notify_exn exc;
unlock_world ()
- worker_thread := Some (Thread.create thread_main ()) in
+ thread_main ();
+ (* worker_thread := Some (Thread.create thread_main ()) *)
+ in
let kill_worker =
(* the following lines are from Xavier Leroy: *)
let interrupt = ref None in
| None -> true
| Some path ->
let is_prefix_of d1 d2 =
+ let d1 = MatitamakeLib.normalize_path d1 in
+ let d2 = MatitamakeLib.normalize_path d2 in
let len1 = String.length d1 in
let len2 = String.length d2 in
if len2 < len1 then
let pool () = Helm_registry.get "matita.basedir" ^ "/matitamake/" ;;
let rootfile = "/root" ;;
+(* /foo/./bar/..//baz -> /foo/baz *)
+let normalize_path s =
+ let s = Str.global_replace (Str.regexp "//") "/" s in
+ let l = Str.split (Str.regexp "/") s in
+ let rec aux = function
+ | [] -> []
+ | he::".."::tl -> aux tl
+ | he::"."::tl -> aux (he::tl)
+ | he::tl -> he :: aux tl
+ in
+ (if Str.string_match (Str.regexp "^/") s 0 then "/" else "") ^
+ String.concat "/" (aux l)
+ ^ (if Str.string_match (Str.regexp "/$") s 0 then "/" else "")
let ls_dir dir =
let d = Unix.opendir dir in
(* given a dir finds a development that is radicated in it or below *)
let development_for_dir dir =
+ let dir = normalize_path dir in
let is_prefix_of d1 d2 =
let len1 = String.length d1 in
let len2 = String.length d2 in
(* creates a new development if possible *)
let initialize_development name dir =
+ let dir = normalize_path dir in
let name = Pcre.replace ~pat:" " ~templ:"_" name in
let dev = {name = name ; root = dir} in
dump_development dev;