let find_pattern_for name =
try Some (snd (List.find (fun (n, pat) -> Cic.Name n = name) hyp_patterns))
with Not_found -> None in
+ (* Multiple hypotheses with the same name can be in the context.
+ In this case we need to pick the last one, but we will perform
+ a fold_right on the context. Thus we pre-process hyp_patterns. *)
+ let full_hyp_pattern =
+ let rec aux blacklist =
+ function
+ [] -> []
+ | None::tl -> None::aux blacklist tl
+ | Some (name,_)::tl ->
+ if List.mem name blacklist then
+ None::aux blacklist tl
+ else
+ find_pattern_for name::aux (name::blacklist) tl
+ in
+ aux [] context
+ in
let subst,metasenv,ugraph,ty_terms =
select_in_term ~metasenv ~context ~ugraph ~term:ty
~pattern:(what,goal_pattern) in
let subst,metasenv,ugraph,context_terms =
let subst,metasenv,ugraph,res,_ =
- (fun entry (subst,metasenv,ugraph,res,context) ->
+ (fun (pattern,entry) (subst,metasenv,ugraph,res,context) ->
match entry with
- None -> subst,metasenv,ugraph,(None::res),(None::context)
+ None -> subst,metasenv,ugraph,None::res,None::context
| Some (name,Cic.Decl term) ->
- (match find_pattern_for name with
+ (match pattern with
| None ->
subst,metasenv,ugraph,((Some (`Decl []))::res),(entry::context)
| Some pat ->
subst,metasenv,ugraph,((Some (`Decl terms))::res),
| Some (name,Cic.Def (bo, ty)) ->
- (match find_pattern_for name with
+ (match pattern with
| None ->
let selected_ty=match ty with None -> None | Some _ -> Some [] in
subst,metasenv,ugraph,((Some (`Def ([],selected_ty)))::res),
subst,metasenv,ugraph,((Some (`Def (terms_bo,terms_ty)))::res),
- ) context (subst,metasenv,ugraph,[],[]))
+ ) (List.combine full_hyp_pattern context) (subst,metasenv,ugraph,[],[]))