cicParser3.cmi: cic.cmo
cicParser2.cmi: cicParser3.cmi cic.cmo
cicPxpParser.cmi: cic.cmo
-cicPushParser.cmi: cicParser.cmi
+cicPushParser.cmi: cic.cmo
cicParser.cmi: cic.cmo
cicUtil.cmi: cic.cmo
helmLibraryObjects.cmi: cic.cmo
cic.cmo: cicUniv.cmi
cic.cmx: cicUniv.cmx
-xmlPushParser.cmo: xmlPushParser.cmi
-xmlPushParser.cmx: xmlPushParser.cmi
cicUniv.cmo: cicUniv.cmi
cicUniv.cmx: cicUniv.cmi
deannotate.cmo: cic.cmo deannotate.cmi
cicPxpParser.cmx: deannotate.cmx cicParser3.cmx cicParser2.cmx \
-cicPushParser.cmo: xmlPushParser.cmi deannotate.cmi cicUniv.cmi cic.cmo \
- cicPushParser.cmi
-cicPushParser.cmx: xmlPushParser.cmx deannotate.cmx cicUniv.cmx cic.cmx \
- cicPushParser.cmi
-cicParser.cmo: deannotate.cmi cicParser3.cmi cicParser2.cmi cicParser.cmi
-cicParser.cmx: deannotate.cmx cicParser3.cmx cicParser2.cmx cicParser.cmi
+cicPushParser.cmo: deannotate.cmi cicUniv.cmi cic.cmo cicPushParser.cmi
+cicPushParser.cmx: deannotate.cmx cicUniv.cmx cic.cmx cicPushParser.cmi
+cicParser.cmo: cicPushParser.cmi cicParser.cmi
+cicParser.cmx: cicPushParser.cmx cicParser.cmi
cicUtil.cmo: cicUniv.cmi cic.cmo cicUtil.cmi
cicUtil.cmx: cicUniv.cmx cic.cmx cicUtil.cmi
helmLibraryObjects.cmo: cic.cmo helmLibraryObjects.cmi
-REQUIRES = helm-urimanager helm-pxp helm-xml expat
+REQUIRES = helm-urimanager helm-xml expat pxp-engine helm-pxp
- xmlPushParser.mli \
cicUniv.mli \
deannotate.mli \
cicParser3.mli \
(* given the filename of an xml file of a cic object, it returns
* its internal annotated representation. In the case of constants (whose
* type is splitted from the body), a second xml file (for the body) must be
- * provided. *)
+ * provided.
+ * Both files are assumed to be gzipped. *)
val annobj_of_xml: UriManager.uri -> string -> string option -> Cic.annobj
(* given the filename of an xml file of a cic object, it returns its internal
* logical representation. In the case of constants (whose type is splitted
- * from the body), a second xml file (for the body) must be provided. *)
+ * from the body), a second xml file (for the body) must be provided.
+ * Both files are assumed to be gzipped. *)
val obj_of_xml : UriManager.uri -> string -> string option -> Cic.obj
let xml_parser = P.create_parser callbacks in
ctxt.xml_parser <- Some xml_parser;
- P.parse xml_parser (`File filename);
+ P.parse xml_parser (`Gzip_file filename);
(* debug_print (string_of_stack stack);*)
List.hd ctxt.stack
Unix.unlink f
let rec parse uri tmpfile1 tmpfile2 =
-(* prerr_endline (sprintf "%s %s" tmpfile1 (match tmpfile2 with None -> "None" | Some f -> "Some " ^ f));*)
+(*prerr_endline (sprintf "%s %s" tmpfile1 (match tmpfile2 with None -> "None" | Some f -> "Some " ^ f));*)
let uri' = UriManager.uri_of_string uri in
let time_new0 = Unix.gettimeofday () in
let time_new1 = Unix.gettimeofday () in
let time_old0 = Unix.gettimeofday () in
+ ignore (Unix.system (sprintf "gunzip -c %s > test.tmp && mv test.tmp %s"
+ tmpfile1 tmpfile1));
+ (match tmpfile2 with
+ | Some tmpfile2 ->
+ ignore (Unix.system (sprintf "gunzip -c %s > test.tmp && mv test.tmp %s"
+ tmpfile2 tmpfile2));
+ | None -> ());
let obj_old = CicPxpParser.CicParser.annobj_of_xml uri' tmpfile1 tmpfile2 in
let time_old1 = Unix.gettimeofday () in
with End_of_file -> ()
-(* Parsing test:
- * - XmlPushParser version *)
-(*open Printf*)
-(*open XmlPushParser*)
-(*let print s = print_endline s; flush stdout*)
-(*let callbacks =*)
-(* { default_callbacks with*)
-(* start_element =*)
-(* Some (fun tag attrs ->*)
-(* let length = List.length attrs in*)
-(* print (sprintf "opening %s [%s]"*)
-(* tag (String.concat ";" ( fst attrs))));*)
-(* end_element = Some (fun tag -> print ("closing " ^ tag));*)
-(* character_data = Some (fun data -> print "character data ...");*)
-(* }*)
-(*let xml_parser = create_parser callbacks*)
-(*let _ = parse xml_parser (`File Sys.argv.(1))*)
-(* Parsing test:
- * - Pure expat version (without XmlPushParser mediation).
- * Originally written only to test if XmlPushParser mediation caused overhead.
- * That was not the case. *)
-(*let _ =*)
-(* let ic = open_in Sys.argv.(1) in*)
-(* let expat_parser = Expat.parser_create ~encoding:None in*)
-(* Expat.set_start_element_handler expat_parser*)
-(* (fun tag attrs ->*)
-(* let length = List.length attrs in*)
-(* print (sprintf "opening %s [%d attribute%s]"*)
-(* tag length (if length = 1 then "" else "s")));*)
-(* Expat.set_end_element_handler expat_parser*)
-(* (fun tag -> print ("closing " ^ tag));*)
-(* Expat.set_character_data_handler expat_parser*)
-(* (fun data -> print "character data ...");*)
-(* try*)
-(* while true do*)
-(* Expat.parse expat_parser (input_line ic ^ "\n")*)
-(* done*)
-(* with End_of_file -> expat_parser*)