([],[]) statements
let pp t =
- (* for a correct pp we should disambiguate the term... *)
- let term_pp = CicNotationPp.pp_term in
+ (* ZACK: setting width to 80 will trigger a bug of BoxPp.render_to_string
+ * which will show up using the following command line:
+ * ./tptp2grafite -tptppath ~tassi/TPTP-v3.1.1 GRP170-1 *)
+ let width = max_int in
+ let term_pp content_term =
+ let pres_term = TermContentPres.pp_ast content_term in
+ let dummy_tbl = Hashtbl.create 1 in
+ let markup = CicNotationPres.render dummy_tbl pres_term in
+ let s = BoxPp.render_to_string width markup in
+ s
+ in
+ CicNotationPp.set_pp_term term_pp;
let lazy_term_pp = fun x -> assert false in
let obj_pp = CicNotationPp.pp_obj in