(* Pasted from Pottier's PP compiler *) (* This module implements a data structure for interference graphs. It provides functions that help construct, transform and inspect interference graphs. *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Vertices are represented as integers. We need sets of vertices, maps over vertices, maps of vertices to nonempty sets of vertices, maps of vertices to nonempty sets of hardware registers, and priority sets over vertices. *) module Vertex = struct module V = struct type t = int let compare = compare end include V module Set = Set.Make(V) module Map = MyMap.Make(V) end module VertexSetMap = SetMap.MakeHomo(Vertex.Set)(Vertex.Map) module I8051RegisterSetMap = SetMap.MakeHetero(I8051.RegisterSet)(Vertex.Map) module PrioritySet = PrioritySet.Make(Vertex) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Each vertex maps to a set of pseudo-registers, which initially is a singleton set, but can grow due to coalescing. Conversely, each pseudo-register maps to a single vertex. *) module RegMap : sig type t (* [empty] is the empty map. *) val empty: t (* [forward] maps a vertex to a set of pseudo-registers. *) val forward: Vertex.t -> t -> Register.Set.t (* [backward] maps a pseudo-register to a vertex. *) val backward: Register.t -> t -> Vertex.t (* [add r v m] adds a relation between pseudo-register [r] and vertex [v], both of which are assumed fresh. *) val add: Register.t -> Vertex.t -> t -> t (* [fold f m accu] folds over all vertices. *) val fold: (Vertex.t -> Register.Set.t -> 'a -> 'a) -> t -> 'a -> 'a (* [coalesce x y m] coalesces vertices [x] and [y]. Vertex [x] is removed and the pseudo-registers associated with it become associated with [y] instead. *) val coalesce: Vertex.t -> Vertex.t -> t -> t (* [remove x m] removes vertex [x]. The pseudo-registers associated with [x] disappear. *) val remove: Vertex.t -> t -> t (* [restrict] keeps only those vertices that satisfy predicate [p]. *) val restrict: (Vertex.t -> bool) -> t -> t end = struct type t = { forward: Register.Set.t Vertex.Map.t; backward: Vertex.t Register.Map.t } let empty = { forward = Vertex.Map.empty; backward = Register.Map.empty } let forward v m = Vertex.Map.find v m.forward let backward r m = try Register.Map.find r m.backward with Not_found -> assert false (* bad pseudo-register *) let add r v m = { forward = Vertex.Map.add v (Register.Set.singleton r) m.forward; backward = Register.Map.add r v m.backward } let fold f m accu = Vertex.Map.fold f m.forward accu let coalesce x y m = let rx, forward = Vertex.Map.find_remove x m.forward in let forward = Vertex.Map.update y (Register.Set.union rx) forward in let backward = Register.Set.fold (fun r backward -> Register.Map.add r y backward ) rx m.backward in { forward = forward; backward = backward } let remove x m = let rx, forward = Vertex.Map.find_remove x m.forward in let backward = Register.Set.fold Register.Map.remove rx m.backward in { forward = forward; backward = backward } let restrict p m = { forward = Vertex.Map.restrict p m.forward; backward = Register.Map.restrict (fun r -> p (backward r m)) m.backward } end (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Graphs. *) type graph = { (* A two-way correspondence between vertices and pseudo-registers. This data structure is also used to keep a record of the set of all vertices. *) regmap: RegMap.t; (* Interference edges between two vertices: ``these two vertices cannot receive the same color''. *) ivv: VertexSetMap.t; (* Interference edges between a vertex and a hardware register: ``this vertex cannot receive this color''. *) ivh: I8051RegisterSetMap.t; (* Preference edges between two vertices: ``these two vertices should preferably receive the same color''. *) pvv: VertexSetMap.t; (* Preference edges between a vertex and a hardware register: ``this vertex should preferably receive this color''. *) pvh: I8051RegisterSetMap.t; (* The degree of each vertex [v], that is, the number of vertices and hardware registers that [v] interferes with, is recorded at all times. We use a ``priority set'' so as to be able to efficiently find a vertex of minimum degree. *) degree: PrioritySet.t; (* The degree of each *non-move-related* vertex [v]. This information is partially redundant with the [degree] field above. It is nevertheless required in order to be able to efficiently find a *non-move-related* vertex of minimum degree. *) nmr: PrioritySet.t; } (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Our graphs are made up of two subgraphs: the subgraph formed by the interference edges alone and the one formed by the preference edges alone. In order to allow more code sharing, we define functions that allow dealing with a single subgraph at a time. They provide operations such as inspecting the neighbors of a vertex, adding edges, removing edges, coalescing two vertices, removing a vertex, etc. We first define functions that deal with a ``generic'' subgraph, then (via inheritance) specialize them to deal with the interference subgraph and the preference subgraph with their specific features. *) class virtual subgraph = object (self) (* These methods provide access to the fields of the [graph] data structure that define the subgraph of interest. All data is stored in the [graph] data structure. The object [self] has no state and holds no data. *) method virtual getvv: graph -> VertexSetMap.t method virtual setvv: graph -> VertexSetMap.t -> graph method virtual getvh: graph -> I8051RegisterSetMap.t method virtual setvh: graph -> I8051RegisterSetMap.t -> graph (* Accessing the neighbors of a vertex and testing whether edges exist. *) method neighborsv graph v = VertexSetMap.find v (self#getvv graph) method existsvv graph v1 v2 = Vertex.Set.mem v1 (self#neighborsv graph v2) method neighborsh graph v = I8051RegisterSetMap.find v (self#getvh graph) method existsvh graph v h = I8051.RegisterSet.mem h (self#neighborsh graph v) (* [degree graph v] is the degree of vertex [v] with respect to the subgraph. *) method degree graph v = Vertex.Set.cardinal (self#neighborsv graph v) + I8051.RegisterSet.cardinal (self#neighborsh graph v) (* [hwregs graph] is the set of all hardware registers mentioned in the subgraph. *) method hwregs graph = let union _ = I8051.RegisterSet.union in Vertex.Map.fold union (self#getvh graph) I8051.RegisterSet.empty (* [iter graph fvv fvh] iterates over all edges in the subgraph. Vertex-to-vertex edges are presented only once. *) method iter graph fvv fvh = Vertex.Map.iter (fun vertex neighbors -> Vertex.Set.iter (fun neighbor -> if vertex < neighbor then fvv vertex neighbor ) neighbors ) (self#getvv graph); Vertex.Map.iter (fun vertex neighbors -> I8051.RegisterSet.iter (fun neighbor -> fvh vertex neighbor ) neighbors ) (self#getvh graph) (* [mkvv graph v1 v2] adds an edge between vertices [v1] and [v2]. *) method mkvv graph v1 v2 = if v1 = v2 then graph (* avoid creating self-edge *) else if self#existsvv graph v1 v2 then graph (* avoid re-adding an existing edge *) else self#mkvvi graph v1 v2 method mkvvi graph v1 v2 = self#setvv graph (VertexSetMap.mkbiedge v1 v2 (self#getvv graph)) (* [rmvv graph v1 v2] removes an edge between vertices [v1] and [v2]. [rmvvifx] removes an edge if it exists. *) method rmvv graph v1 v2 = assert (self#existsvv graph v1 v2); self#setvv graph (VertexSetMap.rmbiedge v1 v2 (self#getvv graph)) method rmvvifx graph v1 v2 = if self#existsvv graph v1 v2 then self#rmvv graph v1 v2 else graph (* [mkvh graph v h] adds an edge between vertex [v] and hardware register [h]. *) method mkvh graph v h = if self#existsvh graph v h then graph (* avoid re-adding an existing edge *) else self#mkvhi graph v h method mkvhi graph v h = self#setvh graph (I8051RegisterSetMap.update v (I8051.RegisterSet.add h) (self#getvh graph)) (* [rmvh v h] removes an edge between vertex [v] and hardware register [h]. [rmvhifx] removes an edge if it exists. *) method rmvh graph v h = assert (self#existsvh graph v h); self#setvh graph (I8051RegisterSetMap.update v (I8051.RegisterSet.remove h) (self#getvh graph)) method rmvhifx graph v h = if self#existsvh graph v h then self#rmvh graph v h else graph (* [coalesce graph x y] turns every neighbor [w] or [h] of [x] into a neighbor of [y] instead. [w] ranges over both vertices and hardware registers. *) method coalesce graph x y = let graph = Vertex.Set.fold (fun w graph -> self#mkvv (self#rmvv graph x w) y w ) (self#neighborsv graph x) graph in let graph = I8051.RegisterSet.fold (fun h graph -> self#mkvh (self#rmvh graph x h) y h ) (self#neighborsh graph x) graph in graph (* [coalesceh graph x h] turns every neighbor [w] of [x] into a neighbor of [h] instead. [w] ranges over both vertices and hardware registers. Edges between two hardware registers are not recorded. *) method coalesceh graph x h = let graph = Vertex.Set.fold (fun w graph -> self#mkvh (self#rmvv graph x w) w h ) (self#neighborsv graph x) graph in let graph = I8051.RegisterSet.fold (fun k graph -> self#rmvh graph x k ) (self#neighborsh graph x) graph in graph (* [remove graph x] removes all edges carried by vertex [x]. *) method remove graph x = let graph = Vertex.Set.fold (fun w graph -> self#rmvv graph x w ) (self#neighborsv graph x) graph in let graph = I8051.RegisterSet.fold (fun h graph -> self#rmvh graph x h ) (self#neighborsh graph x) graph in graph end (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* The interference subgraph. This is a subgraph with the following specific features: (1) the degree of every vertex is recorded in the [degree] field of the [graph] data structure; (2) the degree of every non-move-related vertex is recorded in the [nmr] field of the [graph] data structure; (3) creating an edge in the interference subgraph automatically destroys a corresponding edge in the preference subgraph. *) class interference (preference : preference Lazy.t) = object (self) inherit subgraph as super method getvv graph = graph.ivv method setvv graph m = { graph with ivv = m } method getvh graph = graph.ivh method setvh graph m = { graph with ivh = m } (* Override the edge creation and destruction methods. *) method mkvvi graph v1 v2 = let graph = super#mkvvi graph v1 v2 in let graph = (Lazy.force preference)#rmvvifx graph v1 v2 in (* do not constrain an existing preference edge *) { graph with degree = PrioritySet.increment v1 1 (PrioritySet.increment v2 1 graph.degree); nmr = PrioritySet.incrementifx v1 1 (PrioritySet.incrementifx v2 1 graph.nmr); } method rmvv graph v1 v2 = let graph = super#rmvv graph v1 v2 in { graph with degree = PrioritySet.increment v1 (-1) (PrioritySet.increment v2 (-1) graph.degree); nmr = PrioritySet.incrementifx v1 (-1) (PrioritySet.incrementifx v2 (-1) graph.nmr); } method mkvhi graph v h = let graph = super#mkvhi graph v h in let graph = (Lazy.force preference)#rmvhifx graph v h in (* do not constrain an existing preference edge *) { graph with degree = PrioritySet.increment v 1 graph.degree; nmr = PrioritySet.incrementifx v 1 graph.nmr; } method rmvh graph v h = let graph = super#rmvh graph v h in { graph with degree = PrioritySet.increment v (-1) graph.degree; nmr = PrioritySet.incrementifx v (-1) graph.nmr; } end (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* The preference subgraph. This is a subgraph with the following specific features: (1) an edge in the preference subgraph cannot be created if a corresponding edge exists in the interference subgraph; (2) adding an edge can make a vertex move-related, which requires taking that vertex out of the [nmr] set; conversely, removing an edge can make a vertex non-move-related, which requires adding that vertex to the [nmr] set. *) and preference (interference : interference Lazy.t) = object (self) inherit subgraph as super method getvv graph = graph.pvv method setvv graph m = { graph with pvv = m } method getvh graph = graph.pvh method setvh graph m = { graph with pvh = m } (* [nmr graph v] tells whether vertex [v] is non-move-related. *) method nmr graph v = Vertex.Set.is_empty (self#neighborsv graph v) && I8051.RegisterSet.is_empty (self#neighborsh graph v) (* [mkcheck graph v] moves [v] out of the [nmr] set if [v] is non-move-related. *) method mkcheck graph v = if self#nmr graph v then { graph with nmr = PrioritySet.remove v graph.nmr } else graph (* Override the edge creation methods. *) method mkvvi graph v1 v2 = if (Lazy.force interference)#existsvv graph v1 v2 then graph (* avoid creating constrained preference edge *) else let graph = self#mkcheck graph v1 in let graph = self#mkcheck graph v2 in super#mkvvi graph v1 v2 method mkvhi graph v h = if (Lazy.force interference)#existsvh graph v h then graph (* avoid creating constrained preference edge *) else let graph = self#mkcheck graph v in super#mkvhi graph v h (* [rmcheck graph v] moves [v] into the [nmr] set if [v] is non-move-related. *) method rmcheck graph v = if self#nmr graph v then { graph with nmr = PrioritySet.add v (PrioritySet.priority v graph.degree) graph.nmr } else graph (* Override the edge destruction methods. *) method rmvv graph v1 v2 = let graph = super#rmvv graph v1 v2 in let graph = self#rmcheck graph v1 in let graph = self#rmcheck graph v2 in graph method rmvh graph v h = let graph = super#rmvh graph v h in let graph = self#rmcheck graph v in graph end (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Because the interference and preference subgraphs are mutually referential, a recursive definition is required. It is made somewhat inelegant by Objective Caml's insistence on using the [Lazy] mechanism. *) let rec interference = lazy (new interference preference) and preference = lazy (new preference interference) let interference = Lazy.force interference let preference = Lazy.force preference (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Inspecting interference graphs. *) (* [ipp graph v] is the set of vertices that the vertex [v] interferes with. *) let ipp graph v = interference#neighborsv graph v (* [iph graph v] is the set of hardware registers that the vertex [v] interferes with. *) let iph graph v = interference#neighborsh graph v (* [ppp graph v] is the set of vertices that should preferably be assigned the same color as the vertex [v]. *) let ppp graph v = preference#neighborsv graph v (* [pph graph v] is the set of hardware registers that [v] should preferably be assigned. *) let pph graph v = preference#neighborsh graph v (* [degree graph v] is the degree of the vertex [v], that is, the number of vertices and hardware registers that [v] interferes with. *) let degree graph v = PrioritySet.priority v graph.degree (* [lowest graph] returns [Some (v, d)], where the vertex [v] has minimum degree [d], or returns [None] if the graph is empty. *) let lowest graph = PrioritySet.lowest graph.degree (* [lowest_non_move_related graph] returns [Some (v, d)], where the vertex [v] has minimum degree [d] among the vertices that are not move-related, or returns [None] if all vertices are move-related. A vertex is move-related if it carries a preference edge. *) let lowest_non_move_related graph = PrioritySet.lowest graph.nmr (* [fold f graph accu] folds over all vertices. *) let fold f graph accu = RegMap.fold (fun v _ accu -> f v accu) graph.regmap accu (* [minimum f graph] returns a vertex [v] such that the value of [f x] is minimal. The values returned by [f] are compared using Objective Caml's generic comparison operator [<]. If the graph is empty, [None] is returned. *) let minimum f graph = match fold (fun w accu -> let dw = f w in match accu with | None -> Some (dw, w) | Some (dv, v) -> if dw < dv then Some (dw, w) else accu ) graph None with | None -> None | Some (_, v) -> Some v (* [pppick graph p] returns an arbitrary preference edge that satisfies the predicate [p], if the graph contains one. *) type ppedge = Vertex.t * Vertex.t let pppick graph p = VertexSetMap.pick graph.pvv p (* [phpick graph p] returns an arbitrary preference edge that satisfies the predicate [p], if the graph contains one. *) type phedge = Vertex.t * I8051.register let phpick graph p = I8051RegisterSetMap.pick graph.pvh p (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Constructing interference graphs. *) (* [create regs] creates an interference graph whose vertices are the pseudo-registers [regs] and that does not have any edges. *) let create regs = let (_ : int), regmap, degree = Register.Set.fold (fun r (v, regmap, degree) -> v+1, RegMap.add r v regmap, PrioritySet.add v 0 degree ) regs (0, RegMap.empty, PrioritySet.empty) in { regmap = regmap; ivv = Vertex.Map.empty; ivh = Vertex.Map.empty; pvv = Vertex.Map.empty; pvh = Vertex.Map.empty; degree = degree; nmr = degree } (* [lookup graph r] returns the graph vertex associated with pseudo-register [r]. *) let lookup graph r = RegMap.backward r graph.regmap (* Conversely, [registers graph v] returns the set of pseudo-registers associated with vertex [v]. *) let registers graph v = RegMap.forward v graph.regmap (* [mkipp graph regs1 regs2] adds interference edges between all pairs of pseudo-registers [r1] and [r2], where [r1] ranges over [regs1], [r2] ranges over [regs2], and [r1] and [r2] are distinct. *) let mkipp graph regs1 regs2 = Register.Set.fold (fun r1 graph -> let v1 = lookup graph r1 in Register.Set.fold (fun r2 graph -> interference#mkvv graph v1 (lookup graph r2) ) regs2 graph ) regs1 graph (* [mkiph graph regs hwregs] adds interference edges between all pairs of a pseudo-register [r] and a hardware register [hwr], where [r] ranges over [regs] and [hwr] ranges over [hwregs]. *) let mkiph graph regs hwregs = Register.Set.fold (fun r graph -> let v = lookup graph r in I8051.RegisterSet.fold (fun h graph -> interference#mkvh graph v h ) hwregs graph ) regs graph (* [mki graph regs1 regs2] adds interference edges between all pairs of (pseudo- or hardware) registers [r1] and [r2], where [r1] ranges over [regs1], [r2] ranges over [regs2], and [r1] and [r2] are distinct. *) let mki graph (regs1, hwregs1) (regs2, hwregs2) = let graph = mkipp graph regs1 regs2 in let graph = mkiph graph regs1 hwregs2 in let graph = mkiph graph regs2 hwregs1 in graph (* [mkppp graph r1 r2] adds a preference edge between the pseudo-registers [r1] and [r2]. *) let mkppp graph r1 r2 = let v1 = lookup graph r1 and v2 = lookup graph r2 in let graph = preference#mkvv graph v1 v2 in graph (* [mkpph graph r h] adds a preference edge between the pseudo-register [r] and the hardware register [h]. *) let mkpph graph r h = let v = lookup graph r in let graph = preference#mkvh graph v h in graph (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Displaying interference graphs. *) open Printf let hwregs graph = I8051.RegisterSet.union (interference#hwregs graph) (preference#hwregs graph) let print_vertex graph v = Register.Set.print (registers graph v) let print f graph = fprintf f "graph G {\n"; (* fprintf f "size=\"6, 3\";\n"; (* in inches *)*) fprintf f "orientation = landscape;\n"; fprintf f "rankdir = LR;\n"; fprintf f "ratio = compress;\n\n"; (* compress or fill or auto *) RegMap.fold (fun vertex regs () -> fprintf f "r%d [ label=\"%s\" ] ;\n" vertex (Register.Set.print regs) ) graph.regmap (); I8051.RegisterSet.iter (fun hwr -> let name = I8051.print_register hwr in fprintf f "hwr%s [ label=\"$%s\" ] ;\n" name name ) (hwregs graph); interference#iter graph (fun vertex neighbor -> fprintf f "r%d -- r%d ;\n" vertex neighbor) (fun vertex neighbor -> fprintf f "r%d -- hwr%s ;\n" vertex (I8051.print_register neighbor)); preference#iter graph (fun vertex neighbor -> fprintf f "r%d -- r%d [ style = dashed ] ;\n" vertex neighbor) (fun vertex neighbor -> fprintf f "r%d -- hwr%s [ style = dashed ] ;\n" vertex (I8051.print_register neighbor)); fprintf f "\n}\n" (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Coalescing. *) (* [coalesce graph v1 v2] is a new graph where the vertices [v1] and [v2] are coalesced. The new coalesced vertex is known under the name [v2]. *) let coalesce graph x y = assert (x <> y); (* attempt to coalesce one vertex with itself *) assert (not (interference#existsvv graph x y)); (* attempt to coalesce two interfering vertices *) (* Perform coalescing in the two subgraphs. *) let graph = interference#coalesce graph x y in let graph = preference#coalesce graph x y in (* Remove [x] from all tables. *) { graph with regmap = RegMap.coalesce x y graph.regmap; ivh = Vertex.Map.remove x graph.ivh; pvh = Vertex.Map.remove x graph.pvh; degree = PrioritySet.remove x graph.degree; nmr = PrioritySet.remove x graph.nmr; } (* [coalesceh graph v h] coalesces the vertex [v] with the hardware register [h]. This produces a new graph where [v] no longer exists and all edges leading to [v] are replaced with edges leading to [h]. *) let coalesceh graph x h = assert (not (interference#existsvh graph x h)); (* attempt to coalesce interfering entities *) (* Perform coalescing in the two subgraphs. *) let graph = interference#coalesceh graph x h in let graph = preference#coalesceh graph x h in (* Remove [x] from all tables. *) { graph with regmap = RegMap.remove x graph.regmap; ivh = Vertex.Map.remove x graph.ivh; pvh = Vertex.Map.remove x graph.pvh; degree = PrioritySet.remove x graph.degree; nmr = PrioritySet.remove x graph.nmr; } (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* [freeze graph x] is a new graph where all preference edges carried by [x] are removed. *) let freeze graph x = preference#remove graph x (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Removal. *) (* [remove graph v] is a new graph where vertex [v] is removed. *) let remove graph v = (* Remove all edges carried by [v]. *) let graph = interference#remove graph v in let graph = preference#remove graph v in (* Remove [v] from all tables. *) { graph with regmap = RegMap.remove v graph.regmap; degree = PrioritySet.remove v graph.degree; nmr = PrioritySet.remove v graph.nmr; } (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* [mkdeg graph] recomputes degree information from scratch. *) let mkdeg graph = let degree, nmr = fold (fun v (degree, nmr) -> let d = interference#degree graph v in PrioritySet.add v d degree, if preference#nmr graph v then PrioritySet.add v d nmr else nmr ) graph (PrioritySet.empty, PrioritySet.empty) in { graph with degree = degree; nmr = nmr; } (* [restrict graph p] is a new graph where only those vertices that satisfy predicate [p] are kept. The same effect could be obtained by repeated application of [remove], but [restrict] is likely to be more efficient if many vertices are removed. *) let restrict graph p = mkdeg { graph with regmap = RegMap.restrict p graph.regmap; ivv = VertexSetMap.restrict p graph.ivv; ivh = Vertex.Map.restrict p graph.ivh; pvv = VertexSetMap.restrict p graph.pvv; pvh = Vertex.Map.restrict p graph.pvh; } (* [droph graph] is a new graph where all information concerning hardware registers has been dropped. *) let droph graph = mkdeg { graph with ivh = Vertex.Map.empty; pvh = Vertex.Map.empty; }