axiom distr_Rtimes_Rplus_l : ∀x,y,z:R.x*(y+z) = x*y + x*z.
(*pump 200.*)
+pump 40.
lemma distr_Rtimes_Rplus_r : ∀x,y,z:R.(x+y)*z = x*z + y*z.
intros; autobatch;
|rewrite > H2;assumption]*)
-axiom Rlt_plus_l : ∀x,y,z:R.x < y → z + x < z + y.
-axiom Rlt_times_l : ∀x,y,z:R.x < y → R0 < z → z*x < z*y.
+axiom Rlt_plus_l : ∀z,x,y:R.x < y → z + x < z + y.
+axiom Rlt_times_l : ∀z,x,y:R.x < y → R0 < z → z*x < z*y.
(* FIXME: these should be lemmata *)
-axiom Rle_plus_l : ∀x,y,z:R.x ≤ y → z + x ≤ z + y.
-axiom Rle_times_l : ∀x,y,z:R.x ≤ y → R0 < z → z*x ≤ z*y.
+axiom Rle_plus_l : ∀z,x,y:R.x ≤ y → z + x ≤ z + y.
+axiom Rle_times_l : ∀z,x,y:R.x ≤ y → R0 < z → z*x ≤ z*y.
-lemma Rle_plus_r : ∀x,y,z:R.x ≤ y → x + z ≤ y + z.
-applyS Rle_plus_l;
-(*rewrite > sym_Rplus;rewrite > sym_Rplus in ⊢ (??%);*)
-(*applyS Rle_plus_l;
-cut ((x+z ≤ y+z) = (λx.(x+?≤ x+?)) ?);[5:simplify;
- demodulate all;
- autobatch paramodulation by sym_Rplus;
-applyS Rle_plus_l by sym_Rplus;
-cut ((x ≤ y) = (x+z ≤ y+z)); [2:
- lapply (Rle_plus_l ?? z H);
- autobatch paramodulation by sym_Rplus,Hletin;
+lemma Rle_plus_r : ∀z,x,y:R.x ≤ y → x + z ≤ y + z.
+intros; autobatch.
-lemma Rle_times_r : ∀x,y,z:R.x ≤ y → R0 < z → x*z ≤ y*z.
+lemma Rle_times_r : ∀z,x,y:R.x ≤ y → R0 < z → x*z ≤ y*z.
-rewrite > sym_Rtimes;rewrite > sym_Rtimes in ⊢ (??%);
+(* rewrite > sym_Rtimes;rewrite > sym_Rtimes in ⊢ (??%); *)
qed. *)
lemma Rtimes_x_R0 : ∀x.x * R0 = R0.
-intro; demodulate all.
+intro; autobatch paramodulation.
rewrite < Rplus_x_R0 in ⊢ (? ? % ?);
rewrite < (Rplus_Ropp (x*R0)) in ⊢ (? ? (? ? %) %);
lemma eq_Rtimes_Ropp_R1_Ropp : ∀x.x*(-R1) = -x.
-intro. demodulate all. (*
+intro. autobatch paramodulation. (*
auto paramodulation.
rewrite < Rplus_x_R0 in ⊢ (? ? % ?);
rewrite < Rplus_x_R0 in ⊢ (? ? ? %);
lemma lt_Rinv : ∀x,y.R0 < x → x < y → Rinv y < Rinv x.
-lapply (Rlt_times_l ? ? (Rinv x * Rinv y) H1)
+lapply (Rlt_times_l (Rinv x * Rinv y) ? ? H1)
[ lapply (Rinv_Rtimes_l x);[2: intro; destruct H2; autobatch;]
lapply (Rinv_Rtimes_l y);[2: intro; destruct H2; autobatch;]
- cut ((x \sup -1/y*x<x \sup -1/y*y) = (y^-1 < x ^-1));[2:
- demodulate all;]
+ cut ((x \sup -1/y*x<x \sup -1/y*y) = (y^-1 < x ^-1));[2:autobatch
+(* end auto($Revision: 9716 $) proof: TIME=2.24 SIZE=100 DEPTH=100 *) ;]
rewrite < Hcut; assumption;
rewrite > sym_Rtimes in Hletin;rewrite < assoc_Rtimes in Hletin;
lemma Rlt_plus_l_to_r : ∀a,b,c.a + b < c → a < c - b.
-intros; lapply (Rlt_plus_l ?? (-b) H); applyS Hletin;
+(* cut (∀x,y.x+(-x+y) = y);[2:
+intros.demodulate all.]
+applyS (Rlt_plus_l c (-?+a) (-b) ?) by (Hcut c a);
+ [2: applyS Hletin;
+lapply (Rlt_plus_l (-b) ?? H); autobatch; applyS Hletin; *)
rewrite < Rplus_x_R0;rewrite < (Rplus_Ropp b);
rewrite < assoc_Rplus;
rewrite < sym_Rplus;rewrite < sym_Rplus in ⊢ (??%);
apply Rlt_plus_l;assumption;
lemma Rlt_plus_r_to_l : ∀a,b,c.a < b + c → a - c < b.
apply (trans_Rle ? (Rexp_nat a n - Rexp_nat y n))
[apply Rle_plus_l;left;autobatch
| cut (∀x,y.(S x ≤ y) = (x < y));[2: intros; reflexivity]
- applyS Rexp_nat_tech;
- [ unfold lt; change in H1 with (O < n);
- autobatch; (*applyS H1;*)
- | assumption;
- | elim daemon; ]]
- (*
+ (* applyS Rexp_nat_tech by sym_Rtimes, assoc_Rtimes;*)
rewrite > assoc_Rtimes;rewrite > sym_Rtimes in ⊢ (??(??%));
rewrite < assoc_Rtimes;apply Rexp_nat_tech
- |(* by transitivity y^n < x < a^n and injectivity *) elim daemon]]*)
+ |(* by transitivity y^n < x < a^n and injectivity *) elim daemon]]
|intro;apply (irrefl_Rlt (n*Rexp_nat a (n-1)));
rewrite > H11 in ⊢ (?%?);apply pos_times_pos_pos
[apply (nat_lt_to_R_lt ?? H1);
|simplify;cases z;simplify
|rewrite < plus_n_O;rewrite > plus_n_O in ⊢ (?%?);
- apply lt_plus;autobatch]
+ apply lt_plus;autobatch depth=2]
|simplify;cases z;simplify;
|rewrite < plus_n_O;rewrite > (times_n_O O) in ⊢ (?%?);