open Dom open Dom_html open Js open Firebug open Goog let msgbox s = console##log (s) type input = | Direct of string * (unit -> string) | Url of string let children_of_node node = let c = ref [] in for i = 0 to node##childNodes##length - 1 do let node = Js.Opt.get (node##childNodes##item (i)) (fun _ -> assert false) in match node##nodeType with | Dom.DOCUMENT | Dom.DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT | Dom.ELEMENT | Dom.CDATA_SECTION -> c := node :: !c | _ -> () done; List.rev !c let contents_of_node (node : node Js.t) = let c = ref [] in match node##nodeType with | Dom.CDATA_SECTION -> let t = Js.Opt.get (Dom.CoerceTo.text (node :> node Js.t)) (fun _ -> assert false) in t##data | _ -> for i = 0 to node##childNodes##length - 1 do let node = Js.Opt.get (node##childNodes##item (i)) (fun _ -> assert false) in match node##nodeType with | Dom.TEXT | Dom.CDATA_SECTION -> c := node :: !c | _ -> () done; Js.Opt.get ((List.hd !c)##nodeValue) (fun _ -> Js.string "Error") let (>>=) = Lwt.bind let http_get url = XmlHttpRequest.get url >>= fun r -> let cod = r.XmlHttpRequest.code in let msg = r.XmlHttpRequest.content_xml () in if cod = 0 || cod = 200 then Lwt.return msg else fst (Lwt.wait ()) let load_input_from_url url = let extract_inputs frame = match frame with | None -> Dom_html.window##alert (Js.string "Loading of examples failed."); [] | Some inputs_doc -> let inputs_root = List.hd (children_of_node inputs_doc) in let inputs_nodes = children_of_node inputs_root in let inputs = (fun n -> msgbox n; let data = children_of_node n in msgbox data; let get i = Js.to_string (contents_of_node (List.nth data i)) in (get 0, fun () -> get 1)) inputs_nodes in inputs in Lwt.catch (fun () -> http_get url >>= (fun frame -> Lwt.return (extract_inputs frame))) (function _ -> Lwt.return [] ) type output = (string * string) let impossible _ = assert false let ccs s = Goog.Ui.ControlContent.string (Js.string s) let add_item s (m : Js.t) = m##addItem (Goog.Tools.Union.i1 jsnew Goog.Ui.menuItem (ccs s, Js.null, Js.null)) let get_element s = Js.Opt.get (Dom_html.document##getElementById (s)) (fun _ -> Dom_html.window##alert (s); assert false) let new_tab tabbar label = let tab = jsnew (Ui.ControlContent.string label, Js.null, Js.null) in Ui.Component.addChild tabbar tab (Js.some Js._true); tab let new_button toolbar label onclick = let button = jsnew Ui.toolbarButton (Ui.ControlContent.string (Js.string label), Js.null, Js.null) in Ui.Component.addChild toolbar button (Js.some Js._true); ignore (Events.listen (Tools.Union.i1 button) (Js.string "action") (Js.wrap_callback (fun _ -> onclick ())) Js.null) let new_menu toolbar label entries onchange = let menu = jsnew (Js.null, Js.null) in List.iter (fun s -> add_item s menu) entries; let menu_button = jsnew Ui.toolbarMenuButton (Ui.ControlContent.string (Js.string label), Js.some menu, Js.null, Js.null) in ignore (Events.listen (Tools.Union.i1 menu_button) (Js.string "action") (Js.wrap_callback (fun e -> let get x : Goog.Ui.menuItem Js.t = Js.Unsafe.coerce (Js.Optdef.get x (fun _ -> assert false)) in onchange ((get (e##target))##getCaption ()))) Js.null); Ui.Component.addChild toolbar menu_button (Js.some Js._true); menu type input_interface = { get_input : unit -> Js.js_string Js.t * Js.js_string Js.t; new_output_tabs : (Js.js_string Js.t * Js.js_string Js.t) list -> unit; clear_output_tabs : unit -> unit; close : unit -> unit } let input_interfaces : (Js.js_string Js.t, input_interface) Hashtbl.t = Hashtbl.create 13 let fresh_name n = let rec aux i = let name = if i = 0 then n else (n##concat (Js.string (string_of_int i))) in if Hashtbl.mem input_interfaces name then aux (i + 1) else name in aux 0 let new_input (tabbar : Ui.tabBar Js.t) choice (contents : Js.js_string Js.t) = let choice = fresh_name choice in let tab_contents = get_element ((Js.string "maintabbar_content")) in let source_label = choice##concat (Js.string "_source") in let content_label = choice##concat (Js.string "_contents") in let tab = new_tab tabbar choice in let tab_frame = Dom_html.createDiv (Dom_html.document) in let subtab_frame = Dom_html.createDiv (Dom_html.document) in let contents_tab_frame = Dom_html.createDiv (Dom_html.document) in let clear_tab_frame = Dom_html.createDiv (Dom_html.document) in let subtabs = jsnew Ui.tabBar ( Js.some (Ui.TabBar.location_pre_of_location Ui.TabBar.BOTTOM), Js.null, Js.null) in contents_tab_frame##className <- Js.string "goog-tab-content"; contents_tab_frame##id <- content_label; subtab_frame##className <- Js.string "goog-tab-bar goog-tab-bar-start"; clear_tab_frame##className <- Js.string "goog-tab-bar-clear"; subtabs##decorate ((subtab_frame :> Dom_html.element Js.t)); ignore (tab_frame##appendChild ((subtab_frame :> Dom.node Js.t))); ignore (tab_frame##appendChild ((contents_tab_frame :> Dom.node Js.t))); ignore (tab_frame##appendChild ((clear_tab_frame :> Dom.node Js.t))); (* Source code editor. *) let text = Dom_html.createTextarea (Dom_html.document) in text##className <- Js.string "editor"; text##value <- contents; let change_tab_content node = if contents_tab_frame##hasChildNodes () = _true then ignore (contents_tab_frame##removeChild (Js.Opt.get contents_tab_frame##firstChild impossible)); ignore (contents_tab_frame##appendChild (node)) in let input_tab = new_tab subtabs source_label in ignore (Events.listen (Tools.Union.i1 input_tab) (Js.string "select") (Js.wrap_callback (fun e -> change_tab_content ((text :> Dom.node Js.t)))) Js.null); ignore (Events.listen (Tools.Union.i1 tab) (Js.string "select") (Js.wrap_callback (fun e -> if tab_contents##hasChildNodes () = _true then ignore (tab_contents##removeChild (Js.Opt.get tab_contents##firstChild impossible)); ignore (tab_contents##appendChild ((tab_frame :> Dom.node Js.t))))) Js.null); tabbar##setSelectedTab (Js.some tab); subtabs##setSelectedTab (Js.some input_tab); let get_input () = (choice, text##value) in let output_tabs = ref [] in let new_output_tabs outputs = let new_output_tab (title, value) = let output_tab = new_tab subtabs (choice##concat (title)) in let output_frame = Dom_html.createDiv (Dom_html.document) in output_tabs := output_tab :: !output_tabs; let text = Dom_html.createTextarea (Dom_html.document) in text##className <- Js.string "editor"; text##value <- value; ignore (output_frame##appendChild ((text :> Dom.node Js.t))); ignore (Events.listen (Tools.Union.i1 output_tab) (Js.string "select") (Js.wrap_callback (fun e -> change_tab_content ((output_frame :> Dom.node Js.t)))) Js.null) in List.iter new_output_tab outputs in let clear_output_tabs () = List.iter (fun tab -> ignore (subtabs##removeChild (Goog.Tools.Union.i2 tab, Js.some Js._true))) !output_tabs; output_tabs := [] in let close () = Hashtbl.remove input_interfaces choice; ignore (contents_tab_frame##removeChild ((text :> Dom.node Js.t))); subtabs##disposeInternal (); ignore (tabbar##removeChild (Goog.Tools.Union.i2 tab, Js.some Js._true)) in Hashtbl.add input_interfaces choice { get_input = get_input; new_output_tabs = new_output_tabs; clear_output_tabs = clear_output_tabs; close = close; } let help_message = "

Please be aware of the limited computational power of JavaScript. Your O'Caml program will run 10 times slower than a natively compiled one.

" type processor_function = (int -> int -> unit) -> (** Tick *) (string * string) -> output list let processing_queue_updated = Lwt_condition.create () let q = Queue.create () let push_processing f = Queue.push f q; Lwt_condition.signal processing_queue_updated () let next_processing () = (Queue.take q) () let make_layout, add_inputs, register_processor = let menu_ref = ref (Obj.magic 0) in let inputs_ref : (Js.js_string Js.t * (unit -> Js.js_string Js.t)) list ref = ref [] in let processor_ref : processor_function ref = ref (fun tick s -> []) in let make_layout () = let pbar = jsnew Ui.progressBar () in let elt = get_element (Js.string "progressbar") in let elt_txt = get_element (Js.string "progressbarin") in pbar##setMaximum (100.); pbar##setMinimum (0.); pbar##setValue (0.); pbar##decorateInternal (elt); let toolbar = jsnew Ui.toolbar (Js.null, Js.null, Js.null) in let tabbar = jsnew Ui.tabBar (Js.some (Ui.TabBar.location_pre_of_location Ui.TabBar.START), Js.null, Js.null) in let get_selected_input () = try let tab = (Js.Opt.get (tabbar##getSelectedTab ()) impossible) in let caption = (Js.Opt.get (tab##getCaption ()) impossible) in Some (caption) with _ -> None in menu_ref := new_menu toolbar " Create from ..." [] (fun choice -> try let choice = Js.Opt.get choice (fun _ -> assert false) in let contents = (List.assoc choice !inputs_ref) () in new_input tabbar choice contents with _ -> assert false); new_button toolbar "Run" (fun () -> match get_selected_input () with | None -> Firebug.console##log (Js.string "Nothing to run!") | Some selected_input -> let run () = Firebug.console##log ((Js.string "Process the source named ")##concat (selected_input)); let interface = try Hashtbl.find input_interfaces selected_input with Not_found -> assert false in interface.clear_output_tabs (); let tick = fun step over -> let v = 100. *. float_of_int step /. float_of_int over in Firebug.console##log ((Js.string ("Step " ^ string_of_int step ^ " " ^ string_of_float v))); pbar##setValue (v); elt_txt##innerHTML <- Js.string (string_of_float v ^ "%") in let outputs = try let title, contents = interface.get_input () in !processor_ref tick (Js.to_string title, Js.to_string contents) with exn -> [("Error", Printexc.to_string exn)] in interface.new_output_tabs ( (fun (t, o) -> (Js.string t, Js.string o)) outputs); Lwt.return () in push_processing run ); new_button toolbar "Close" (fun () -> match get_selected_input () with | None -> Firebug.console##log (Js.string "Nothing to close!") | Some selected_input -> Firebug.console##log ((Js.string "Closing ")##concat (selected_input)); let interface = try Hashtbl.find input_interfaces selected_input with Not_found -> assert false in interface.close () ); new_button toolbar "Help" (fun () -> let dialog = jsnew Ui.dialog (Js.null, Js.null, Js.null) in dialog##setContent (Js.string help_message); dialog##setVisible (Js._true) ); tabbar##decorate (get_element (Js.string "maintabbar")); toolbar##render (Js.some (get_element (Js.string "maintoolbar"))) in let add_inputs inputs = List.iter (fun (s, _) -> add_item s !menu_ref) inputs; inputs_ref := (fun (k, v) -> (Js.string k, fun () -> Js.string (v ()))) inputs in let register_processor p = processor_ref := p in make_layout, add_inputs, register_processor let loaded = ref Js._false let rec load = function | [] -> Lwt.return [] | Direct (title, contents) :: is -> load is >>= (fun is -> Lwt.return ((title, contents) :: is)) | Url url :: is -> load_input_from_url url >>= (fun url_is -> load is >>= (fun is -> Lwt.return (url_is @ is))) let from_function inputs processor = let start _ = let rec wait_for_processing () = Lwt_condition.wait processing_queue_updated >>= next_processing >>= wait_for_processing in Lwt_js.sleep 0.2 >>= (fun () -> load inputs) >>= fun inputs -> begin make_layout (); add_inputs inputs; register_processor processor; Firebug.console##log (Js.string "Loaded!"); Lwt.return () end >>= wait_for_processing in Dom_html.window##onload <- Dom_html.handler (fun _ -> ignore (start ()); Js._false)