open Parameters open Cil_types open Simplify_terms module Varinfo = Cil_datatype.Varinfo module Stmt = Cil_datatype.Stmt module Term = Cil_datatype.Term module Logic_label = Cil_datatype.Logic_label (** This module defines the main analysis of the plug-in. Its actions are: - build the CFG of the program; - initialize the static environment of analysis (parameters of the functions, number of loops, etc); - compute the cost of each function depending on the costs of the others; - try to solve the inequations formed from the previous step so as to obtain an independent cost for each function; - save the results; - add the annotations on the program. *) (** Function computing cost of special instruction *) type env = { env_fun_cost : term Varinfo.Hashtbl.t; env_cost_incr_name : string; (* TODO put the varinfo *) env_cost_var_max : logic_var; env_cost_var : logic_var; } let cost_loop env kern_fun stmt lab_before_loop cost_body = (** invariant cost_max <= max(\old(cost_max), \old(cost) + [cost_body]) invariant cost = \old(cost) *) (** first *) let cost_var_max = Logic_const.tvar env.env_cost_var_max in let old_cost_max = make_at lab_before_loop cost_var_max in let cost_var = Logic_const.tvar env.env_cost_var in let old_cost = make_at lab_before_loop cost_var in let cost_iterations = make_binop PlusA old_cost cost_body in let invariant = if Term.equal old_cost cost_iterations then Logic_const.prel (Req, cost_var_max, old_cost_max) else let new_cost = make_max old_cost_max cost_iterations in let new_cost = simplify_term new_cost in Logic_const.prel (Rle, cost_var_max, new_cost) in let annot = Logic_const.new_code_annotation (AInvariant ([stack_cost_behavior],true,invariant)) in Annotations.add kern_fun stmt [Ast.self] (User annot); (** second *) let invariant = Logic_const.prel (Req, cost_var, old_cost) in let annot = Logic_const.new_code_annotation (AInvariant ([stack_cost_behavior],true,invariant)) in Annotations.add kern_fun stmt [Ast.self] (User annot); cost_body (** computing cost of fundec which contain a call to funvar *) let cost_of_fun_call env funvar args = (** can't fail since we use the callgraph *) let cost = Varinfo.Hashtbl.find env.env_fun_cost funvar in (* match cost.term_node with *) (* | TConst (CInt64 (_,_,_)) -> cost *) (* | _ -> *) (** arguments of the function *) let formals = Cil.getFormalsDecl funvar in (* (** The real arguments are binded using a let and the formal argument are replaced by fresh variable *) let letvars = (fun vi -> Cil.make_temp_logic_var (Ctype vi.vtype)) formals in let subst = List.fold_left2 (fun map vi v -> Varinfo.Map.add vi v map) Varinfo.Map.empty formals letvars in let cost = Visitor.visitFramacTerm (new subst_lval subst (Project.current ())) cost in let cost = List.fold_left2 (fun tlet v arg -> let logic_info = { l_var_info = v; l_type = None; l_tparams = []; l_labels = []; l_profile = []; l_body = LBnone; } in let arg = term_of_exp arg in let tlet = Logic_const.term (Tlet (logic_info, arg)) tlet.term_type in tlet) cost letvars args in*) let subst = List.fold_left2 (fun map vi arg -> try Varinfo.Map.add vi (term_of_exp arg) map with Untranslatable_expr _ -> map (** TODO verify that this formal doesn't appear in the cost of the function *) ) Varinfo.Map.empty formals args in let cost = remove_logic_label Logic_const.pre_label cost in let cost = Visitor.visitFramacTerm (new subst_lval subst (Project.current ())) cost in cost (** We go through the cfg we assume that: - all functions called have a cost already computed - no implicit loop (goto), all are explicit Loop - all loops have an invariant (given by the user or previously computed for for-loops) We iterate on the cfg except when arriving on a loop where we compute the body alone and after that go to the next statements (the break statement) break_statement in which statement to stop the sum (for loop) *) let rec find_variant = function | [] -> None | {annot_content = AVariant (t,_)}::_ -> Some t | _::l -> find_variant l (** TODO: cache the statement already done after if-then-else (otherwise exponential) *) (** return None if no path arrive to a good_statement or don't go through a bad_statetement *) let rec cfg_sum env kern_fun bad_stmts stop_stmts stmt = if !debug then Format.printf "sid: %i,@ bad_stmts: %a,@ stop_stmts: %a,@\n" stmt.sid Stmt.Set.pretty bad_stmts Stmt.Set.pretty stop_stmts; (** statement in last statement *) if Stmt.Set.mem stmt stop_stmts then Some (Cil.lzero ()) else if Stmt.Set.mem stmt bad_stmts then None else (** successors *) let succs_bad_stmts = match stmt.skind with | Loop (_,_,_,_,_) -> Stmt.Set.add stmt bad_stmts | _ -> bad_stmts in (** Cost of the successors of the instruction *) let cost_succs = cfg_sum_succs env kern_fun succs_bad_stmts stop_stmts stmt.succs in match cost_succs with | None -> None (** can't go in a good state so count nothing *) | Some cost_succs -> (** normalize the cost of the instruction regarding the labels *) let labels = NormAtLabels.labels_stmt_pre stmt in (** Cost of the instruction *) let sum = match stmt.skind with (* (\** call to cost_incr *\) *) (** cost_stack_incr is not an usual function *) | Instr (Call (None, { enode = Lval (Var var, _)} , [cost], _)) when var.vname = env.env_cost_incr_name -> make_binop PlusA cost_succs (make_max (Cil.lzero ()) (term_of_cost_expr cost)) (** function call *) | Instr (Call (_, { enode = Lval (Var var, _)}, args,_)) -> let cost_instr = NormAtLabels.preproc_annot_term labels (cost_of_fun_call env var args) in make_max cost_succs cost_instr (** loops *) | Loop (_,_,_,_,_) -> (** the first one perhaps not needed *) let bad_stmts = Stmt.Set.union bad_stmts stop_stmts in let stop_stmts = Stmt.Set.singleton stmt in let cost_body = cfg_sum_succs env kern_fun bad_stmts stop_stmts stmt.succs in let cost_body = match cost_body with | None -> (* no cycle in fact *) Cil.lzero () | Some cost -> simplify_term cost in if stmt.labels = [] then stmt.labels <- (** ugly but... *) Label("__stmt_"^(string_of_int stmt.sid),Cil.builtinLoc,false):: stmt.labels; let label_before_loop = StmtLabel (ref stmt) in let cost_instr = cost_loop env kern_fun stmt label_before_loop cost_body in let cost_instr = NormAtLabels.preproc_annot_term labels cost_instr in make_max cost_instr cost_succs | _ -> cost_succs in (** try to propagate \at(i,Label) *) let sum = match stmt.skind with | Instr (Set ((Var vi,_),e,_)) -> begin try let t = term_of_exp e in let subst = Varinfo.Map.singleton vi t in let sum = Visitor.visitFramacTerm (new subst_with_label stmt subst (Project.current ())) sum in sum with exn -> if !debug then Format.eprintf "can't convert exp %a to term: %a.@." Cil.defaultCilPrinter#pExp e print_exception exn; sum end | _ -> sum in (** remove the at that point to this statement we don't know the value at this point perhaps we will know before ( use Here?? ) *) let sum = Visitor.visitFramacTerm (new remove_stmt_label stmt (Project.current ())) sum in Some sum and cfg_sum_succs env kern_fun bad_stmts stop_stmts stmts = let fold cost stmt = let cost_succ = cfg_sum env kern_fun bad_stmts stop_stmts stmt in make_max_opt cost cost_succ in List.fold_left fold None stmts let make_leq_cost env sum = (** ensures cost_max <= max(\old(cost_max), [sum] + cost) *) let cost_var_max = Logic_const.tvar env.env_cost_var_max in let cost_var = Logic_const.tvar env.env_cost_var in let old_cost = Logic_const.told cost_var in let old_cost_max = Logic_const.told cost_var_max in let expr = make_binop PlusA sum old_cost in let expr = make_max old_cost_max expr in let post = Logic_const.prel (Rle, cost_var_max, expr) in let post = Logic_const.new_predicate post in post let make_eq_cost env = (** ensures cost = old cost *) let cost_var = Logic_const.tvar env.env_cost_var in let old_cost = Logic_const.told cost_var in let post = Logic_const.prel (Req, cost_var, old_cost) in let post = Logic_const.new_predicate post in post let fun_sum env vi = let kernel_fun = Globals.Functions.get vi in let fst_stmt = Kernel_function.find_first_stmt kernel_fun in let last_stmt = Kernel_function.find_return kernel_fun in let bad_stmts = Stmt.Set.empty in let stop_stmts = Stmt.Set.singleton last_stmt in let sum = cfg_sum env kernel_fun bad_stmts stop_stmts fst_stmt in let sum = match sum with | None -> assert false (* Oups return not achievable?? *) (* Infinity!! *) | Some sum -> let sum = simplify_term sum in let sum = Logic_const.told sum in (** add old and push it *) let labels = NormAtLabels.labels_fct_post in let sum = NormAtLabels.preproc_annot_term labels sum in sum in if !debug then Format.printf "@[sum of %a: %a@]@." Cil.defaultCilPrinter#pVar vi Cil.defaultCilPrinter#pTerm sum; (** add postcondition about cost *) let mod_funspec funspec = let post = make_leq_cost env sum in let post2 = make_eq_cost env in let behavior = Cil.mk_behavior ~name:stack_cost_behavior ~post_cond:[Normal, post; Normal, post2] () in {funspec with spec_behavior = behavior::funspec.spec_behavior;} in Kernel_function.set_spec kernel_fun mod_funspec; sum let initialize _tmp_prefix _fname cost_var cost_var_max cost_incr _extern_costs = (** TODO? use extern_costs for initializing env_fun_cost ? *) let callgraph = Callgraph.computeGraph (Ast.get ()) in if !debug then Printf.printf "callgraph size: %a\n%!" Callgraph.printGraph callgraph; let env = { env_fun_cost = Varinfo.Hashtbl.create 10; env_cost_incr_name = cost_incr; env_cost_var_max = cost_var_max; env_cost_var = cost_var } in let rec iter : 'a. 'a -> Callgraph.callnode -> unit = fun _ callnode -> match callnode.Callgraph.cnInfo with | Callgraph.NIVar (vi,{contents = true }) -> if not (Varinfo.Hashtbl.mem env.env_fun_cost vi) then begin Inthash.iter iter callnode.Callgraph.cnCallees; let sum = fun_sum env vi in Varinfo.Hashtbl.add env.env_fun_cost vi sum end | _ -> () (** put an undefined constant here for top *) in (** add the cost of cost_incr *) let cost_incr = Hashtbl.find callgraph cost_incr in let cost_incr = match cost_incr.Callgraph.cnInfo with | Callgraph.NIVar (vi,_) -> vi | _ -> assert false (* cost_incr must be at least declared *) in let arg_cost_incr = List.hd (Cil.getFormalsDecl cost_incr) in let sum_cost_incr = Logic_const.tvar (Cil.cvar_to_lvar arg_cost_incr) in let post_cost_incr = make_leq_cost env sum_cost_incr in let post_cost_incr2 = (** ensures cost = cost + incr *) let cost_var = Logic_const.tvar env.env_cost_var in let old_cost = Logic_const.told cost_var in let expr = make_binop PlusA sum_cost_incr old_cost in let post = Logic_const.prel (Req, cost_var, expr) in let post = Logic_const.new_predicate post in post in Kernel_function.set_spec (Globals.Functions.get cost_incr) (fun funspec -> let assigns = Writes [Logic_const.(new_identified_term (tvar cost_var_max)), FromAny; Logic_const.(new_identified_term (tvar cost_var)), FromAny] in let behavior = Cil.mk_behavior ~name:stack_cost_behavior ~post_cond:[Normal, post_cost_incr;Normal, post_cost_incr2] ~assigns () in {funspec with spec_behavior = behavior::funspec.spec_behavior;} ); Varinfo.Hashtbl.add env.env_fun_cost cost_incr sum_cost_incr; (** make the other functions *) Hashtbl.iter iter callgraph (** Save file *) let save_file fname = Kernel.CodeOutput.set fname ; File.pretty_ast () (*** Main ***) exception NoStackInst let cost ((fname, _), _, _cost_time, cost_stack) = match cost_stack with | None -> () | Some (cost_stack_max, cost_stack_id) -> try if !debug then Printf.printf "Initialize stack size\n%!" ; let cost_var_max = try Cil.cvar_to_lvar (Globals.Vars.find_from_astinfo cost_stack_max.Cerco.cost_id VGlobal) with _ -> raise NoStackInst in let cost_var = Cil.cvar_to_lvar (Globals.Vars.find_from_astinfo cost_stack_id VGlobal) in initialize "__tmp" fname cost_var cost_var_max cost_stack_max.Cerco.cost_incr cost_stack_max.Cerco.extern_costs; with | NoStackInst -> Format.eprintf "No stack information found.\n%!" | e -> Format.eprintf "** ERROR: %a.@." print_exception_raise e