--- /dev/null
+set "baseuri" "cic:/matita/TPTP/BOO075-1".
+inductive eq (A:Type) (x:A) : A \to Prop \def refl_eq : eq A x x.
+theorem sym_eq : \forall A:Type.\forall x,y:A. eq A x y \to eq A y x.
+intros.elim H. apply refl_eq.
+theorem eq_elim_r:
+ \forall A:Type.\forall x:A. \forall P: A \to Prop.
+ P x \to \forall y:A. eq A y x \to P y.
+intros. elim (sym_eq ? ? ? H1).assumption.
+theorem trans_eq :
+ \forall A:Type.\forall x,y,z:A. eq A x y \to eq A y z \to eq A x z.
+intros.elim H1.assumption.
+default "equality"
+ cic:/matita/TPTP/BOO075-1/eq.ind
+ cic:/matita/TPTP/BOO075-1/sym_eq.con
+ cic:/matita/TPTP/BOO075-1/trans_eq.con
+ cic:/matita/TPTP/BOO075-1/eq_ind.con
+ cic:/matita/TPTP/BOO075-1/eq_elim_r.con
+ cic:/matita/TPTP/BOO075-1/eq_f.con
+ cic:/matita/TPTP/BOO075-1/eq_f1.con.
+theorem eq_f: \forall A,B:Type.\forall f:A\to B.
+ \forall x,y:A. eq A x y \to eq B (f x) (f y).
+intros.elim H.reflexivity.
+theorem eq_f1: \forall A,B:Type.\forall f:A\to B.
+ \forall x,y:A. eq A x y \to eq B (f y) (f x).
+intros.elim H.reflexivity.
+inductive ex (A:Type) (P:A \to Prop) : Prop \def
+ ex_intro: \forall x:A. P x \to ex A P.
+interpretation "exists" 'exists \eta.x =
+ (cic:/matita/TPTP/BOO075-1/ex.ind#xpointer(1/1) _ x).
+notation < "hvbox(\exists ident i opt (: ty) break . p)"
+ right associative with precedence 20
+for @{ 'exists ${default
+ @{\lambda ${ident i} : $ty. $p)}
+ @{\lambda ${ident i} . $p}}}.
+(* Inclusion of: BOO075-1.p *)
+(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* File : BOO075-1 : TPTP v3.1.1. Released v2.6.0. *)
+(* Domain : Boolean Algebra *)
+(* Problem : Sh-1 is a single axiom for Boolean algebra, part 1 *)
+(* Version : [EF+02] axioms. *)
+(* English : *)
+(* Refs : [EF+02] Ernst et al. (2002), More First-order Test Problems in *)
+(* : [MV+02] McCune et al. (2002), Short Single Axioms for Boolean *)
+(* Source : [TPTP] *)
+(* Names : *)
+(* Status : Unsatisfiable *)
+(* Rating : 0.00 v2.6.0 *)
+(* Syntax : Number of clauses : 2 ( 0 non-Horn; 2 unit; 1 RR) *)
+(* Number of atoms : 2 ( 2 equality) *)
+(* Maximal clause size : 1 ( 1 average) *)
+(* Number of predicates : 1 ( 0 propositional; 2-2 arity) *)
+(* Number of functors : 3 ( 2 constant; 0-2 arity) *)
+(* Number of variables : 3 ( 1 singleton) *)
+(* Maximal term depth : 5 ( 2 average) *)
+(* Comments : A UEQ part of BOO039-1 *)
+(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+theorem prove_meredith_2_basis_1:
+ \forall Univ:Set.
+\forall a:Univ.
+\forall b:Univ.
+\forall nand:Univ\rarr Univ\rarr Univ.
+\forall H0:\forall A:Univ.\forall B:Univ.\forall C:Univ.eq Univ (nand (nand A (nand (nand B A) A)) (nand B (nand C A))) B.eq Univ (nand (nand a a) (nand b a)) a
+auto paramodulation timeout=600.
+try assumption.
+print proofterm.
+(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
\ No newline at end of file
\forall mult: A \to A \to A.
\forall H: (\forall x,y,z:A.mult z (inv (mult (inv (mult (inv (mult z y)) x)) (inv (mult y (mult (inv y) y))))) = x).
\forall a,b:A. mult (inv a) a = mult (inv b) b.
-intros.auto paramodulation; exact a.
+intros.auto paramodulation;
theorem GRP049 :
\forall mult: A \to A \to A.
\forall H: (\forall x,y,z:A.mult z (inv (mult (inv (mult (inv (mult z y)) x)) (inv (mult y (mult (inv y) y))))) = x).
\forall a,b:A. mult a (inv a)= mult b (inv b).
-intros.auto paramodulation;exact a.
+intros.auto paramodulation timeout = 600;exact a.