2. all reduction tactics used to end with instatiate that re-checked the conversion using
unification (!!!); added a new flag ?(refine=false) to instantiate to avoid this expensive
check when we know it is useless
lazy (fst (reduce ~delta:0 c)),
(fun delta -> fst (reduce ~delta c)),
lazy (unwind c)
- let from_stack ~delta (c0,c,_) = if delta = 0 then Lazy.force c0 else c delta
+ let from_stack ~delta (c0,c,_) = if delta = 0 then Lazy.force c0 else c delta
let from_stack_list_for_unwind ~unwind:_ l =
List.map (fun (_,_,c) -> Lazy.force c) l
let from_env ~delta (c0,c,_) = if delta = 0 then Lazy.force c0 else c delta
let reduce_machine = R.reduce
let from_stack = RS.from_stack
+let from_env = RS.from_env
let unwind = R.unwind
let _ =
delta:int -> ?subst:NCic.substitution -> NCic.context -> machine ->
machine * bool
val from_stack : delta:int -> stack_item -> machine
+val from_env : delta:int -> environment_item -> machine
val unwind : machine -> NCic.term
val split_prods:
(* $Id: nCic.ml 9058 2008-10-13 17:42:30Z tassi $ *)
let rec normalize ?(delta=0) ~subst ctx t =
- let aux = normalize ~delta ~subst in
- match NCicReduction.whd ~delta ~subst ctx t with
+ normalize_machine ~delta ~subst ctx
+ (fst (NCicReduction.reduce_machine ~delta ~subst ctx (0,[],t,[])))
+and normalize_machine ?(delta=0) ~subst ctx (k,e,t,s) =
+ assert (delta=0);
+ let t =
+ if k = 0 then t
+ else
+ NCicSubstitution.psubst ~avoid_beta_redexes:true
+ (fun e -> normalize_machine ~delta ~subst ctx (NCicReduction.from_env ~delta e)) e t in
+ let t =
+ match t with
NCic.Meta (n,(s,lc)) ->
let l = NCicUtils.expand_local_context lc in
- let l' = List.map (aux ctx) l in
+ let l' = List.map (normalize ~delta ~subst ctx) l in
if l = l' then t
NCic.Meta (n,(s,NCic.Ctx l))
- | t -> NCicUtils.map (fun h ctx -> h::ctx) ctx aux t
+ | t -> NCicUtils.map (fun h ctx -> h::ctx) ctx (normalize ~delta ~subst) t
+ in
+ if s = [] then t
+ else
+ NCic.Appl
+ (t::
+ (List.map (fun i -> normalize_machine ~delta ~subst ctx (NCicReduction.from_stack ~delta i)) s))
status#set_obj (name,height,metasenv,subst,obj)
-let instantiate status i t =
+let instantiate status ?refine:(dorefine=false) i t =
let _,_,metasenv,_,_ = status#obj in
let gname, context, gty = List.assoc i metasenv in
- let status, (_,t), (_,ty) = refine status context t (Some (context,gty)) in
- to_subst status i (gname,context,t,ty)
+ if dorefine then
+ let status, (_,t), (_,ty) = refine status context t (Some (context,gty)) in
+ to_subst status i (gname,context,t,ty)
+ else
+ let status,(_,ty) = typeof status context t in
+ to_subst status i (gname,context,snd t,ty)
let instantiate_with_ast status i t =
#pstatus as 'status -> ?attrs:NCic.meta_attrs -> NCic.context ->
[ `Decl of cic_term | `Def of cic_term ] -> NCicUntrusted.meta_kind ->
'status * cic_term
-val instantiate: #pstatus as 'status -> int -> cic_term -> 'status
+(* default value for refine: false; you can use true if the term has already been refined with
+ the expected type for the meta (e.g. after a reduction tactic) *)
+val instantiate: #pstatus as 'status -> ?refine:bool -> int -> cic_term -> 'status
val instantiate_with_ast: #pstatus as 'status -> int -> tactic_term -> 'status
val select_term:
let status, instance =
mk_meta status newgoalctx (`Decl newgoalty) `IsTerm
- instantiate status goal instance)
+ instantiate ~refine:false status goal instance)
let select_tac ~where ~job move_down_hyps =