(metasenv, subst), NCic.Meta(newmeta,l1))
| t -> NCicUtils.map_term_fold_a (fun _ k -> k+1) k aux ms t
- aux 0 (metasenv,subst) t
- in
- let res =
- try
- deliftaux 0 t
- with
- NotInTheList ->
+ try aux 0 (metasenv,subst) t
+ with NotInTheList ->
(* This is the case where we fail even first order unification. *)
(* The reason is that our delift function is weaker than first *)
(* order (in the sense of alpha-conversion). See comment above *)
(* related to the delift function. *)
-(* debug_print (lazy "First Order UnificationFailure during delift") ;
-debug_print(lazy (sprintf
- "Error trying to abstract %s over [%s]: the algorithm only tried to abstract over bound variables"
- (ppterm subst t)
- (String.concat "; "
- (List.map
- (function Some t -> ppterm subst t | None -> "_") l
- )))); *)
- let msg = (lazy (sprintf
- "Error trying to abstract %s over [%s]: the algorithm only tried to abstract over bound variables"
- (ppterm ~metasenv subst t)
- (String.concat "; "
- (List.map
- (function Some t -> ppterm ~metasenv subst t | None -> "_")
- l))))
+ let msg = (lazy (Printf.sprintf
+ ("Error trying to abstract %s over [%s]: the algorithm only tried to "^^
+ "abstract over bound variables") (NCicPp.ppterm ~metasenv ~subst
+ ~context t) (String.concat "; " (List.map (NCicPp.ppterm ~metasenv
+ ~subst ~context) (let shift, lc = l in List.map (NCicSubstitution.lift
+ shift) (NCicUtils.expand_local_context lc))))))
raise (Uncertain msg)
raise (MetaSubstFailure msg)
- in
- let (metasenv, subst) = restrict subst !to_be_restricted metasenv in
- res, metasenv, subst
(* delifts a term t of n levels strating from k, that is changes (Rel m)