\section{Right Drop Rules}
+ \item{\verb+cursor+}\\
+ replace the cursor with the $\RDROP$.
\paragraph{Nromal Left Drop}
+\paragraph{Right Drop}
+ \item{\verb+c[#(i|n|o|s|c[!*])]/+$\RDROP$}\\
+ remove the $\RDROP$ and append it after the delimiter
+ \item{\verb+*[#$]/+$\RDROP$}\\
+ remove the $\RDROP$ and insert it after its parent.
+ \item{\verb+*[#(i|n|o|s|c[!*])]/+$\RDROP$}\\
+ remove the token and replace the $\RDROP$ with the $\RDROP_n$.
+ \item{\verb+*[#<sp|sb>]+}\\
+ ?
+ % this rule is overridden bu those above.
+ \item{\verb+*[#*]/+$\RDROP$}\\
+ remove the $\RDROP$ and append it as the first child of the following node.