nTactics.cmi: nTacStatus.cmi
andOrTree.cmi: zipTree.cmi
+nnAuto.cmi: nTacStatus.cmi
nAuto.cmi: nTacStatus.cmi
nInversion.cmi: nTacStatus.cmi
nDestructTac.cmi: nTacStatus.cmi
zipTree.cmx: zipTree.cmi
andOrTree.cmo: zipTree.cmi andOrTree.cmi
andOrTree.cmx: zipTree.cmx andOrTree.cmi
-nAuto.cmo: zipTree.cmi nTactics.cmi nTacStatus.cmi andOrTree.cmi nAuto.cmi
-nAuto.cmx: zipTree.cmx nTactics.cmx nTacStatus.cmx andOrTree.cmx nAuto.cmi
+nnAuto.cmo: nTactics.cmi nTacStatus.cmi nnAuto.cmi
+nnAuto.cmx: nTactics.cmx nTacStatus.cmx nnAuto.cmi
+nAuto.cmo: zipTree.cmi nnAuto.cmi nTactics.cmi nTacStatus.cmi andOrTree.cmi \
+ nAuto.cmi
+nAuto.cmx: zipTree.cmx nnAuto.cmx nTactics.cmx nTacStatus.cmx andOrTree.cmx \
+ nAuto.cmi
nInversion.cmo: nTactics.cmi nCicElim.cmi nInversion.cmi
nInversion.cmx: nTactics.cmx nCicElim.cmx nInversion.cmi
nDestructTac.cmo: nTactics.cmi nTacStatus.cmi nDestructTac.cmi
nTactics.mli \
zipTree.mli \
andOrTree.mli \
+ nnAuto.mli \
nAuto.mli \
nInversion.mli \
open Printf
-let debug = ref false
+let debug = ref true
let debug_print ?(depth=0) s =
if !debug then prerr_endline (String.make depth '\t'^Lazy.force s) else ()
let debug_do f = if !debug then f () else ()
status pos cache
and attack pos cache and_item =
- show pos; (* uncomment to show the tree *)
+ (* show pos; uncomment to show the tree *)
match and_item with
| _, S _ -> assert false (* next would close the proof or give a D *)
| _, L _ -> assert false (* L is a final solution *)
up_to depth depth
+let rec rm_assoc n = function
+ | [] -> assert false
+ | (x,i)::tl when n=x -> i,tl
+ | p::tl -> let i,tl = rm_assoc n tl in i,p::tl
+let merge canonicals elements n m =
+ let cn,canonicals = rm_assoc n canonicals in
+ let cm,canonicals = rm_assoc m canonicals in
+ let ln,elements = rm_assoc cn elements in
+ let lm,elements = rm_assoc cm elements in
+ let canonicals =
+ (n,cm)::(m,cm)::List.map
+ (fun (x,xc) as p ->
+ if xc = cn then (x,cm) else p) canonicals
+ in
+ let elements = (cn,ln@lm)::elements
+ in
+ canonicals,elements
+let clusters f l =
+ let canonicals = List.map (fun x -> (x,x)) l in
+ let elements = List.map (fun x -> (x,[x])) l in
+ List.fold_left
+ (fun (canonicals,elements) x ->
+ let dep = f x in
+ List.fold_left
+ (fun (canonicals,elements) d ->
+ merge canonicals elements d x)
+ (canonicals,elements) dep)
+ (canonicals,elements) l
let group_by_tac ~eq_predicate ~action:tactic status =
let goals = head_goals status#stack in
if List.length goals < 2 then tactic status
(* ========================= dispatching of auto/auto_paramod ============ *)
let auto_tac ~params:(_,flags as params) =
if List.mem_assoc "paramodulation" flags then
- auto_paramod_tac ~params
+ auto_paramod_tac ~params
+ else if List.mem_assoc "fast_paramod" flags then
+ NnAuto.fast_eq_check_tac ~params
+ else if List.mem_assoc "slir" flags then
+ NnAuto.auto_tac ~params
auto_tac ~params
[> `NoTag ])
list NTacStatus.status ->
(< auto_cache : NCicLibrary.automation_cache;
+ eq_cache : NCicLibrary.unit_eq_cache;
coerc_db : NCicCoercion.db; dump : NCicLibrary.obj list;
lstatus : LexiconEngine.lexicon_status; obj : NCic.obj;
set_coerc_db : NCicCoercion.db -> 'c;
NTactics.distribute_tac (auto_paramod ~params) status
+let fast_eq_check ~params status goal =
+ let gty = get_goalty status goal in
+ let n,h,metasenv,subst,o = status#obj in
+ let eq_cache = status#eq_cache in
+ let status,t = term_of_cic_term status gty (ctx_of gty) in
+ match
+ NCicParamod.fast_eq_check status metasenv subst (ctx_of gty)
+ eq_cache (NCic.Rel ~-1,t)
+ with
+ | [] -> raise (Error (lazy "no proof found",None))
+ | (pt, metasenv, subst)::_ ->
+ let status = status#set_obj (n,h,metasenv,subst,o) in
+ instantiate status goal (mk_cic_term (ctx_of gty) pt)
+let fast_eq_check_tac ~params =
+ NTactics.distribute_tac (fast_eq_check ~params)
(*************** subsumption ****************)
module IntSet = Set.Make(struct type t = int let compare = compare end)
(* exceptions *)
elems, cache
+(* warning: ctx is supposed to be already instantiated w.r.t subst *)
+let index_local_equations eq_cache ctx =
+ let c = ref 0 in
+ List.fold_left
+ (fun cache _ ->
+ c:= !c+1;
+ let t = NCic.Rel 1 in
+ try
+ let ty = NCicTypeChecker.typeof [] [] ctx t in
+ NCicParamod.forward_infer_step eq_cache t ty
+ with
+ | NCicTypeChecker.TypeCheckerFailure _
+ | NCicTypeChecker.AssertFailure _ -> eq_cache)
+ eq_cache ctx
let rec guess_name name ctx =
if name = "_" then guess_name "auto" ctx else
if not (List.mem_assoc name ctx) then name else