open BitVectors;; open ASM;; open Util;; open Parser;; open Printf;; exception WrongFormat of string type intel_hex_entry_type = Data | End | ExtendedSeg | ExtendedLinear ;; type intel_hex_entry = { record_length: byte; record_addr: word; record_type: intel_hex_entry_type; data_field: byte list; data_checksum: byte } ;; type intel_hex_format = intel_hex_entry list;; let hex_digit_of_char = function '0' -> 0 | '1' -> 1 | '2' -> 2 | '3' -> 3 | '4' -> 4 | '5' -> 5 | '6' -> 6 | '7' -> 7 | '8' -> 8 | '9' -> 9 | 'A' -> 10 | 'B' -> 11 | 'C' -> 12 | 'D' -> 13 | 'E' -> 14 | 'F' -> 15 | 'a' -> 10 | 'b' -> 11 | 'c' -> 12 | 'd' -> 13 | 'e' -> 14 | 'f' -> 15 | _ -> assert false let intel_hex_entry_type_of_int = function 0 -> Data | 1 -> End | 2 -> ExtendedSeg | 4 -> ExtendedLinear | _ -> assert false ;; let int_of_intel_hex_entry_type = function Data -> 0 | End -> 1 | ExtendedSeg -> 2 | ExtendedLinear -> 4 ;; let prs_nibble = prs_hex_digit >>= fun a -> return $ vect_of_int (hex_digit_of_char a) `Four ;; let prs_byte = prs_nibble >>= fun a -> prs_nibble >>= fun b -> return $ mk_byte a b ;; let prs_word = prs_byte >>= fun a -> prs_byte >>= fun b -> return $ mk_word a b ;; let prs_length = prs_byte;; let prs_data len = prs_exact len prs_byte let prs_checksum = prs_byte;; let prs_addr = prs_word;; let prs_type = prs_hex_digit >>= fun a -> prs_hex_digit >>= fun b -> let a_as_hex = hex_digit_of_char a in let b_as_hex = hex_digit_of_char b in (*CSC: is next line correct??? *) let total = a_as_hex + b_as_hex in return $ intel_hex_entry_type_of_int total let add_bytes v = let r = List.rev v in let rec aux (cry, bs) = function [] -> (cry, bs) | hd::tl -> aux (half_add hd bs) tl in aux (false, (vect_of_int 0 `Eight)) r let calculate_checksum hex_entry = let ty = (flip vect_of_int $ `Eight) $ int_of_intel_hex_entry_type hex_entry.record_type in let addr1,addr2 = from_word hex_entry.record_addr in let _, total = add_bytes (hex_entry.record_length :: addr1 :: addr2 :: ty :: hex_entry.data_field) in let _,total = half_add (vect_of_int 1 `Eight) $ complement total in total let checksum_valid hex_entry = let total = calculate_checksum hex_entry in hex_entry.data_checksum = total let prs_intel_hex_record = prs_char ':' >>= fun _ -> prs_length >>= fun b -> prs_addr >>= fun c -> prs_type >>= fun d -> prs_data (int_of_vect b) >>= fun e -> prs_checksum >>= fun f -> prs_eof >>= fun _ -> let entry = { record_length = b; record_addr = c; record_type = d; data_field = e; data_checksum = f } in if checksum_valid entry then return entry else prs_zero ;; let prs_intel_hex_format = prs_sep_by prs_intel_hex_record (prs_char '\n') ;; let intel_hex_format_of_string s = let chars = char_list_of_string s in match prs_intel_hex_format chars with [] -> None | (prs,_)::_ -> Some prs let string_of_intel_hex_entry entry = let b = Buffer.create 655536 in let length_string = hex_string_of_vect entry.record_length in let addr_string = Printf.sprintf "%04X" (int_of_vect entry.record_addr) in let checksum_string = Printf.sprintf "%02X" (int_of_vect entry.data_checksum) in let type_string = Printf.sprintf "%02d" (int_of_intel_hex_entry_type entry.record_type) in List.iter (Buffer.add_string b) [ ":"; length_string; addr_string; type_string ]; List.iter (fun e -> Buffer.add_string b (hex_string_of_vect e)) entry.data_field; Buffer.add_string b checksum_string; Buffer.contents b ;; let string_of_intel_hex_format f = let strs = string_of_intel_hex_entry f in let rec aux = function [] -> "" | [e] -> e | hd::tl -> hd ^ "\n" ^ aux tl in aux strs let intel_hex_of_file path = let fd = open_in path in let rec aux () = match try Some (input_line fd) with End_of_file -> None with None -> [] | Some txt -> let read = prs_intel_hex_record (Parser.chars_of_string txt) in let read = match read with [x,[]] -> x | _ -> raise (WrongFormat txt) in read::aux () in aux () ;; let rec load_from mem addr = function [] -> mem | he::tl -> load_from (Physical.WordMap.add addr he mem) (snd (BitVectors.half_add addr (BitVectors.vect_of_int 1 `Sixteen))) tl ;; let process_intel_hex = let rec aux mem = function [] -> assert false | he::tl -> match he.record_type with End -> assert (tl = []); mem | Data -> aux (load_from mem he.record_addr he.data_field) tl | _ -> assert false in aux Physical.WordMap.empty ;; (* DPM: this needs some comment: We aim to extract code memory into segmented lists of bytes, with a maximum length (chunk_size). The code memory map has a fixed size (max_addressable) on the 8051. Further, the chunks we extract get segmented when we find an unitialized zone in the code memory. *) let export_code_memory chunk_size max_addressable code_mem = let rec aux chunk address start_address rbuff lbuff = if address = max_addressable then (start_address, List.rev rbuff)::lbuff else if chunk = 0 then aux chunk_size address address [] ((start_address, List.rev rbuff)::lbuff) else let code = Physical.WordMap.find (vect_of_int address `Sixteen) code_mem in aux (chunk - 1) (address + 1) start_address (code::rbuff) lbuff in List.rev (aux chunk_size 0 0 [] []) ;; let clean_exported_code_memory = List.filter (fun x -> snd x <> []) ;; let calculate_data_checksum (record_length, record_addr, record_type, data_field) = let ty = (flip vect_of_int $ `Eight) $ int_of_intel_hex_entry_type record_type in let addr1,addr2 = from_word record_addr in let _, total = add_bytes (record_length :: addr1 :: addr2 :: ty :: data_field) in let _,total = half_add (vect_of_int 0 `Eight) $ complement total in total ;; let process_exported_code_memory = (fun x -> let record_length = vect_of_int (List.length (snd x)) `Eight in let record_addr = vect_of_int (fst x) `Sixteen in let record_type = Data in let data_field = snd x in let temp_record = { record_length = record_length; record_addr = record_addr; record_type = record_type; data_field = data_field; data_checksum = zero `Eight } in { temp_record with data_checksum = calculate_checksum temp_record }) ;; let rec zeros len = if len = 0 then [] else vect_of_int 0 `Eight :: zeros (len - 1) let post_process_exported_code_memory intel_hex = let reversed = List.rev intel_hex in let rec aux hex = match hex with [] -> [] | he::tl -> if he.record_type = End then aux tl else if he.record_type = Data then if he.data_field = zeros (int_of_vect he.record_length) then aux tl else he::(aux tl) else tl in List.rev (aux reversed) let pack_exported_code_memory chunk_size max_addressable code_mem = let export = export_code_memory chunk_size max_addressable code_mem in let cleaned = clean_exported_code_memory export in let processed = process_exported_code_memory cleaned in let postprocessed = post_process_exported_code_memory processed in let end_buffer = [{ record_length = zero `Eight; record_addr = zero `Sixteen; record_type = End; data_field = []; data_checksum = vect_of_int 255 `Eight }] in postprocessed @ end_buffer ;; let file_of_intel_hex path fmt = let str_fmt = string_of_intel_hex_format fmt in let channel = open_out path in fprintf channel "%s\n" str_fmt; close_out channel ;;