mQIPostgres.cmi: mQITypes.cmo
mQIConn.cmi: mQIMap.cmi mQITypes.cmo
mQILib.cmi: mQIConn.cmi
-mQIProperty.cmi: mQIConn.cmi
+mQIProperty.cmi: mQIConn.cmi mQITypes.cmo
mQueryIO.cmi: mQILib.cmi
mQueryInterpreter.cmi: mQIConn.cmi
mQIMySql.cmo: mQIMySql.cmi
"'" ^ quote_aux s ^ "'"
-let exec c q =
+let exec (c, out) q =
let g = function None -> "" | Some v -> v in
let f a = g (Array.to_list a) in
- ~f:f (Mysql.exec c q), q
+ out q; ~f:f (Mysql.exec c q)
let exec c table cols ct cfl =
- let rec iter f sep = function
- | [] -> ""
+ let rec iter f last sep = function
+ | [] -> last
| [head] -> f head
- | head :: tail -> f head ^ sep ^ iter f sep tail
+ | head :: tail -> f head ^ sep ^ iter f last sep tail
- let avs_iter f sep v =
+ let avs_iter f last sep v =
let aux a s = function
| true -> a ^ (f s) ^ sep
| false -> a ^ (f s)
- I.iter aux "" v
+ if v = I.empty then last else I.iter aux "" v
- let pg_cols = iter (fun x -> x) ", " cols in
- let pg_msval v = avs_iter quote ", " v in
+ let pg_cols = iter (fun x -> x) "" ", " cols in
+ let pg_msval v = avs_iter quote "" ", " v in
let pg_con (pat, col, v) =
if col <> "" then
- let f s = col ^ " regexp " ^ quote ("^" ^ s ^ "$") in
- if pat then "(" ^ avs_iter f " or " v ^ ")"
- else match I.single v with
- | Some s -> "binary " ^ col ^ " = " ^ (quote s)
- | None -> "binary " ^ col ^ " in (" ^ pg_msval v ^ ")"
+ let f s = col ^ " regexp " ^ quote ("^" ^ s ^ "$") in
+ if pat then "(" ^ avs_iter f "0" " or " v ^ ")"
+ else match I.single v with
+ | Some s -> col ^ " = " ^ (quote s)
+ | None -> col ^ " in (" ^ pg_msval v ^ ")"
else "1"
- let pg_cons l = iter pg_con " and " l in
+ let pg_cons l = iter pg_con "1" " and " l in
let pg_cons_not l = "not (" ^ pg_cons l ^ ")" in
- let pg_cons_not_l ll = iter pg_cons_not " and " ll in
+ let pg_cons_not_l ll = iter pg_cons_not "1" " and " ll in
let pg_where = match ct, cfl with
| [], [] -> ""
| lt, [] -> " where " ^ pg_cons lt
| lt, llf -> " where " ^ pg_cons lt ^ " and " ^ pg_cons_not_l llf
if cols = [] then
- let r, q = exec c ("select count (source) from " ^ table ^ pg_where) in
+ let r = exec c ("select count(source) from " ^ table ^ pg_where) in
match r with
- | [[s]] when int_of_string s > 0 -> [[]], q
- | _ -> [], q
+ | [[s]] when int_of_string s > 0 -> [[]]
+ | _ -> []
exec c ("select " ^ pg_cols ^ " from " ^ table ^ pg_where ^
- " order by " ^ List.hd cols ^ " asc") (* desc *)
+ " order by " ^ List.hd cols ^ " asc")
"'" ^ quote_aux s ^ "'"
-let exec c q = (c#exec q)#get_list, q
+let exec (c, out) q = out q; (c#exec q)#get_list
let exec c table cols ct cfl =
- let rec iter f sep = function
- | [] -> ""
+ let rec iter f last sep = function
+ | [] -> last
| [head] -> f head
- | head :: tail -> f head ^ sep ^ iter f sep tail
+ | head :: tail -> f head ^ sep ^ iter f last sep tail
- let avs_iter f sep v =
+ let avs_iter f last sep v =
let aux a s = function
| true -> a ^ (f s) ^ sep
| false -> a ^ (f s)
- I.iter aux "" v
+ if v = I.empty then sep else I.iter aux "" v
- let pg_cols = iter (fun x -> x) ", " cols in
- let pg_msval v = avs_iter quote ", " v in
+ let pg_cols = iter (fun x -> x) "" ", " cols in
+ let pg_msval v = avs_iter quote "" ", " v in
let pg_con (pat, col, v) =
if col <> "" then
let f s = col ^ " ~ " ^ quote ("^" ^ s ^ "$") in
- if pat then "(" ^ avs_iter f " or " v ^ ")"
- else match I.single v with
- | Some s -> col ^ " = " ^ (quote s)
- | None -> col ^ " in (" ^ pg_msval v ^ ")"
+ if pat then "(" ^ avs_iter f "false" " or " v ^ ")"
+ else match I.single v with
+ | Some s -> col ^ " = " ^ (quote s)
+ | None -> col ^ " in (" ^ pg_msval v ^ ")"
else "true"
- let pg_cons l = iter pg_con " and " l in
+ let pg_cons l = iter pg_con "true" " and " l in
let pg_cons_not l = "not (" ^ pg_cons l ^ ")" in
- let pg_cons_not_l ll = iter pg_cons_not " and " ll in
+ let pg_cons_not_l ll = iter pg_cons_not "true" " and " ll in
let pg_where = match ct, cfl with
| [], [] -> ""
| lt, [] -> " where " ^ pg_cons lt
| lt, llf -> " where " ^ pg_cons lt ^ " and " ^ pg_cons_not_l llf
if cols = [] then
- let r, q = exec c ("select count (source) from " ^ table ^ pg_where) in
+ let r = exec c ("select count(source) from " ^ table ^ pg_where) in
match r with
- | [[s]] when int_of_string s > 0 -> [[]], q
- | _ -> [], q
+ | [[s]] when int_of_string s > 0 -> [[]]
+ | _ -> []
exec c ("select " ^ pg_cols ^ " from " ^ table ^ pg_where ^
- " order by " ^ List.hd cols ^ " asc") (* desc *)
+ " order by " ^ List.hd cols ^ " asc")
(* funzioni vecchie ********************************************************)
let cons_false = mk_con cfl in
let other_cols = (fun (p, _) -> conv p) el in
let cols = if first = "" then other_cols else first :: other_cols in
- let result, q = C.exec h (C.resolve h table) cols cons_true cons_false in
- if C.set h C.Queries then C.log h (q ^ "\n");
- pg_result first el result
+ let out q = if C.set h C.Queries then C.log h (q ^ "\n") in
+ let r = C.exec h out (C.resolve h table) cols cons_true cons_false in
+ pg_result first el r
let deadline = 100