already done after if-then-else (otherwise exponential) *) (** return None if no path arrive to a good_statement or don't go through a bad_statetement *) let rec cfg_sum env kern_fun bad_stmts stop_stmts stmt = if !debug then Format.printf "sid: %i,@ bad_stmts: %a,@ stop_stmts: %a,@\n" stmt.sid Stmt.Set.pretty bad_stmts Stmt.Set.pretty stop_stmts; (** statement in last statement *) if Stmt.Set.mem stmt stop_stmts then Some (Cil.lzero ()) else if Stmt.Set.mem stmt bad_stmts then None else (** successors *) let succs_bad_stmts = match stmt.skind with | Loop (_,_,_,_,_) -> Stmt.Set.add stmt bad_stmts | _ -> bad_stmts in (** Cost of the successors of the instruction *) let cost_succs = cfg_sum_succs env kern_fun succs_bad_stmts stop_stmts stmt.succs in match cost_succs with | None -> None (** can't go in a good state so count nothing *) | Some cost_succs -> (** Cost of the instruction *) let cost_instr = match stmt.skind with (* (\** call to cost_incr *\) *) (** cost_incr is an usual function *) (* | Instr *) (* (Call (None, *) (* { enode = *) (* Lval (Var var, _)} , *) (* [cost], _)) *) (* when var.vname = env.env_cost_incr_name -> *) (* term_of_cost_expr cost *) (** function call *) | Instr (Call (_, { enode = Lval (Var var, _)}, args,_)) -> cost_of_fun_call env var args (** loops *) | Loop (_,body,_,_,_) -> cost_loop env kern_fun bad_stmts stop_stmts stmt body | _ -> Cil.lzero () in (** normalize the cost of the instruction regarding the labels *) let labels = NormAtLabels.labels_stmt_pre stmt in let cost_instr = NormAtLabels.preproc_annot_term labels cost_instr in let cost_succs = stmt_wp stmt cost_succs in let sum = make_binop PlusA cost_instr cost_succs in (** remove the at that point to this statement we don't know the value at this point perhaps we will know before ( use Here?? ) *) let sum = Visitor.visitFramacTerm (new remove_stmt_label stmt (Project.current ())) sum in if !debug then Format.printf "Stmt %i sum=%a@." stmt.sid Term.pretty sum; Some sum and cfg_sum_succs env kern_fun bad_stmts stop_stmts stmts = let fold cost stmt = let cost_succ = cfg_sum env kern_fun bad_stmts stop_stmts stmt in make_max_opt cost cost_succ in List.fold_left fold None stmts and cost_loop env kern_fun bad_stmts stop_stmts stmt body = (** the first one perhaps not needed *) let bad_stmts = Stmt.Set.union bad_stmts stop_stmts in let stop_stmts = Stmt.Set.singleton stmt in let cost_body = cfg_sum_succs env kern_fun bad_stmts stop_stmts stmt.succs in let cost_body = match cost_body with | None -> (* no cycle in fact *) Cil.lzero () | Some cost -> simplify_term cost in (** compute free variable and compute their modification by the loop body *) let deps = freevar Logic_var.Set.empty cost_body in let deps = let fold e acc = let result = stmts_wp_succs bad_stmts stop_stmts stmt.succs (Logic_const.tvar e) in match result with | [] -> assert false (** No cycle? impossible it find one before *) | t::l -> assert (l = []); (* TODO *) (e, t)::acc in Logic_var.Set.fold fold deps [] in (** this stmt is the continue *) let annots = Annotations.get_filter Logic_utils.is_variant stmt in let variant = match annots with | [] -> (** TODO put it somewhere else *) begin match extract_variant body with | None -> Format.printf "Can't@ compute@ cost@ without@ variant@ for@ statement:@,%a@." Stmt.pretty stmt; exit 1 | Some variant -> let annot = Logic_const.new_code_annotation (AVariant (variant,None)) in Annotations.add kern_fun stmt [Ast.self] (User annot); variant end | ( User { annot_content = AVariant (v,_) } | AI (_, { annot_content = AVariant (v,_) }) (** usefule case ? *) ) :: _ -> let v = NormAtLabels.preproc_annot_term (NormAtLabels.labels_loop_inv stmt) v in let v = remove_logic_label Logic_const.here_label v in v | _ -> assert false (* result of the filter *) in if stmt.labels = [] then stmt.labels <- (** ugly but... *) Label("__stmt_"^(string_of_int stmt.sid),Cil.builtinLoc,false):: stmt.labels; let label_before_loop = StmtLabel (ref stmt) in cost_loop_term env kern_fun stmt label_before_loop variant deps cost_body let make_leq_cost env sum = (** ensures cost <= \old(cost) + [sum] *) let cost_var = Logic_const.tvar env.env_cost_var in let old_cost = Logic_const.told cost_var in let new_cost = Logic_const.term (Cil_types.TBinOp (Cil_types.PlusA, old_cost, sum)) Linteger in let post = Logic_const.prel (Rle, cost_var, new_cost) in let post = Logic_const.new_predicate post in post let fun_sum env vi kernel_fun = let fst_stmt = Kernel_function.find_first_stmt kernel_fun in let last_stmt = Kernel_function.find_return kernel_fun in let bad_stmts = Stmt.Set.empty in let stop_stmts = Stmt.Set.singleton last_stmt in let sum = cfg_sum env kernel_fun bad_stmts stop_stmts fst_stmt in let sum = match sum with | None -> assert false (* Oups return not achievable?? *) (* Infinity!! *) | Some sum -> let sum = simplify_term sum in let sum = Logic_const.told sum in (** add old and push it *) let labels = NormAtLabels.labels_fct_post in let sum = NormAtLabels.preproc_annot_term labels sum in sum in if !debug then Format.printf "@[sum of %a: %a@]@." Cil.defaultCilPrinter#pVar vi Cil.defaultCilPrinter#pTerm sum; (** add postcondition about cost *) let mod_funspec funspec = let post = make_leq_cost env sum in let behavior = Cil.mk_behavior ~name:time_cost_behavior ~post_cond:[Normal, post] () in {funspec with spec_behavior = behavior::funspec.spec_behavior;} in Kernel_function.set_spec kernel_fun mod_funspec; sum (** Before computing the sum check that the user doesn't specify the cost. In this case use it *) let fun_sum env vi = init_loop_name env "fun_sum"; let kernel_fun = Globals.Functions.get vi in let funspec = Kernel_function.get_spec kernel_fun in let rec find_cost = function | [] -> None | {b_name = name; b_requires = []; b_assumes = []; (** TODO? allow more general contract? *) (** ensores __cost <= \old(__cost) + t; *) b_post_cond = [_,{ip_content=Prel (Rle, {term_node = (TLval(TVar cost_var,TNoOffset))}, {term_node = TBinOp(PlusA,{term_node = Tat( {term_node = (TLval(TVar cost_var2,TNoOffset))}, old_label)}, t)})}] }::_ when name = time_cost_behavior && Logic_var.equal cost_var env.env_cost_var && Logic_var.equal cost_var2 env.env_cost_var && Logic_label.equal old_label Logic_const.old_label -> Some t | _::l -> find_cost l in match find_cost funspec.spec_behavior with | None -> fun_sum env vi kernel_fun | Some sum -> if !debug then Format.printf "@[User sum of %a: %a@]@." Cil.defaultCilPrinter#pVar vi Cil.defaultCilPrinter#pTerm sum; let labels = NormAtLabels.labels_fct_post in let sum = NormAtLabels.preproc_annot_term labels sum in sum let initialize _tmp_prefix _fname cost_var cost_incr _extern_costs = (** TODO? use extern_costs for initializing env_fun_cost ? *) let callgraph = Callgraph.computeGraph (Ast.get ()) in if !debug then Printf.printf "callgraph size: %a\n%!" Callgraph.printGraph callgraph; let env = { env_fun_cost = Varinfo.Hashtbl.create 10; env_cost_incr_name = cost_incr; env_cost_var = cost_var; env_loop_name = dumb_env_loop_name} in let rec iter : 'a. 'a -> Callgraph.callnode -> unit = fun _ callnode -> match callnode.Callgraph.cnInfo with | Callgraph.NIVar (vi,{contents = true }) -> if not (Varinfo.Hashtbl.mem env.env_fun_cost vi) then begin Inthash.iter iter callnode.Callgraph.cnCallees; let sum = fun_sum env vi in Varinfo.Hashtbl.add env.env_fun_cost vi sum end | _ -> () (** put an undefined constant here for top *) in (** add the cost of cost_incr *) let cost_incr = Hashtbl.find callgraph cost_incr in let cost_incr = match cost_incr.Callgraph.cnInfo with | Callgraph.NIVar (vi,_) -> vi | _ -> assert false (* cost_incr must be at least declared *) in let arg_cost_incr = List.hd (Cil.getFormalsDecl cost_incr) in let sum_cost_incr = Logic_const.tvar (Cil.cvar_to_lvar arg_cost_incr) in let post_cost_incr = make_leq_cost env sum_cost_incr in Kernel_function.set_spec (Globals.Functions.get cost_incr) (fun funspec -> let assigns = Writes [Logic_const.(new_identified_term (tvar cost_var)), FromAny] in let behavior = Cil.mk_behavior ~name:time_cost_behavior ~post_cond:[Normal, post_cost_incr] ~assigns () in {funspec with spec_behavior = behavior::funspec.spec_behavior;} ); Varinfo.Hashtbl.add env.env_fun_cost cost_incr sum_cost_incr; (** make the other functions *) Hashtbl.iter iter callgraph (*** Main ***) let cost ((fname, _), _, cost_time, _) = try if !debug then Printf.printf "Initialize Cost\n%!" ; let cost_var = Cil.cvar_to_lvar (Globals.Vars.find_from_astinfo cost_time.Cerco.cost_id VGlobal) in initialize "__tmp" fname cost_var cost_time.Cerco.cost_incr cost_time.Cerco.extern_costs; with e -> Format.eprintf "** ERROR: %a.@." print_exception_raise e