- librarian: 3 bugs fixed in the building system:
1) external dependences must be built using the path relative to their baseuri
2) the path of a non-existent .ma generated by a .mma was wrong
3) the compilation status of external dependences must be cached as for the other files in order to avoid looping.
Repetition of failed compilation remains for dependences of external dependences because the the external compilation caches are lost in the building process
When a devel is entered or leaved, its baseuei is printed for reference. This helps to disambiguate the files with the same name (eg original and reconstructed)
We hope that this will not bother the tests collection mechanism.
- core_notation: notation for non-functional exists had the wrong precedence
- procedural/library/Makefile: -onepass was added by mistake: datatypes/bool.ma fails with -onepass because of the ambiguity of the /\ notation