(** This module defines the operators and branch conditions of the MIPS processor. *) (* Pasted from Pottier's PP compiler *) (* These type definitions document the target processor's operators and branch conditions. Here, the target processor is the MIPS. *) (* The MIPS manual explains that some instructions are actual machine instructions, while others are pseudo-instructions, which are expanded away by the assembler. Do we need to be aware of the distinction? Ignoring the distinction is interesting. There are several processors in the MIPS family, and the distinction between actual instructions and pseudo-instructions might vary with the processor. For instance, a future member of the MIPS family might implement more instructions in hardware than its predecessors. On the other hand, ignoring the distinction means that we cannot use the hardware register [$at], which is reserved by the assembler for translating some pseudo-instructions into actual instructions. Our approach is to follow standard practice and to exploit pseudo-instructions when desired. This means that we cannot use register [$at]. *) (* Immediate constants, used in the definition of some operators. They must fit in 16 bits. *) type immediate16 = int32 (* Offsets, used as part of addressing modes. They are measured in bytes and must fit in 16 bits. *) type offset = immediate16 (* Unary (integer arithmetic) operators. *) type unop = | UOpAddi of immediate16 | UOpSlti of immediate16 (* set on less than immediate *) | UOpSltiu of immediate16 | UOpAndi of immediate16 | UOpOri of immediate16 | UOpXori of immediate16 | UOpNeg | UOpNot (* Binary (integer arithmetic or integer comparison) operators. Among the comparison operators, only [OpLt] corresponds to a MIPS binary comparison instruction, namely [slt]. All others correspond to pseudo-instructions. They are exploited because they are convenient. *) type binop = | OpAdd | OpSub | OpMul | OpDiv | OpDivu | OpModu | OpLt | OpLtu | OpLe | OpLeu | OpGt | OpGtu | OpGe | OpGeu | OpEq | OpNe | OpSllv | OpSrav | OpSrlv | OpAnd | OpOr | OpXor (* Unary branch conditions. *) type uncon = (* Greater than or equal to zero. *) | UConGez (* Greater than zero. *) | UConGtz (* Less than or equal to zero. *) | UConLez (* Less than zero. *) | UConLtz (* Binary branch conditions. *) and bincon = (* Equal. *) | ConEq (* Not equal. *) | ConNe