for @{ Or_intro_r ?? (cast $a ?) }.
notation > "∨\sub\e term 90 ab [ident Ha] term 90 c1 [ident Hb] term 90 c2" with precedence 19
for @{ Or_elim ??? (cast $ab ?) (λ${ident Ha}.cast $c1 ?) (λ${ident Hb}.cast $c2 ?) }.
+notation > "∀\sub\i [ident z] term 90 a" with precedence 19
+for @{ Forall_intro ?? (λ${ident z}.cast $a ?) }.
+notation > "∀\sub\e term 90 ab" with precedence 19
+for @{ Forall_elim ?? ? (cast $ab ?) }.
+notation > "∃\sub\e term 90 enpn [ident z] [ident pz] term 90 c" with precedence 19
+for @{ Exists_elim ??? (cast $enpn ?) (λ${ident z}.λ${ident pz}.cast $c ?) }.
+notation > "∃\sub\i term 90 n term 90 pn" with precedence 19
+for @{ Exists_intro ? (λ_.?) $n (cast $pn ?) }.
lemma ex1 : (A ⇒ E) ∨ B ⇒ A ∧ C ⇒ (E ∧ C) ∨ B.
apply cast;
axiom R: N → N → CProp.
lemma ex2: (∀a:N.∀b:N.R a b ⇒ R b a) ⇒ ∀z:N.(∃x.R x z) ⇒ ∃y. R z y.
- apply cast; apply Imply_intro; intro;
- apply cast; apply Forall_intro; intro z;
- apply cast; apply Imply_intro; intro;
- apply cast; apply (Exists_elim N (λy.R y z)); try intros (n);
- [ apply cast; assumption
- | apply cast; apply (Exists_intro ? ? n);
- apply cast; apply (Imply_elim (R n z) (R z n));
- [ apply cast; apply (Forall_elim N (λb:N.R n b ⇒ R b n) z);
- apply cast; apply (Forall_elim N (λa:N.∀b:N.R a b ⇒ R b a) n);
- apply cast; assumption
- | apply cast; assumption
+ apply cast;
+ apply (⇒\sub\i [H] (∀z:N.(∃x:N.R x z)⇒∃y:N.R z y));
+ apply (∀\sub\i [z] ((∃x:N.R x z)⇒∃y:N.R z y));
+ apply (⇒\sub\i [H2] (∃y:N.R z y));
+ apply (∃\sub\e (∃x:N.R x z) [n] [H3] (∃y:N.R z y));
+ [ apply [H2]
+ | apply (∃\sub\i n (R z n));
+ apply (⇒\sub\e (R n z ⇒ R z n) (R n z));
+ [ apply (∀\sub\e (∀b:N.R n b ⇒ R b n));
+ apply (∀\sub\e (∀a:N.∀b:N.R a b ⇒ R b a));
+ apply [H]
+ | apply [H3]
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