let (types_RE, types_ann_RE, body_RE, body_ann_RE,
- proof_tree_RE, proof_tree_ann_RE, trailing_slash_RE) =
+ proof_tree_RE, proof_tree_ann_RE, trailing_slash_RE, theory_RE) =
(Pcre.regexp "\\.types$", Pcre.regexp "\\.types\\.ann$",
Pcre.regexp "\\.body$", Pcre.regexp "\\.body\\.ann$",
Pcre.regexp "\\.proof_tree$", Pcre.regexp "\\.proof_tree\\.ann$",
- Pcre.regexp "/$")
+ Pcre.regexp "/$", Pcre.regexp "\\.theory$")
let (slash_RE, til_slash_RE, no_slashes_RE) =
(Pcre.regexp "/", Pcre.regexp "^.*/", Pcre.regexp "^[^/]*$")
else begin
let looking_for_dir = Pcre.pmatch ~rex:trailing_slash_RE regexp in
let pat = Pcre.replace ~rex:trailing_slash_RE ("^" ^ regexp) in
- let (dir_RE, obj_RE) =
- (Pcre.regexp (pat ^ "/"), Pcre.regexp (pat ^ "(\\.|$)"))
+ let (dir_RE, dir_RE2, obj_RE, orig_theory_RE) =
+ Pcre.regexp (pat ^ "/"), Pcre.regexp (pat ^ "/[^/]*"),
+ Pcre.regexp (pat ^ "(\\.|$)"), Pcre.regexp (pat ^ ".theory$")
let dirs = ref StringSet.empty in
let objs = Hashtbl.create 17 in
Hashtbl.replace objs basepart (oldflags ++ newflags)
+ (* Variables used in backward compatibility code to map
+ theory:/path/t.theory into theory:/path/t/index.theory
+ when cic:/path/t/ exists *)
+ let the_candidate_for_remapping =
+ (* CSC: Here I am making a strong assumption: the pattern
+ can be only of the form [^:]*:/path where path is
+ NOT a regular expression *)
+ "theory:" ^ Pcre.replace ~rex:(Pcre.regexp "[^:]*:") pat
+ in
+ let index_not_generated_yet = ref true in
+ let valid_candidates = ref [] in
+ let candidates_found = ref [] in
(Lazy.force cic_map) # iter
(* BLEARGH Dbm module lacks support for fold-like functions *)
(fun key _ ->
(* directory hit *)
let localpart = Pcre.replace ~rex:dir_RE uri in
if Pcre.pmatch ~rex:no_slashes_RE localpart then
- store_obj localpart
+ begin
+ (* Backward compatibility code to map
+ theory:/path/t.theory into theory:/path/t/index.theory
+ when cic:/path/t/ exists *)
+ if Pcre.pmatch ~rex:theory_RE localpart then
+ candidates_found := (uri,localpart) :: !candidates_found
+ else
+ store_obj localpart
+ end
- store_dir localpart
+ begin
+ store_dir localpart ;
+ if String.sub uri 0 3 = "cic" then
+ let dir_found = ref "" in
+ let _ =
+ Pcre.substitute_first ~rex:dir_RE2
+ ~subst:(fun s -> dir_found := s; "") uri in
+ let dir =
+ "theory" ^ String.sub !dir_found 3
+ (String.length !dir_found - 3) ^ ".theory" in
+prerr_endline ("### " ^ uri ^ " ==> " ^ !dir_found ^ " ==> " ^ dir);
+ if not (List.mem dir !valid_candidates) then
+ valid_candidates := dir::!valid_candidates
+ end
| uri when (not looking_for_dir) && Pcre.pmatch ~rex:obj_RE uri ->
(* file hit *)
store_obj (Pcre.replace ~rex:til_slash_RE uri)
- | uri -> () (* miss *));
+ | uri -> (* miss *)
+ if !index_not_generated_yet &&
+ Pcre.pmatch ~rex:orig_theory_RE uri
+ then
+ (index_not_generated_yet := false ;
+ store_obj "index.theory"));
+prerr_endline ("@@@ " ^ String.concat " " !valid_candidates);
+prerr_endline ("!!! " ^ String.concat " " (List.map fst !candidates_found));
+ List.iter
+ (fun (uri,localpart) ->
+ if not (List.mem uri !valid_candidates) then
+ store_obj localpart
+ ) !candidates_found ;
let ls_items = ref [] in
StringSet.iter (fun dir -> ls_items := Ls_section dir :: !ls_items) !dirs;
inherit ThreadSafe.threadSafe
val mutable db = open_dbm ()
+ val index_RE = Pcre.regexp "^theory:/.*/index.theory$"
(*initializer Gc.finalise Dbm.close db (* close db on GC *)*)
+ (* Backward compatibility code to map
+ theory:/path/t.theory into theory:/path/t/index.theory
+ when cic:/path/t/ exists *)
+ method private normalize_key key =
+ if Pcre.pmatch ~rex:index_RE key then
+ (* we substitute /index.theory with .theory *)
+ String.sub key 0 (String.length key - 13) ^ ".theory"
+ else key
method add key value =
self#doWriter (lazy (
- Dbm.add db key value
+ Dbm.add db (self#normalize_key key) value
with Dbm.Dbm_error "Entry already exists" -> raise (Key_already_in key)
method replace key value =
self#doWriter (lazy (
- Dbm.replace db key value
+ Dbm.replace db (self#normalize_key key) value
method remove key =
self#doWriter (lazy (
- Dbm.remove db key
+ Dbm.remove db (self#normalize_key key)
with Dbm.Dbm_error "dbm_delete" -> raise (Key_not_found key)
method resolve key =
self#doReader (lazy (
- try Dbm.find db key with Not_found -> raise (Key_not_found key)
+ try
+ Dbm.find db (self#normalize_key key)
+ with Not_found -> raise (Key_not_found key)
method iter (f: string -> string -> unit) =