Modified Files:
1) basic.xsl: added to ci elements call-template to insert_subscript
2) content.xsl: modified comments and added to ci elements call-template
to insert_subscript
3) mmlextension.xsl: changed EmptySet in emptyset and framewidth=30 in
35. The emptyset marked mi instead of mo
4) mml2mmlv_1_0.xsl: modified comments and added xlink pointer to msqrt
5) objcontent.xsl: added to ci elements call-template to insert_subscript
6) params.xsl: added function insert_subscript
7) proofs.xsl: added to ci elements call-template to insert_subscript
8) reals.xsl: added to ci elements call-template to insert_subscript
9) set.xsl: added to ci elements call-template to insert_subscript