open Options open Misc.Timed (** Parse the command line. *) let input_files = if not (Options.is_web_mode ()) then OptionsParsing.results () else [] (** For each input file of the source language: 1. Parse. 2. Add runtime functions. 3. Labelize. 4. Compile to the target language. (And keep track of annotations if required). 5. Annotate the input program with collected costs. 6. Save the annotated input program. Optionnally, we can interpret the intermediate programs if {!Options.interpretation_requested}. *) let process ?(step=fun step over -> ()) source = (** Set source and target languages. *) let src_language = Options.get_source_language () in let tgt_language = Options.get_target_language () in let next_step = let nb_step = 10 in let c = ref 0 in fun () -> incr c; step !c nb_step in (** These variables are related to the lustre mode of the compiler. *) let is_lustre_file = Options.is_lustre_file () in let remove_lustre_externals = Options.is_remove_lustre_externals () in (** Parse. *) let input_ast = profile "Parsing" (Languages.parse ~is_lustre_file ~remove_lustre_externals src_language) source in next_step (); (** Embed the runtime functions in the abstract syntax tree. *) let input_ast = Languages.add_runtime input_ast in (** Labelling pass. *) let input_ast = profile "Labelling" Languages.labelize input_ast in next_step (); (** Compilation. *) let target_asts = (** If debugging is enabled, the compilation function returns all the intermediate programs. *) profile "Compilation" (Languages.compile (Options.is_debug_enabled ()) src_language tgt_language) input_ast in next_step (); let final_ast, intermediate_asts = Misc.ListExt.cut_last target_asts in (** Instrument the source file with cost annotations. *) let (annotated_input_ast, cost_id, cost_incr, extern_cost_variables) = profile "Annotation" (Languages.annotate input_ast) final_ast in (** Instrument the source file with cost annotations. *) let (annotated_input_ast, stack_id, stack_max_id, stack_incr, extern_stack_variables) = profile "Annotation Stack" Languages.annotate_stack_size cost_incr annotated_input_ast in next_step (); (** Combine the output asts. *) let output = (target_asts, annotated_input_ast) in (** Finally save these output if we are not in a web mode. *) let _ = if not (Options.is_web_mode ()) then let filename = match source with `Filename f -> f | _ -> assert false in let (exact_output, output_filename) = match Options.get_output_files () with | None -> (false, filename) | Some filename' -> (true, filename') in let save ?(suffix="") ast = (Options.is_asm_pretty ()) exact_output output_filename suffix ast in begin save final_ast; save ~suffix:"-instrumented" annotated_input_ast; Languages.save_cost exact_output output_filename cost_id cost_incr extern_cost_variables; Languages.save_stack exact_output output_filename stack_id stack_max_id stack_incr extern_stack_variables; if Options.is_debug_enabled () then List.iter save intermediate_asts; end; (** Interpret all the intermediate ASTs if requested. *) if Options.interpretations_requested () then begin Printf.printf "Interpret\n%!" ; let asts = target_asts in let debug = Options.is_debug_enabled () in let label_traces = (Languages.interpret debug) asts in Misc.IOExt.eprintf "Checking execution traces...%!"; Checker.same_traces (List.combine asts label_traces); Misc.IOExt.eprintf "OK.\n%!"; end; (** Interpret the final AST if requested. *) if Options.interpretation_requested () then ignore (Languages.interpret (Options.is_debug_enabled ()) final_ast) in (** Return the output ASTs. *) output let lustre_test (filename : string) = let lustre_test = match Options.get_lustre_test () with | None -> assert false (* do not use on this argument *) | Some lustre_test -> lustre_test in let lustre_test_cases = Options.get_lustre_test_cases () in let lustre_test_cycles = Options.get_lustre_test_cycles () in let lustre_test_min_int = Options.get_lustre_test_min_int () in let lustre_test_max_int = Options.get_lustre_test_max_int () in let src_language = Languages.Clight in let tgt_language = Languages.Clight in let input_ast = Languages.parse src_language (`Filename filename) in let input_ast = Languages.add_lustre_main lustre_test lustre_test_cases lustre_test_cycles lustre_test_min_int lustre_test_max_int input_ast in let (exact_output, output_filename) = match Options.get_output_files () with | None -> (false, filename) | Some filename' -> (true, filename') in let save ast = (Options.is_asm_pretty ()) exact_output output_filename "" ast in let target_asts = Languages.compile false src_language tgt_language input_ast in let final_ast, _ = Misc.ListExt.cut_last target_asts in save input_ast ; save final_ast let _ = Misc.Timed.set_profiling_flag (Options.is_debug_enabled () || Options.is_web_mode ()); if not (Options.is_web_mode ()) then begin set_now (fun () -> 0.); (* Unix.gettimeofday () *. 1000.); *) if Options.is_dev_test_enabled () then Dev_test.do_dev_test input_files else if Options.get_lustre_test () <> None then List.iter lustre_test input_files else ignore ( process ( (fun f -> `Filename f) input_files)) end