| Some _ as x -> x
| None ->
match F.mtime_of_target_object b with
- | Some t as x -> Hashtbl.add ct b x; x
+ | Some t as x ->
+ Hashtbl.remove ct b;
+ Hashtbl.add ct b x; x
| x -> x
with Not_found -> assert false
| Some _ as x -> x
| None ->
match F.mtime_of_target_object a with
- | Some t as x -> Hashtbl.add ct a x; x
+ | Some t as x ->
+ Hashtbl.remove ct b;
+ Hashtbl.add ct a x; x
| x -> x
with Not_found -> assert false
| Some _ as x -> x
| None ->
match F.mtime_of_target_object b with
- | Some t as x -> Hashtbl.add ct b x; x
+ | Some t as x ->
+ Hashtbl.remove ct b;
+ Hashtbl.add ct b x; x
| x -> x
with Not_found -> assert false