raise (TypeCheckerFailure
(lazy ("Non-positive occurence in mutual inductive definition(s) [3]"^
NUri.string_of_uri uri)))
- | C.Prod (name,source,dest) when
+ | C.Prod (name,source,dest) when
does_not_occur ~subst ((name,C.Decl source)::context) 0 1 dest ->
strictly_positive ~subst context n nn indparamsno uri source &&
are_all_occurrences_positive ~subst
* have them already *)
let _,leftno,itl,_,i = E.get_checked_indtys r in
let itl_len = List.length itl in
- let _,_,_,cl = List.nth itl i in
+ let _,itname,ittype,cl = List.nth itl i in
let cl_len = List.length cl in
- (* is it a singleton or empty non recursive and non informative
- definition? *)
+ (* is it a singleton, non recursive and non informative
+ definition or an empty one? *)
if not
(cl_len = 0 ||
(itl_len = 1 && cl_len = 1 &&
- is_non_informative leftno
- (let _,_,x = List.hd cl in x)))
+ let _,_,constrty = List.hd cl in
+ is_non_recursive_singleton r itname ittype constrty &&
+ is_non_informative leftno constrty))
raise (TypeCheckerFailure (lazy
("Sort elimination not allowed")));
aux ty_he args_with_ty
+and is_non_recursive_singleton (Ref.Ref (uri,_)) iname ity cty =
+ let ctx = [iname, C.Decl ity] in
+ let cty = debruijn uri 1 [] cty in
+ does_not_occur ~subst:[] ctx 0 1 cty
and is_non_informative paramsno c =
let rec aux context c =
match R.whd context c with