Since several weeks whelp did not compile any longer. Fixed:
1. the new getter implementation by Zack does not implement yet remote
calls. I have changed the (sample) configuration file to use an internal
getter (maybe also speeding up the tool?)
2. the new parser implementation does not have hard-coded notation. The
notation is now loaded from two files on disk (core_notation.moo and
coq.moo). I have added to entries in the configuration file to hold the
path to the two moo files.
3. Whelp needs to parse and pretty-print the alias definitions. The old
parser and pretty-printer was removed from CVS. I have re-used the new
pretty-printer, but no parser was available. I have reimplemented it
(in DisambiguatePp :-). The file should probably be renamed. Moreover,
the code implemented is very redundant with the corresponding one in